Who here /negative energy magnet/?

who here /negative energy magnet/?
>Everyone hates you
>Nobody ever defends you
>No good deeds done ever comeback to you
>People collectively gang up on you everywhere you go including the internet
>Everything you do crashes and burns
>Nothing happens in your favor
>Your life is on a steady decline for over a decade
>Low expectations still not met
>If you do art or anything creative - nobody likes it
>Something as trivial as falling asleep always fucks you up, never can go to sleep when you want to and vice versa
>Abused all life, parents, bullies, colleagues etc
>mfw im typing this for the second time because 4chins fucked itself over and didnt send my post, erasing it

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Fuck you, OP. A thread died for this shit.

I'm like that but in real life but not really on the internet.
>bullied by nearly all my classmates
>bullied by teachers
>family usually has negative interactions with me when I never interact with them first or try to escalate things
>people often mock me by the first time I meet them
>incredibly uncharasmatic despite trying to be friendly

This is my life, lol.

> Be experimental musician
> Play first gig with the biggest bands in town to a few hundred people
> Everyone says it was a great set
> Girl in a popular LA band says I'm "ahead of my time, but not for long"
> It was the only set that wasn't filmed that night
> Get less gigs than the Criss Angel themed noise band that also played.
> Nobody ever films or records my sets
> Even when the whole show was recorded, there is usually a gaping hole where my slot was.
> Joined a post punk band to try and make money
> Recreated all their lost demos by ear
> They've been sitting on them for a year and a half
> We haven't been playing shows
> Solo project booked for art festival
> Whole festival starts late
> sound guys sabotage my vocals
> Crowd notices
> Sound guys walk on stage during set and tell me I've been playing too long
> Even though the whole festival started two whole hours late
> Everyone always tries to hit on my girlfriend
> When she started a band, people begged her to play shows
> People ask to collab and never finish what I send them

Dude, I fucking hate being an artist. If it weren't for a couple solid folks in the scene, I wouldn't play at all. I've had to deal with so much highschool bullshit in this dumb ass college town.

like clockwork

>incredibly uncharasmatic despite trying to be friendly
Ive kinda gotten numb so I can do shit like be in the center of attention without spilling all of my spaghetti instantly (the dreaded presentation in front of the class was never a problem for me back in the days) but people still end up disliking me and finding a way to mess with me, doesn't matter if reserved or not, nobody likes me
>family usually has negative interactions with me when I never interact with them first or try to escalate things
Realized now my family does the same thing
Currently on my last year of education (19 in my country), kinda scared how will finding a fucking job work when not a single person will feel like hiring me

fucking feel you man, I would ask to see your music but you probably want to stay anonymous

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I know these feels. All I do is sleep all day, there's nothing to look forward to except waking up at 4-5pm and drinking until I pass out at dawn. I wish I would just stop waking up.

I give no fucks anymore. I'm pretty sure my "scene" already blacklisted me lol. I get no responses from anyone and my label's seemingly been cut off from blogs, too.

> Eclectic Industrial Pop/Mixed Fidelity

> Deep Bassy Ambient Beats

listening to the first track, its pretty cool honestly although i usually don't listen to stuff like this

Yeah me too, it's one of the reasons I dropped out of life with bong in hand.

On the flip side though, you get to watch the shitty world burn, and all the phonies and whores being dragged straight to hell.

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are you being supported by your parents or you got onto some neet gibs? I could maybe do that but im a pussy bitch and feel bad about everything so theres no way I could let someone support me
I just want to find a decent job and live alone, is that too much to ask?

I used to rip people of for 5-10k a pop in wire and confidence fraud, so I'm ok for money. I'm also currently subject to "back problems" at the moment, so I get me some govt gibs.

I'm currently spending my time getting high, playing vidya, and totally enjoying it. Fuck society and people.

I think that people like us have bad karma or something from a past life, and we're fucked regardless of what we do, and have to wait out or some shit. So tune out, drop out and get high, because fuck it, the world's going to hell anyways, might as well enjoy it the best you can.

