The talk

I wanna tell my parents about me being suicidal, and thinking about going into a clinic for depression, of mental disorders in general. No, before you ask, not "le epic reddit-meme depression xD", just fuck off with that.
Everytime I'm close to telling my father, he cuts off the convo or I do. I also think they wouldn't like the idea of a clinic. I'm out of options robots

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if you're posting about it on here then it is meme depression, do us all a favour and actually kill yourself

Just don't do it. Don't order the helium, don't buy the rope, you know what I mean. It's almost impossible to kys without some kinda help.
I'm speaking from experience. I almost died on pills one time it's not worth it if you have literally anyone in your corner you're better off alive.

Just deal with it
You don't want to be a part of the mental health system my dude, you'll come out even more fucked up

My parents told me to stop whining and grow up. I hope your parents are different

Does that only count for the american one? Because then I'm still trying to get into a clinic. I just want to kinda function

Start with something lighter like you're experiencing stress or anxiety or dissatisfaction and you want to see a shrink. Start giving nonverbal cues, change in behaviour. Don't talk directly about sudoku.
If they cut off, go see a shrink on your own. Before its too late. It gets worse with time. Who knows? You might not even have to go to a facility.

Whats with the helium meme? Literally all you need is a plastic bag and some tape. Take a deep breath, fluff up the bag and tape it around your neck. Then you should be able to rebreathe the air in the bag while O2 concentration drops and CO2 concentration increases.

Trying, but none are availiable in the next three months. Plus, I'd have an excuse to quit my suicide-inducing job, if I'm getting thrown in a clinic

First thing would be to not ask cynical and likely depressed people for advice on mental health. If you're serious about your mental health you should speak to a doctor, don't let people scare you away from people who can actually help.

If your parents won't support you when you're struggling, sorry they're clearly either oblivious, afraid or just abusive, but you should be able to make an appointment with a health professional without going through your parents afaik.

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Helium doesnt set off your suffocation instinct while carbon dioxide does.

As I said, I'm trying to get them to notice, but seemingly, all it takes for them to be fine, is for me to tell them I'm fine.
They'll be in for a bad awakening if I'm still on suicide street, once it's new years. Gonna probably poison myself then

Maybe because they dont expect you to be a LIAR. This is literally roasting tier behavior, cut the bullshit hints and use the mouth God gave you.

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Dont tell them they will stop u from an hero because the selfish belief that all life is sacred. If anything i have learned(or all of us robots) that only genetically gifted truly live fulfilling lifes.

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Do you have HR at your workplace? Did you talk to them?
Don't off yourself yet. You might still have options.

i told my parents and it was the best decision i made, i was at a low point of my life in university and basically broke down. but my parents have always been really supportive and have dealt with mental illness in my family before anyway.

i ended up getting diagnosed with adhd and i'm now prescribed concerta+strattera and i feel a lot better along with therapy. strattera helped a lot for depression, but if you don't have adhd they'll probably just give you another antidepressant.

get help and get out of this toxic website, it'll only do you good

Just write out what you want to stay and put it on their bed or something with big red "IMPORTANT" written on it

>and thinking about going into a clinic for depression
Do NOT do this. This will do absolutely nothing for you but ruin your social standing even further.

I know exactly what you mean I'm going through the same shit.

just go yourself, you dont need permission user.