Where to find a friendless clingy loyal bf or gf

Where do you find one?

>When people are friendless and clingy they're not loyal and get enthusiastic taking the first chance to cheat on their partner without thinking
>When people are clingy and loyal they're not friendless and spend all their time with friends forgetting about you
>When people are friendless and loyal they're also very distant and cold

like, how ;_;

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you just have to keep looking

Do you have actual experience with people from each of those 3 groups you mentioned, and if so was it just people over discord or actual irl people?

well, you'd have to be cute for a start, then we can talk c:


I don't think it's possible to find one I imagine they don't announce their clinginess. I don't even want a bf or gf just a clingy friend in general.

>tfw your clinginess only drove people away so now you're cold and distant

Fuck it all, I don't need anybody but myself

>It's another OP doesn't participate in his own thread

Any hints on where?

A bit of,

>1st kind of person
Knew one irl, hopefully didnt get into a relationship as i discovered person was in contact with some other people for hookups

Had a ldr with one and it wasn't the best thing, people have their personal space, as i love to have and all but i really didnt had any attention despite giving all.

Yes, altrough the person just wasn't interested

I get said im cute personality wise but low self esteem doesn't lets me see myself as cute even if i get told i am a bit
The thing is, i think a ldr wont work, i want to find someone close

That sounds nice

Yes, it have to be by luck. No one announces those things actually, i myself dont announce too because it'd be weird to i guess

Find a clingy person user. As long as you give them just a little time frame for personal things, i dont see that as a problem, and many really don't.

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Did you ever ghost any of those 3 people you mentioned?

No, i originally never.

Sorry, im phoneposting

are you a male or are you a female

Ok, just wondering since I kind of fit the second description.
Also I don't see how them having friends is a bad thing unless they have tons of friends that they spend most of their time with.

where are you from then user oreganoly?

Yeah it's not a bad thing, it's just that at least that person wouldn't take part in anything in the relationship and just spend 90% of the day playing smite or CS:GO.

Besides that, friends are healthy, idk why i emphatized the friendless part actually but it'd be ok

The lower part of the globe user

I feel like there are some people like that IRL, but meeting them is not easy. They won't be outside often, or won't be receptive of just being asked out as they will be concerned about your intentions.

Online doesn't work either, because there is a REASON why that woman/guy is being desperate like this: , . They are awful, thirsty faggots.

I may say for experience for being a bit like this, that yeah it's harsh. I only ever go out forth and back to college, i'd absolutely put the extra "effort" to meet someone but it isn't just going out and hitting a jackpot, it's hard...
It's retarded but sometimes i thought maybe i'd meet someone like this doing the same i do. Maybe i met, but no way to know.

Online doesn't works much because you don't know the person well even when you think you do, and there's the distance.

Do you want to try being friends OP?
What are your interests?

Friendless loyal and clingy, the only girl I've ever met like this

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Sure but don't expect much please

I like music and i'm slowly getting into other artistic things like photography, and i like cooking. I play some boring games and aim to get back to college the next year.

>>When people are friendless and loyal they're also very distant and cold
This is me, except I'm not a cold person, I'm just used to being alone and sometimes I don't feel like talking. I think I'm doomed desu because people expect more but I just can't do it.

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We miss you muffers pls come baaaaaaaaack

If her and her bf are still together at this point then it probably isn't happening

What's your discord? origigani

It's been almost 2 months.
Half the newfags here probably dont even know who she is anymore.

and half the newfags of Jow Forums don't know that this ho was big on /cgl/ way before you morons started orbiting her

protip: she's just another vapid attention whore who is faking it all because she craves attention, as was the case with literally every female that people orbit on this site

Why would you keep track of succubi in the first place.

I'm literally none of those things do I fit the bill

Would you mind to give me yours please? I'm uncomfortable to be the center of attention being OP


I'm on the loyal/distant end of the spectrum.
Sorry user, some people are just like that.
Sometimes low self esteem makes you not want to be a bother towards anyone which is why they seem so distant.

I know lots of people who once you break past that loyal/distant shell they become loyal/clingy so you just have to be supportive enough until you tap into their true personality.

It feels a lot like training an abused dog so approach it with that sort of mentality.

Good luck!

What if I told you I have the rarest Muffy's in existence?

Friendless csgo user?

