Tfw started having nightmares

>tfw started having nightmares
How do I stop this shit?

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Sleep cooler

i stopped the night terrors by keeping a journal uwu

>sleeping with my leg or any other body part poking out of my blankets
>almost always wake up from a nightmare

does this happen to anyone else?

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This is a cute picture, user. Thank you.

Trips of truth. Well in this case OP I shall reveal you my secret.

>Tfw no dreams for over two years now
Nightmares would be cool.

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How do you not dream? I have a dream every night

if you dude weed lmao before bed you wont dream, or they'll be very faint, I guarantee it

I just don't? I go to sleep then it's just void till I wake up. Pic related sums up the experience.

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Not true, if I fall asleep high I always have more vivid dreams than normal.

Honestly 2/3 of my dreams are nightmares, you just get used to it.

Have some better thoughts before going to sleep? Like dream of a cute girl and how she's smiling at you or something.

Sleep next to someone you love?

>implying that someone on this board has access to people they love
don't hurt him even more

>Having a pretty cool dream doing dream stuff or whatever
>Somehow I always start falling, like I'l trip or fall down a staircase
>Right before I hit the ground, I shock back to the real world
startles the fuck out of me every time, and then I'm awake at 3 in the morning and can't get back to sleep

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I like to share my pain.

What board do you think we're on?

Happens to me all the time, it's really awful especially if it was a nightmare to begin with.

Every person dreams. Usually everyone has around 6 dreams per night if I remember correctly. The thing is that you don't remember them, you have to improve this skill.

And how can I do that?

>tfw remember most of my dreams but can never lucid dream

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Most people start by really trying to remember at least something right after you wake up and keeping a dream diary. At first you might only manage to remember one thing or even just a colour or a feeling, but with patience and regularly doing it and keeping notes of it you'll improve and remember much more.

Arguably worse than nightmares, I sometimes have these long as fuck dreams where I'm travelling through fantastical worlds with trusty companions and a beloved maiden at my side.
And then I wake up.

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It's been 86 hours since I've slept
Not even tierd.
Also I'm doing better at rainbow 6 than I ever have

I either have dreams of my parked car getting smashed in my absence or me fucking my sister.
Don't remember any other dreams in the last few months.
What is wrong with me?

I've lucid dreamed once when i was 5
I thought of flying and I actually flew. I felt weightless. The dream felt like it lasted for hours.

Twist: you're not playing a game, you're just killing your neighbors

I can't really lucid dream. I notice I'm dreaming but just don't care and I can maybe control it for a while but my dream then drifts away on its own again and I have no control over it. I don't think it's possible to have full or a large amount of control.

I hate my dreams. There's always arguing with other people, chase-scene's, rape and video game levels. What the fuck is wrong with my brain. Only one time I had the most amazing dream back in high school where I kissed and cuddled with my oneitis but that dream quickly went to actual dream hell where I started arguing with mother.

Why come on Jow Forums and lie? What satisfaction do you get out of this post? Ask yourself that and please just stop replying to threads.

Learn to not be afraid of death. Ever since I accepted the fact I'll die one day I've only had 1 single nightmare I can recall where I got attacked by a tiny hobo witch, which wasn't even that particularly scary or anything but just very vivid for some reason.

Keep hands and feet inside the bed at all times. I unironically don't mind having nightmares anymore because I learned how to wake myself up. It involves focusing on the back of my head, like where my brainstem is, if anyone else knows what I'm talking about.

I have been having dreams where I'm in my underwear in public places (like waiting in line somewhere). However i don't feel embarassed, but i feel rather confident. Could this mean I'm overcoming my insecurities?

It means you're an exhibitionist

It's only like 4 days
Coffee and florescent lighting van keep you awake for weeks

I do post a lot of pictures of my ass on snapchat (in a funny way like I'll take a normal selfie but my bare ass will be in the mirror) and i often whip out my nuts around my friends and stuff

To have good dreams you have to trust yourself. If you fear tomorrow you will have nightmares

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>nightmares nearly every night for years now
Also anyone who says "you can't die in your dreams" is a liar. I die all the time. I have the teeth falling out dream in all variations. Crumbling, fracturing, falling out whole, breaking off. All sorts of injuries. Saw a hole rotted through my thigh that revealed the femur right through it. Sometimes I wake up and check my body over for injuries it's so realistic. Every sort of monster, the running dream, the can't run dream, the can't throw a punch dream in all variations. nightmares i cna't even name, died all kinds of ways, every injury you can imagine, killed people, got killed by people, had fights, woke up screaming, woke up growling like an animal in a corner, woke up punching the wall, woke up with my legs all stiff and knees locked so painful I couldn't walk the next day, woke up with charlie horses in middle of night, woke up to rib pain, teeth grinding. woke up to violent coughing. vivid dreams of slowly torturing people to death, of being tortured, being raped, being shot or stabbed, diseases, torn apart by animals, the insect dreams.
nearly every night
dunno why. i had a shitty life but not that shitty. they say it's stress but i say i aint' got stress no more than anyone else. less if anything. why, dunno. just dunno.
been so long now i got used to it.

just think of something nice you want to happen
i'll bless you so you sleep well tonight

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Write the dream out in a journal and write all the bad events as alternate good events. Do the same thing when you re-remembered the dream.

If you ever have the dream again all the bad evens will now be the alternate good events.

If you're not having the same nightmare every time well then you're fucked, sorry user

Whenever I had nightmares I would just scream and charge at the monster which would always get it to disappear

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Weed suppresses dreams.
Smoke up before bed.