
Heeeey hey baby I wanna know-oh-oh-ooooh-oh-oh if you'll be maaa gurl edition

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I have done this and I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>out for a walk in the park
>bunch of kids are there together
>they start shouting at me
>just pretend i dont hear them and quickly walk away
>day ruined

why, i never hear about chads getting treated like this

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i only went and bought an action figure. What am I like eh lads?

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me, have a very small room in general. Only room for one person to stand between drawers and bed, and have to shimmy a bit to get in. could push the drawers closer to the window

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big fucking strokey nonce

simple as

nth for I was the one to introduce Steven D in the thread

absolute legend

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>What am I like eh lads?
a child

classic scumfuck chav parasites who need to be put down
but I am too scared to knock, I just banged on the wall that separates us

>copping a peep show scene for attention

Time for a DM is a nonce post. When will he post the chatlogs?

>my life is so pathetic not even the lads at /britfeel/ can believe it
honestly might as will kys myself

big bully you int ya

Kids and young teenagers are absolute little cunts. They will try to start fights and cause trouble then cry and act innocent later. I reckon you should go back and do em in mate.

Sister bought me more anime figures. Pretty happy desu.


Results day tomorrow lads. Unlikely to sleep. Tomorrow I join the ranks of britfeel neets.

Your sister sounds pretty cool user. That is unless you are a larping siscon faggot.

post pics you poofter.
young boiy leave

I was not expecting Herbert West, good cop lad

18 mate; not breaking the rules.

was honestly surprised to find him. He's supposed to be coming out around halloween. Still looking for the 30th anniversary Evil Dead 2 pack and Tim Curry Pennywise, like.

what we doing tonight?

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My mum just asked me if I thought she was still attractive at her age.

I said yes and that I think she's beautiful.

She came back into my room with a few photos of her when she was young wearing nothing but underwear. My eyes were popping out of my head. She said "But I don't look like this anymore". I managed to stutter out "But you still look great".

She said that she's going to sleep and left the photos sitting on my bed. Fucks sake.

matched with a girl on tantan and she started speaking to me!
Every other match not interested in talking.
Not that different from tinder.
Hopefully can meet some asian qts.

So long as you tried your best user that's all that matters. Oh wait it doesn't, in real life if you don't have the grades or experience you can btfo.



share them for the lads, just blur the faces innt.

She'll be looking through the keyhole of your door later, hoping to see you having a wank over them.

What is tantan?

Very productive day today. Managed to eat in the kitchen and eat some different stuff including a bag of southern fried fridge raiders and flavoured skyr yogurt. Also had a 500ml bottle of water which is conquering my fear of bottle packaging.

a chinese tinder clone basically.

trust me, everyone chatting shit about trying hard.

I'm not sure I should lad. What if she finds out somehow?
Oh jesus christ, I dunno about doing that. I'd like to but I don't know where it will lead if she sees me doing that.

So lads can you do the dele alli celebration

have a good loud wank over the pictures and make sure you moan her name

either post them or put 50p in the fucking har lad.
nice one ebin. hope you put on some weight.

Brilliant stuff lad, well done! Hopefully this is the start of some improvement


>Ebin's productive day consists of eating fridge raiders

truly the king of britfeel

Dating app for gookchasers.

she wants it, user

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Almost, sadly you ended the day posting with a tripcode. Sadly this voids your achievements today as well as your integrity as a person. Please kys.

Fucking retard

Should I moan her first name or should I moan "mum"?

i don't like britain, it's grim


Kids and people in upper years of school always act like dicks around me too, but never when I'm with someone else. I think it's like they can sense the anxiety coming off me
I'm sure if I took more pride in my appearance when I went out alone as i can look pretty normie when I try and deliberately acted more casual they wouldnt care
wrong use of btfo there lad

I have severe yellow fever I'm gonna give it a go.

fuk off u gaylord

Still under 1000 calories today I think but the small steps mean I can kick on

possibly, today was the first actually productive day in months

I had a driving assessment and my car is in the garage tomorrow morning. But eating is the most important thing, the fact I'm improving with no help is a testament to my own mental fortitude

you better leave Ebin alone or I'm gonna freaking flip

>nobody cares about me

Went out to get pissed with matwsnbutn that all were paired up with gfs and I wasn't and I new they were chatting shit about me do I went home and I've realized how meaningless I am, I don't know what to do with my Del I will always be the outside r with my last group and with this group and with future groups if I have any. Am I born into this life.

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How thick is the average britfeeler? I sometimes imagine a bunch off leeiscools behind the screen who can barely work a computer but then it also often seems britfeel is a pretty middle class thread

>the fact I'm improving with no help is a testament to my own mental fortitude

Agreed. Don't listen to the detractors. There's a few uncomfy lads in tonight sadly.

her name tbqh loddy

Though I'm glad to hear you've had a good day it's hard to feel happy for you when you went out of your way to shit on other people earlier today.

