ITT Post your closest lookalike

ITT Post your closest lookalike

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God I wish I was as funny as Rich.

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I have no idea who resembles me 2bh.

This guy looks very much like me, but obciously it isn't me.

Attached: 29570874_1580518032076533_4684438600432615401_n.jpg (480x480, 15K)

Everyone I know says this

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we just get it

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A couple girls thought I was him and I gave them autographs.

Attached: miles teller.jpg (800x1200, 78K)

rychu peja wypierdalaj z moje sza

Some ppl said i look like young stalin

Attached: young_Stalin_1.jpg (1174x1600, 253K)

When I have longer hair i look pretty similar

Attached: david-dobrik.jpg (480x640, 43K)

always confused for him at work

Attached: Hank-Green.jpg (1532x1021, 49K)

I sort of look like this fuck boy but with weak facial hair.

Attached: porter_robinson_credit_jasmine_safaeian.jpg (745x497, 43K)

kurwa wspolczuje

I have yet to find anyone that looks like me.
Nice attempt at obscurity, Department of Homeland Security.

Do you guys think julian casablancas is kinda latino looking?
Also, julian casablancas

But worse.

Attached: Eva-Longoria-Jude-Law-Pete-Doherty-les-petits-defauts-des-people_square500x500.jpg (500x500, 63K)

Get compered to him all the time.

Attached: Power-Season-2-Kanan-Curtis-50-Cent-Jackson-7_(1).jpg (1000x1500, 568K)

So I created this pic for a "create your celebrity doppelganger montage" thread. But I don't really know if any of these guys look alike, let alone look like me.

Attached: celeb doppelgangers.png (1600x1200, 1.01M)


A mix of Maisie Williams and Eggman

pic rel it's me

Attached: culkin.png (620x417, 372K)

A bit like this but slightly longer hair

Attached: 1533605854790.jpg (1080x1080, 1.56M)

people have always compared me to Josh Groban and there are definitely a lot of similarities, I'm just autistic

Attached: josh-groban-bbmas-2014-billboard-650.jpg (636x421, 40K)

For me it's Maisie Williams and Melinda Loveless

no clue who this model is but im a blonde fembot with two x chromosomes who needs a white nationalist bf
i squat 205 btw
O p f e r n a c h t#0720

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My hair is longer than his but we still have an overall similar look.

Attached: gregogiggle.jpg (512x512, 29K)

Please staup the larp

Always told I look like James hetfeild when I cut my hair
Obviously younger because I'm 24
Now my hair is 14 inches long

Attached: james-hetfield.jpg (450x450, 34K)

ive been told idk

Attached: me btw.jpg (1280x720, 200K)

I've been compared to everyone in pic related.

Attached: Copy2.jpg (1634x861, 851K)

i have my hair to the shoulders though

Attached: ice poseidonu.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

Heads or tails?
Originally unoriginal

I have never once had anyone say that I look like someone famous.

Basically just him with darker skin and worse hair.

And Adam get off my board, go back to taking LSD

Attached: 39B15E07-D747-4AFC-B077-A33A663EA07F.jpg (288x450, 28K)

May or may not be me

Attached: 1534228891612.jpg (400x400, 29K)

I really fucking wish I looked like this.

except with glasses.

Attached: motorcycle_diaries_gael_garcia_bernal-other.jpg (1280x852, 1.05M)

Unlike all who went before I do this honestly

Attached: images.jpg (195x259, 8K)

Lurch from Adams family is a close second

Attached: a5f2c10f-25af-4d83-907e-8c9b9d0fba13-600.jpg (209x300, 14K)

o kurwa jak wygladasz jak peja to lepiej to zakoncz teraz

Dont feel like getting a pic but people always tell me I look like Ben Afleck

Please be my tortured jazz drummer bf

a bit like chrissy i guess, don't have that big hair though

Attached: CMoltisanti.png (365x480, 226K)

You can do worse than Neil Young

like him except i have short hair and a well kept beard

Attached: nPbL8wX.jpg (1024x1984, 380K)

been told i look like wet mark zuckerburg

Attached: zuckerberg.jpg (680x400, 24K)

with darker hair and mild acne

Attached: john-green.jpg (445x445, 51K)

Kek, not lying either.