[email protected]

contact me user o:

I'll send a message soon, i'll get up and to my computer

Ah i understand that very well.

>Makes you not want to be a bother towards anyone which is why they seem so distant.
I do understand it very well.

>It feels a lot like training an abused dog so approach it with that sort of mentality.
I wouldn't come up with this definition in fear of hurting someone but you're absolutely right and i can really say i understand it well. I'm up for that "training", in the sense of support and care, if the person is up for a change at her pace and is really loyal by nature.

There was a thread yesterday or the day before where an user had this point and i could emphatize, it was something about finding someone loyal, even if mentally scarred, to work together on having a happy life or something like this. My worry is that this sounds like something that happens once or never in life.

Oh i don't really play CS:GO, sorry user
I have a few friends i talk with sometimes

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wtf no bf

i'd like to experience a relationship at least once in my life

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>no cold distant gf that still loves me and wont cheat on me

You want someone loyal and clingy? Are you a girl?

Well, it's very simple. If you actively want to be dominant towards me and talk about anime and video games then I'll always put you first before anyone. I'll drop everything to text back to you and wait anxiously for you to respond.

are you sure you can handle cold and distant?

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I'm like that; but why would you want someone like that?

I am both cold and distant myself so it might not be that hard.
Just as long as i know she truly loves me then i'm fine with it

if you have contact info we can try talking to each other then

Damn. Sorry but no. I dont really want a ldr and also I'm not dateable

yes wtf

You're probably far user, that's a problem.

Clingy? Because i love romantic and personal, intimate experiences, the more the better. Of course we wouldn't expect each other to be terminally stuck to eachother with handcuffs (leave them for private moments if both are into it), but after a day of work where it's necessary to be away, i wouldn't mind having my partner greet me in the door and share lots of love and do cute things together.

Loyal? Self explainable. The rarest thing in this world, and one i crave the most.

Again, i didn't express myself properly in the "friendless" part. Real friends are just perfect. The thing is not completely leaving the relationship to the side and not caring about it or being distant. Specially when necessary. I myself am always ready to support anyway, i don't ask for such a thing if i'm not more than able to give it.

I'm loyal and clingy, but not friendless.

Being clingy hurts, it's an eternal pain of loneliness and a broken heart.

>friendless clingy
You think you want this but you don't, trust me.

>Real friends are just perfect.
wanna be my friend? you sound wise

Oh, I get it.
Best of luck!

Thanks, i may need it lol

I can't promise i'm "wise" user, but i just made an email if you want to try some talk
[email protected]
(Also sorry for making you leave your discord here i should have created a throwaway earlier)

I first dated a total inhuman psychopath and then isolated the most mentally damaged of her friend group. I broke up with her, and am now dating that girl. Basically an unromantic version of how it happened to me. Current gf is legendary tho.

people who are cool and want a good cool friend who doesnt have any should add
minigame master#9637
on d*scord

I want a clingy and loyal bf, please give me a bf, please be in sweden ;~;

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Clinginess is never going to be a cute and good thing, it's always the sign of an unhealthy mind. When I was clingy I'd often wonder if my friends were purposely ignoring me to spend time with people they cared about more and sometimes I'd try cyberstalking them to ease my worries. I'm less clingy now because I try to be self-aware and control that behavior but it's still bad enough that I might not be able to have an intimate relationship because I'd be worried too much and would just leave so I didn't have to stress myself out anymore.


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Not friendless if I steal you and make you my husbando.

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Tfw like this and used to feel the urge to cyberstalk my bf in a game but never did because that's so disgusting i'd rather cry for being such a terrible and weird person. Considering breaking up with him cuz i seriously don't know how to stop and the anxiety is preventing me from living. I wish i could fix myself and be happy

I think it can be fixed, but it's not an easy or quick process. My biggest worry is that by the time my problems are fixed I'll be too old for it to matter.

I love in PA, is that close enough?

DEAL!! I got muted so many times trying to post this.

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I have a similar fear but of losing him before i fix myself. But i'm accepting letting him go and will probably breakup if things get worse. I hope we manage to do something but i really have no hopes on my side

>When people are friendless and loyal they're also very distant and cold
>tfw youre distant and cold but loyal because you've been friendless your whole life

What methods have you been using to try to fix yourself? I think it helps to think about why you turned out clingy. When you understand where those thoughts come from it's easier to push them aside as not being an accurate view of reality.