Anyone worried that the returning Tilde and Ebin may be impostors, and may even have killed the originals?

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guys my alevel results come through in 7 hours cheer me up

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no one can replicate the autism and comfiness of ebin.

>mental fortitude
What fortitude could you possibly have? 25 year old man with nothing to show for it, just fuck off

Get my SAT results back tomorrow lads wish me luck

no matter what results you get, you'll probably be stuck in a dead end job that you're happy with for a few years or go to uni and shag thots

I didn't shit on anybody though, I engaged with Crona on his blog comments telling him to stop abusing drugs for attention and debunking his twisted pseudo-intellect logic he uses to defend his drug use but to no avail. He's fucked up uni now like I said because he didn't stop while he had clarity

Your motive to do that was to put other people down.

I'd say the average intelligence here is pretty high. Almost everyone who posts here can write fairly well.

Some people need putting down

thanks lad means a lot (originally ofc)

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Glasses houses and all that. No need for it mate, like I said I'm glad you're looking to improve your situation but it's hard to feel happy for you when you say shit like this.

He's been thrown out of uni for having heroin eh? Fucking hell.

You need putting down, drain on society, benefits claiming rat

Ebin, can you clarify exactly how you view it? Do you more just oppose recreational drug users who do it for fun rather than someone who e.g. had a traumatic experience and gave in to try and get some release then got hooked or something?

Because if you mean the former I would kind of agree, but I think there should be some sympathy for the latter, especially if a lot of those people would never want to touch it again but just can't get clean physically

No lad, no one knows what (if anything) happened. It's drama shit from earlier and it was very uncomfy.

What's this about him fucking up uni again? He hasn't even started yet, right?

Watch China TV

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Bit of a twattish thing to come from a 25 year old man child who picks his arsehole with his fingers

>best friend stopped talking to me for no reason
>moved to a new city in different country
>no friends
>sleeping on a sofa
>been drinking approx equivalent of 6 pints a day for the last week
Feel absolutely terrible lads. Been sitting for about half an hour with my head in my hands.

>Head like a hole
>Black as your soul

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hahahaha based bants Ebin back at it
I say we kill all the chavs, pakis, niggers and most fags/trannies.

Just read Crona's blog and fucking hell, he's smoking 7g of weed in a week? That is just someone running away from their problems. I'd consider half of that to be an extremely heavy smoker. 7g lasts me about two months.

I did it lads, I knocked on their door. Well they're in the basement so I had to knock on their window and I shouted CAN YOU KEEP IT DOWN a few times. They compeltely ignored me and I heard one of them say 'They don't like our music do they'. The windows were sort of covered but they looked like utter chav scum

Still blasting music. Do I call the police?

probably spends all his bennies on it

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been drinking everyday for months lad, it fucking sucks. I have nothing going on in my life anymore and waiting to have beer each evening is pretty much all i look forward to

yeah noise complain innit. quiet hours after 11pm

this is unoriginal as fuck 231323132

>on the dole
>wiv me sosij rol

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see and move swiftly on because it was a shit show earlier
You too lad or I'll get that hench tranny to come and kick you out

The darknet has a lot to answer for. It was probably a pretty good safety mechanism in the past that if you aren't in a state to make friends you also couldn't obtain drugs.

I just googled it and it says something about a community safe warden for noise complaints? That sounds like bullshit, do I just call the main police?

The more you validate and give reasons for people like Crona to behave as he does the worse he'll become. I'd say his discord orbiters did more harm than I could ever do. If you all put him down he wouldn't have to pretend to OD on heroin for attention all the time.

Anyway it was you bringing your dirty discord laundry here and being vague about it then getting overly emotional over it that was the problem

I don't know. I only speak of this certain case

Not sure if it's the same but the police around here don't respond to noise complaints, you have to take it up with the council instead. Only exception is if it's on the street rather than private property. Does my head in as I have similar issues to this lad sometimes

just call 101

So long as you don't resort to stealing to fund it or get arrested for being drunk it's all good user. The company I work for works with the police and the amount of money and resources spent on smackheads and alcoholics makes me sick. They need putting down.

I'm actually blocked by the fact I don't know how to roll joints

>his so called "mates" chat shit about him behind his back
why haven't you purged them from your life yet?

Nothing to do with me lad but keep guessing.
You're not helping anyone, you're just stroking your own ego and trying to make yourself seem better by putting down others.

I forgot just how plain dumb you are.

1g/day isn't super heavy, a lot of people smoke way more than that. it's expensive as fuck though.

rate my laptop

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i don't steal or do anything bad while drunk. i 4 to 6 cans most nights