The super fast and quick she ain't interested line guide...i'll start

The super fast and quick she ain't interested line guide...i'll start
>Lol Thanks

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One or two words answers in general are a good indicator

This qoute hurts me user


Sorry user but sombody had to drop the truth

>You're really nice

>Youre a great guy, user
>Youre going to make some girl very happy someday
>Im just not ready for a relationship
>I wish there were more men like you

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Sends a single emoji. Its even worse if you wrote a little essay to her on a subject that is important to you.

Wew Lads..that's gonna be a big ol cup of yikes from me

>You always make me laugh user


And after that it all ends.

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Man you just gotta Beeeee Yourself

>I'm sorta seeing someone but not sure what it will turn out like lol

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>you always make me laugh user
Did you read the OP you illiterate dip???
It said things she says if she is NOT interested

>someone makes a joke about you and her together

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Oh user...
>you always make us laugh

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I dont get it...girls like funny guys, humor is a huge turn on.

Do you think Chad gets girls wet when he discusses the geopolitical spheres of influence in China before the onset of the Opium Wars?

Do you seriously believe Chad is funny?

Yeah. Im not saying that ALL Chads are funny, but I do believe most Chads are normies and have a firm grasp on normie humor

>you always make me laugh user
>means she's interested

Wew lad we need to have a conversation about the mind of the roast. If her response to you acting romantic towards her is , she's not interested in your shlong.

Obviously there is a difference between laughing at you and laughing with you...if a girl said that to you after you told a good joke, youd still think she was uninterested?

>the girl who gonna be your girlfriend gonna be so lucky


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>>Her laughing at you means she is interested
user I.....

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When she doesn't even answer

>you're kinda cute
fuck you whore

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>They don't even say you're kinda cute you have to say you're ugly first for them to say
>You're fine dude

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