>be me
>zero friends
>kinda clingy the few times I did have friends
>pretty fucking loyal because fuck not having a single person in your life
>kind of distant but not quite cold
>I just don't know how
>please kill me

>clingy and loyal
>spend all their time forgetting about you
These two attributes contradict each other.

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He meant clingy and loyal people already have plenty of friends so they spend most of their time with those friends instead of getting to know someone they just met.

>tfw fear of abandonment and rejection causes me to abandon and reject people
how do i fucking stop this
it is impossible for me to form any somewhat meaningful relationships, platonic or romantic

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That sounds a bit like BPD, but it could be almost anything from that little information. What have you tried so far that hasn't worked?

I'll just give you a quick rundown of how things usually go for me:
>meet new people (online, since I barely go outside)
>talk to them for a few days or weeks
>usually get along pretty well
>eventually those thoughts start creeping in
>end up slowly ghosting them
>in the end i just delete my enture friendslist
this usually happens in cycles for me and it gets more and more exhausting

I just want another autist to be autistic with nothing more nothing less ..

Not the user who responded to you but since you don't go outside you're isolated and starved for human contact. Usually when people have intimacy-avoidant styles of interaction (i.e. bailing out of a friendship or relationship before they get the chance to be rejected) it means they have a poor sense of self-worth or a weak identity.
I'm gonna make a big assumption and say the root of your problem is that you're fundamentally unhappy with who you think you are. You're afraid that when people get 'close' to you eventually there's going to come to a point where they'll make the same conclusion about who you are as you do - they'll stop liking you and leave you. Of course that's utterly untrue - in general people are very lazy or complacent when it comes to friendships and relationships, they will hang around with very shitty people for very long periods of time even if they somehow know they're "too good" for it.

If that's the case the solution probably will involve taking stock of just what is it about yourself that you're so unhappy with and determining if those are rational self-evaluations. Usually people, especially smart people or people who came from abusive or negligent backgrounds, are their own harshest critics The former have more self awareness and the latter two have been trained/ingrained to think they're worthless (which is unfair, duh).

Maybe start considering why people might like you rather than focusing on all the tiny little flaws which you're blowing up in the microscope of your own neurosis. If you are convinced those flaws are significant, start focusing on ways of attenuating them - on how you will become a better person - a person people worthy of affection.

I love Weezer :)

I'm sorry I've taken so long to respond, my internet went down for a while. The guy above made a very good reply. Changing your self-image is a good long-term goal that may fix the problem at its root, in the short-term you might be able to get some improvement by first changing how you react to the thoughts instead of the source of the thoughts. I used to be clingy (not as much as you, not sure if the same thing I did would help you) so I started being more aware of those thoughts and doing something else to distract myself and so that I'd get something done instead of wasting time with constant anxiety. It also helps to try to practice more cognitive empathy, realizing that the person would have ghosted you first if they didn't care or that they'd barely put any effort into the conversation.

Go on, what things do you most like being autistic about?

I guess I'm just saying that to say it , most things would be considered normie , but I would like to have someone that understands my fucked up way of thinking like dark humor and can understand when I go full blown autistic from time to time . But I can't seem to get the courage to approach a female. Most female friends I've had all approached me.

I thought you meant an online friend of either sex. I can't help you with approaching women.

Well I also have zero online friends since I am genuinely shit at starting conversations especially if I know nothing about the other person. I've tried making friends online with some normies but I usually only get a conversation out of it and never message them again.

I've noticed from myself that autists often have a self-absorbed and to the point conversation style that doesn't leave much room to add onto. Sometimes I'd be talking about what I was doing too much and making my friend feel like I didn't care or saw them as an object. Other times I'd say something in a very curt manner that left no loose ends for the other person to pick up. Conversations are sort of like building things out of legos, it's not fun for the other person if you build the entire thing during your turn and leave nothing important for the other person to add onto or if you're building what you want to in places where what you want doesn't fit well.

tfw only talk to my roommate and one friend who doesn't talk much
tfw clingy as hell all I want is to obsess over my partner and talk to them all day and think about them and tell them how much I want to hug them while playing vidya games
tfw an aspie trans depressed freak so no bf or gf evernever

Are you gay or a girl (female), OP?
