Tfw I realized that I'm not attracted to white girls at all

>tfw I realized that I'm not attracted to white girls at all
>all of my girlfriends have either been Hispanic or Indian (dated two Indian girls)

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I don't blame you, user. They are just more feminine than germanic women.

i like pajeetas. can't say i've had a bad experience with any of them, even the pretty ones. a lot of people say they're materialistic, but that's pretty much all women so not much you can do about that.

Fat ugly Indian checking in. I've got an inbred nose and thin hair. No one will be attracted to me.

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>inbred nose
What's that?

fuck off

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No shit, they are genetically superior. May I recommend you arab girls OP? They are cute, loyal and traditional (they also cook allah tier lamb).

I think that girl's kinda cute desu

Do white women like North African men

Well, no shit. All the white women I usually see are from america tv and when I look at my country's tv I often wonder what's so special about these bitches they like to shill. lol
plus, a 10 minute walk make them red as a shrimp what the fuck

>tfw have to become anti-nationalist because they want to send qt indian women back

>North African men
White in the US, my white brother

Also I have a half North African friend (his mom is Moroccan or something) and girls love him
North Africans look "exotic" to white girls
It's not even about TV, white girls who are thought of being super hot aren't that attractive to me

the qt indian girls can stay

They better. The only good thing to come out of mass immigration is that now there are more and more indian qts in my city.

An ugly fucking nose.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the body hair, onion-smelling body odour, and skin discoloration.

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Nah, you're just coping with being unable to qualify for decent white women. White women are the most attractive women on the planet, even Hispanics and especially Indians will admit that their women are ugly compared to white women. The whole popularity of this Blacked thing is entirely due to nonwhites around the globe fantasizing about sexual success with the most elite form of pussy, resenting white pussy for its hold on their brains, and living vicariously through a black man

Lower tier white men can easily settle for mid-tier girls of other races. But mid-tier white girls will be forever out of reach for lower tier white men (and of course most nonwhites)

do you ever take a step back before you post this shit and think about how fucking dumb you are?

>White women are the most attractive women on the planet
t. white roast

How does it feel to be replaced by azn waifus?

>unironically believing that white women are the most attractive when they have the second lowest response rate by female sender

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>White women are the most attractive women on the planet
To each his own, I guess. More indian women for us.

he doesn't leave home much or lives in a flyover state so obviously he doesn't get to see many couples around

Why does everyone love Middle Eastern women and why are white men so picky?

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middle eastern women have this exotic thing that a lot of us like

I can't even pretend to be amazed at this level of stupidity anymore.

i swear there are ~10 posters on here that post race bait garbage like that all day every day, it all reads like it was written by the same dipshit. once you notice it you can't unsee it

They look more feminine than white women, imo.

I don't know man I think it's the brown skin
It really adds a lot for me
A girl having brown skin and dark hair instantly becomes more attractive than a pale blonde

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Are Lebanese considered arabs

Yes but they're starting to not consider themselves Arab anymore since the pan-Arab identity is dying

that olive skin tone makes me willy hard

I can go for any skin tone, really. just not black

But she's not European, therefore subhuman

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I'm sincerely not trying to racebait, I'm just being honest about race and sexual competition. Women care very much about perceived social status. There's a very good reason you see nerdy white beta males walking around with Asian girls, while white Chads prefer attractive white women.

you have been posting this garbage for a while, fuck off, you ruin every thread you post in with this horseshit

I rarely post on r9k, actually, though the fact that others have picked up on this social behavior just goes to show how widespread and observable it is

lmao i totally believe you bro you sure showed me

By this logic I must be attracted to now women because I haven't dated anyone of any ethnicity

At least you werent born an ugly gook. Consider yourself lucky pajeeta.
t. asian fembot

can i slap my dick on your face and throw rice at you?

I'd bleach either of you
Of course I'm too desperate for standards

I'm just straight-up not attracted to white girls user
I've never had a crush on a white girl

I see your point
Although most of my crushes came from girls who didn't outright reject me socially
But they still wouldn't get that close all the same

I'm sure they're just desperate for some 400 lb white virgin loser to "bleach" them

(unironically though, Asians and nonwhites in general have such low standards for white men that you could probably get in)

we can afford to be. women want money we on average have more

Hey I'm just 230

I may be an ugly asian fembot but im not desperate enough to let some obese fucker stick his dick in just because hes white.

>Calls herself a fembot
>Has standards

im skinny its only fair to date someone who is as skinny as I am.
Facially, I have no room to judge.
And while I may have certain race preferences they are not strong enough for me to exclude certain races from my dating pool.

>my girlfriends
fuck off etc etc

European men love middle eastern girls though, because they're exotic but look close enough by being caucasian.

t. euro that likes them

It's okay to have standards
But you can't call yourself a fembot if you do

>European men love middle eastern girls though, because they're exotic but look close enough by being caucasian.
>t. euro that likes them
Same, like some of them, but the problem is either they are total hood sluts, in veils, not allowed to date. Those who are open to date (and safe to do so) are rare and not all of them are even decent looking.

