I've got two strong tabs of LSD on me bots, should I drop them right now? Also, post trippy pics

I've got two strong tabs of LSD on me bots, should I drop them right now? Also, post trippy pics.

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it's an album cover of a band that you should listen to fren

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Sick user, I'll give it a bump for sure

bump for the bump gods

drop em if you didn't already

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alright will do

can you maybe join this server, keep me company while I trip?


Recently fucked my first trip up with medication i didnt know affected it pour one out for me user
I recommend watching Donnie darko desu

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Watching Donnie Darko while tripping is very confusing and very good shit. I would recommend as well user.

Or maybe Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

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Shine on you crazy diamond faggot

I heard lots of good things about Fear and Loathing, will check it out. Just dropped the tabs

God save us all

Love you man

Love you too, no homo

Get some salvia divinorum extract off the interwebs, and then smoke it at the peak of the LSD trip in a dark quiet room.

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just the thought of doing salvia really scares me, I'd rather not experience a simulated psychosis thank you very much

listen to maggot brain by funkadelic, its a legend

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One time i smoked that shit out in the woods and was honestly convinced the trees roots were grabbing my skin and pulling me down to become a tree

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Fug Evil Dead rape trip

Would shit my pants

you should draw while doing acid. The last time I did acid I drew a cat and I remember the face looking more "3d" like and the hair moving/waving around at times like it was in the wind. It was super cool, the more I would draw the more intense it would look every time I zoomed back out to look at the whole drawing.

I actually have a coloring book for this exact reason, I got it while I was on my last trip a year ago. Gonna draw in it once the acid really hits.

second for fear and loathing

Third here, love it

Tried watching The Wall on shrooms, that was a tad depressing

4th for fear and loathing, absolute belter of a film

i want update

Yes drop them immediately and enjoy the universe's company

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most I've done is 550 ug
Feels good

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Breaaathe, breathe in the air

Have a nice ride

any good inhibition drugs for a robot?

GOd im so fuckng up

I just want to feel calkm

watching movies I found to be mostly a waste of time after I got a good access to liquid
try to do some things outdoors if you can
listening to music is also awesome but you gotta have some options really
be able to watch the movie if you want, a bunch of tunes you want to listen to, and hopefully a place to go outside
I haven't taken that shit in years I really really miss it

take the acid and try to figure out who you really are

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Hows the trip going OP?

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My neighbor likes Donnie Darko and said I should watch it. Is it worth watching?

It quite a good movie. Funny dialogues, decent acting, interesting premise, creepy atmosphere, dark humor. Definitely worth a watch

>I've got two strong tabs of LSD on me bots, should I drop them right now? Also, post trippy pics.

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>Also, post trippy pics.

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Enjoy some Moroder


Tripping balls deluxe? or a faggot robot?


enjoy the permanent derealization

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Drop on

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>he doesn't know about this cool new drug called alcohol

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you are lost, and I don't think you'll be coming back.

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LSA / DXM are the real robot drugs

Been incredibly fucked up for the last, I'm not even sure how long