Hi i'm the best at causing butthurt ama

hi i'm the best at causing butthurt ama

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You dont cause but hurt people just want you to leave and cant express that without being faggots. So just leave your presence is annoying

Please tell us how you are so good at causing butthurt.

Anyone can be good at causing butthurt if they're enough of an asshole.

Why don't you prove it to me dude

Ohh bitch

Why are you a literal murdering sociopath and how are you not in jail

Has anyone made your butt hurt too by fucking you in the ass?

you are delusional but i'm glad you simmered down enough to make this post
>live at home
>have money
makes people RAGE
i'm a niceposter but only to people who DESERVE it
that's the true and only way to be
you stink
lol suicide is not murder
i'm a virgin lol

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How to out yourself as butthurt and/or retarded
>You dont cause but hurt
>sadboy thread

>i'm a niceposter but only to people who DESERVE it
that's the true and only way to be
>you stink
Not very consistent if you ask me. You're losing my interest buddy.

so go retard
i don't need brainlet low attention span CAVEMEN in my thread

I love you dude you're the best thing this board has had in a long time
No homo I mean

Now that's worth one more (You). I think you need a real attention grabber instead of starting a thread out like 'Look how good I am at bothering people.' Maybe try insulting something popular. You have the ability to do better and you'll get there one day.

More people would love you if you weren't a tripfag. That alone triggers people here.

how big pp moon

anyone can do what you're doing. we just have something of value left in us that keeps us from going down that hole

causing rage isn't even my intention i'm just inherently good at it
also not my fault you haven't had the pleasure of being in my BEST threads STUPID
7.2 in
lying about yourself to feel more special LOL

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This nigger is brand new and already has a name for himself. Roasties are even cutting themselves for his sadistic ass.

He's on another level.

He's probably a larping Chad like that doge faggot.

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thank u user i am pretty cool

Do not reply to zoomers and zoomer threads.

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cientifically speaking, a good-looking person wouldn't end up posting the same crap 24/7 in here

lol i'm no zoomer
i get rated 7-9/10 but basically i am 10/10
i have reasons for posting here stupid

Denying you're a zoomer is an obvious indication of being a zoomer.
It's alright tho man, we all grow up one day

so you're a 6
good to know
joey is a 7 so technically there's better mongoloids here

I've seen him, he's a high 9
What's with the insecure pretentiousness?

nice now turn the trip on again and go make another shitty thread

what's with the shameless OC ripoff of that oblongs character

Salty as the ocean, user.

Imagine if an actual 7 in this board, with this much desperation for attention, would spend 5 straight days in here without posting his face or have it leaked.
Just engage in deep thought for a couple minutes with this bit of information so you can get baffled at how moronic what you just said is

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Literally added him on discord because someone else posted it in a Cvnka thread, talked to him for less than an hour, wasn't autistic, asked for a pic and got one.

Now that you said you cause butthurt you told people what to expect.
You essentially fucked yourself

Fucking dicklet
8.3 inch

Post it


He unironically made me timestamp my address so nah

You go take one for the team


Gay thread for gay avatarfag and his queer choir

Big yikes

This is a roastie btw

Goes by "Kat" on discord

can I have discorb pls?

there is absolutely no way you can make me angry
i am enlightened and supreme

How do these discord weirdos keep popping up? There needs to be a purge.

Also, does anyone have a list handy of crazy/deranged discordfags that post on this board?

Uncle Unction#1310