White women are the prettiest ones and make me want to protect them, but brown women have something that makes me want to ravage them until they get pregnant.

depends on if you are taller, has a decent face, are not skinny and have a small frame than you have a chance for some. There are the mass of women that wouldn't date outside their ethnic bubble and those who are open and than you have to mogg more than the average guy in that country. Also it get's harder if the country dislike north african men (right now it's starts with the native population of all the countries that accept refugees)

>>my girlfriends
>fuck off etc etc
Why tho?

What's the average in USA I'm 6'1.

>implying i actually care
I'll give up my Danish genes for an arab qt over a nordic slut anyday

If you're skinny, no one gives a shit if you're ugly ching chong; svelte Asians are by definition hot. I'm a fat brownie with a unibrow - won't even get touched by a guy wearing a hazmat suit.

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Post your brown nipples

White girls are god tier, but unfortunately they all seem to have been blacked.

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true connoisseurs and players know that olive/green is the sexiest skin colour in women (arabs).

She looks disgusting and not "god-tier"
Maybe they were god-tier 8 decades ago, but now they're genes are just trash.
The good men died at war, so society was left with trash genes. That's the why there so many incels, b/c theor dads have trash genes.

Don't even like white girls but that's a low quality shop

Do you gain something from replying to obvious bait, or is it just to alert the rest of us that you are an aspie?

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>but brown women have something that makes me want to ravage them until they get pregnant.
I have a thing for brown women, but never got close to even a non-white women. They were the first to flirt with me when I lost my weight and the first lifting results came in. But the idea to do anything interracial just feels wrong.

Just do it user
A brown girl will love you more than a white girl ever possibly could

In height you are what is the average (not median average), but height is not everything and you need to compete in looks with the top 10% of white guys and need good game to score.

based black men removing obese whales and STD-ridden thots from the white gene pool

>A brown girl will love you more than a white girl ever possibly could
First of all, there are not many brown women that are not from a muslim country in my country. There is even a problem with the non-religious ones if you try to date them. Even tho they have many non-white friends specially my mother I don't think they will like the idea of me having a non-white girlfriend (my mother once said that she hopes that my future wife will be from our country).

Where're you from, user?
My parents didn't like me dating brown girls at first but they're fine with it now

>Where're you from, user?
Germany, in a state that has many migrants.
I would be the first in the family. Even with my relatives in Denmark and Norway the furthest any of them married was with a southern spanish woman. My brothers girlfriends (current and ex) all had almost the same hair color, height, size, body type my mother has and there were no problems. Expect for one that was different which my mother didn't liked.

The ones who are open to date are so rare they all end with Chad.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Keep at it user

Never saw Chad(white) with a minority women IRL.
But saw the average dude with WOC, the slightly above average white guys with even the hottest.
The problem is not about those who are open, but those who can date. Arab/muslim women seem to snitch those women to make them self look better.

This, as long as it's a Mediterranean arab, not a fucking sand nigger. White women are aids

I literally don't understand the Stormcucks telling us to not betray our race.
Let's there 2 women, both 10/10's.
One is a Nordic slut, blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes, whatever.
The second is a qt.13 Arab that will literally have 9 children for me, cook, clean, treat me like a king, etc.
But for some reason I'm a race traitor b/c I don't want the filthy nordic roastie. Lol Stormcucks are the real betas
I'll go have 9 powerful sons and you can go make another weak gene snownigger.

>be West Indian
>white girls want your dick because your a discounted nigger

that's mostly the types of women i like, mediterranean looking. dark hair, olive complextion. the lighter skin indian girls look similar to that, i think that's why i like them.

facts 2bh

Lol and then the polfags are begging their "precious aryan gf" to have sex with them while she buys a 3rd dog so she doesn't feel like she's going to hit the wall.

That's a 9/10 body right there. not the first indian girls I see with this skinny type

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lmao true

White girls find it really cool and hot when they get sent sexually explicit internet comments in broken English from horny middle-aged South Asians who have no understanding of social nuance

This is why Indians have so much sex and are so widely respected--they've found the perfect technique for picking up girls

West Indian means Caribbean
You know, like the West Indies

send vagene and reggae, mon

Carib indians why do you think they are discounted niggers for?

>tfw my second Indian gf had a body that like
Fuck I miss her

I don't like white girls either, they look too much like my family and shit. Feels like incest. I'd rather brown or Asian, I love west indian.

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That's a nice looking lady

>not attracted to white girls
>posts white girls
wviii wh4t???

Not white, not even by the US's standards

lol incorrect data

t. assblasted wh*Te girl
Your time is over, Sarah.
White boys belong to brown girls.

they're superior to white women

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They really are
I'm not even talking about cringey delusional shit about how traditional or subservient they are, I just think they're better looking than white girls

Opposite for me. I'm Indian and all my gfs have been white or Hispanic. I don't Indian women attractive at all. I also hate my mom.

Now that I think of it, when I was growing up my mom used to watch a lot of Bollywood movies for some reason. Maybe that's why I like Indians.
More for me to be honest.

Does your mother find this weird at all?

The Indian girls I knew were really genuine and un basic bitch as an Americanized 2nd gen could be.

My gf was born in India and moved when she was 8
She had an adorable accent but it wasn't thick to the point where I had trouble understanding her

>White male
>All other brown girls over black girls
Its the truth

Bro you in Adelaide

Play cricket with me