">be me"

">be me"
">bored af"
">try vaping"
">read the first line"
">youre me"
">you tried vaping"
youre a fuckin virgin now
">since youre me im no longer a virgin"
later virgin

Attached: vape-mod-set-electronic-cigarette-with-juice-colorful-vector-vaporize-device-liquid-bottles-on-white (450x470, 17K)

What the fuck is this?

Original Optifine

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robot dicks haha

What the fuck are you talking about
Why the quotation marks

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damn OP you just owned Jow Forums!, make sure to get as many upboats as you can on Jow Forums4chan

Am I on /s4s/ right now? the fuck is this post

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Friend! :D


This post is being monitored by the JIDF. Nobody make fun of jews in this thread.

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>since youre me im no longer a virgin
but then you would be me
and im a virgin... so go fuck yourself


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unironically probably one of the best posts made in recent years

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the spikeman claims this thread

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hehe... ok user... whatever you saaay

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You know reddit has enough wrong with it already that we don't have to exaggerate like children. Reddit is a shit website but nobody talks like that there.

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updoot! xD

Absolutely fucking BASED. Likely redpilled as well.

updooted haha :)

>tfw taking a quick break from pounding my big tittied goth gf to hit my vape

Keke, updooted vro xD

you will surely appear in those Jow Forums greentext comps with this surreal, intelligent and not summerfag humor, keep up the great work aaron

>Reddit is a shit website
It's actually a pretty good one and has a wide variety of topics and plenty of information readily available and only available on that site.

Just saiying.