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sounds fucking based, good for you lad
>I think that people like us have bad karma or something from a past life
I am so rotten and full of hate for women, normalfags and other faggots than no matter what I do, the bad karma I generate by my personality will just overshadow it, thats my theory

>constantly in 4ch cesspool
>wonders why he's negative

I was this way before I knew what 4square was faggot
If not for this place I would be even worse off, couldn't even find a place with like minded rotten apples

If anything this place has taught me humility and self-awareness, something normies get away with never having

bumping this out of page fucking 4, dont need any more bad luck

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Im so unlikeable and charismatic
I have crippling anxiety due to years of abuse and can barely speak without putting on an act
Always the friend who gets shit on the most
Always have the worst luck
Always getting misheard and having trouble communicating due to the situation
Im such a people pleaser I cant even keep a consistent personality so even if i was a massive dick i could at least have a group of people or have people approach me
Everyone who puts up with me probably only does so out of routine or obligation

Bump this is fucking relatablee

>can barely speak without putting on an act
holy fucking shit this is exactly what I do
Its so bad I break down in tears if I stop putting on an act, I just cant talk normally, I am able to type this because Im speaking english which isnt my native language

Freudian slip oops

bumping this, maybe some user will also give his 2 cents

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I made this same thread yesterday detailing every horrible thing in my life that explain each of those bullet points and got no replies.

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I've never had anything good go my way, even at birth i was born stupid into a dysfunctional broken family.
Every part of my life has been thoroughly detestable.

>join a thread where everyone get (You)'s
>get ignored

>join a thread
>thread dies

Lmao there is more stuff obviously

Somehow I attract the best in people, but also at the same time become an accident magnet. It's like I lose luck to the people surrounding me.

I always felt this way. Turns out I have ADHD. Now I get to do speed everyday for $5/month. It definitely makes me feel better but I'll never be normal

that happens, I wish I was there to see it user
Makes me think... I was born at the 13th, unlucky number, any other user here born at the same day?
well this is just the usual for me
I honestly dont think theres anything wrong with me, no autism, no adhd, no assburgers, im just genuiely rotten from the inside
Are you happy that you get to do drugs or just happy that your adhd can be helped with? I always wanted to try drugs but too much of a pussy to actually do it

I think i have aspergers or autism or something, i've never been able to make friends, don't understand how conversation works at all, i can't even make smalltalk and i seem to be constantly offending people.
I feel trapped in my body unable to interact with the outside world properly.
I just want to sleep forever and be in my dreams where everything is right.
sorry for blogposting

one last bumb for the old times

Lets see:
>Used to have decent amount of friends and shit before graduating highschool
>Summer of 1st year in college
>Gf who chased after me for 5 years dumped me 5 months in
>Manager at previous job refused to rehire me due to problems involving getting CPR course expiring
>Every single job i applied to rejected me due to the fact that i would only be there for the summer
>Only end up getting employment in shitty yard work but it pays semi decently BUUUT
>End up getting shitty rash on skin as result of yard work
>Mother so fucking rarted that she bothers me every single night to bring my electronics to her room before sleeping (Phone, laptop, etc)
>Lose almost all sense of pride in self over summer
>Ex Gf (Now kind of best friend but super busy?) refuses to see me before i go back to my shitty college (Probably wont ever see her again).
I want to fucking neck myself but im trying really hard not to

I feel that sometimes too, though I can't say I'm not at least partially at fault. I don't really feel "atmosphere" ever. Being in a crowd of cheering people really does nothing for me and I don't understand how it is that someone can feel happy for another person. It's not like I'm a sociopath or anything, but I don't see how or why I should care about strangers or people I don't like. The disconnection goes both ways, I guess. Reminds me of blanks from 40k.

>delusional AND retarded
>no self awareness

COPE harder dipshit

This things don't usually happen to me
I just get largely ignored

Strangers get along with me just fine and usually don't forget me right off, but people I know are usually more strangers to me than people I don't know. Lately everyone just seems too distant for me to establish any better relationship with friends and family, the only girl I know personally (I've met her and hung out with her irl, now we talk on the phone we still live in the same city) is always wanting to talk about sex, trade nudes, and so on, and it's just outside of my comfort zone and I'm slowly pushing her away because of it, also her personality is quite boring. The next time she calls me I pretty much know exactly how the conversation will go, and I find that boring
If she lost a few pounds she'd be 9/10, but right now she's just 7/10, but the boring thing stands

I'm at a friend's house right now, and he's busy playing GTA V with friends while I just sit here browsing Jow Forums, honestly his interests are getting very mundane and repetitive, and it just throws me that he'd rather spend the night playing video games rather than doing something interesting, but that said, in my city there are very few interesting things to do in my city. In fact, it's safe to say there are no interesting things to do at all unless you want to leave.

At least classes at uni start on Monday so I'll have something to work on

>Nothing happens in your favor
are you expecting to have luck?
because thats not how luck works user.
Expect nothing faggot.

Maybe if "everyone hates you," you're the problem and not them?