Attached: 722-1467017701279.jpg (1200x720, 165K)

I look like the priority peter guy here, he's the only look-a-like that i know of.

Attached: gyuj6rrhj7l9.png (299x285, 159K)

but sadly I'm a man

Attached: 1533338026637.jpg (685x691, 44K)

Fuck me pls stalin user

Same eyes, hair, head shape

Attached: 103924874.gif (400x300, 918K)

I've been told I look like a skinny version of Saint Vicious many times

Attached: Gv-saint-2015spring.jpg (470x400, 105K)

Litrally me with no septum piercing

Attached: Max_Gilardi (1).jpg (426x720, 61K)

Like a bloated version of pic related, but with sparse eyebrows and worse hair.

Attached: hayden_christensen.jpg (768x433, 39K)

Znaczy, wygladam lepiej niz peja ale podobnie w chuj, jestem taki kurwa nie wiem, bardziej symetryczny

Przynajmniej nie wygladam jak jakis kosmopolityczny pedal, nie?

hello anons this is me

Attached: picture of me.png (310x510, 5K)

I look exactly like this expect I'm not obese

Attached: IMG_3905.jpg (670x668, 128K)

W sumie Rychu wyglada jak typowy Polak, i teraz jak o tym pomysle, to jak bym brode i wlosy opierdolil to bym tez wygladal jak on.

So you're a roastie that thinks clown makeup looks good?

My Dad told I look Ted Kaczynski

He also begged me on his hands and knees to not end up like him(Unabomber)


Attached: Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg (350x350, 97K)

but with a bigger nose and smaller mouth

Attached: 000cf1bdd03f11c60c551f.jpg (566x377, 115K)

Please end up like him user I'm begging you I'll marry you if you do please

I'm like if Macklemore and Kurt Cobain had a baby.

Attached: xHTBVjL.png (632x346, 286K)

Literally everyone ever tells me this desu

Attached: scott-eastwood-435-15.jpg (435x580, 152K)

>but with a bigger nose and smaller mouth
and a dick

I don't wear makeup, we just look similar

these are the ones i get most. i used to get orlando bloom a lot when i had longer hair. now that i have short hair i don't get compared to any of them very often.

i don't think i'm as attractive as any of these guys but maybe i'll grow into it.

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My boyfriend and several others think I look like Tatiana Maslany, but whatever...

ITT delusional uggos. I see maybe 3-4 posts that I can believe.

put in selfie to tjat which celebrity do I look like site and this was the most accurate apparently 57% and she unironically does look like me

Attached: 49792e5e73c327cee4d848c5eee6d4bd.jpg (236x295, 12K)

non-shopped stalin was considerably uglier and pockmarked with scars

This guy. Scary accurate.

Attached: Cs-8LfdWYAAnnX9.jpg (890x890, 85K)

I look kind of like a pudgy A Rod. When I was in shape girls always told me that.

Attached: 008182F6-2891-4889-9859-D7A03DACCF69.jpg (1821x2434, 1.84M)

yeah something like this ive been told

Attached: jennifer-jennifer-lawrence-30910376-900-1200.jpg (900x1200, 128K)

I look very close to this, except I'm white

Attached: IMG_20180816_074424.jpg (360x306, 63K)

My boy Joji looks kinda like me (glasses, hair, eye shape etc).

Attached: joji.jpg (540x720, 38K)

people teased me a lot about this when arrested development was on tv

Attached: 530c5bd3226fcb511e09beec595a79f5.jpg (225x300, 13K)

My eyes are a bit different, but I've literally had people comment on the fact that I look like him.

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What the fuck was I thinking with that image. Never mind, its what Seth would have wanted

do you wash your foreskin regularly user?

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>Tfw drafted as well

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The fact that the closest lookalike is a assassin's creed depiction of some obscure historical figure

Attached: thomas_alexandre_dumas_acu.png (300x400, 149K)

more like thomas alexander dumbass
god I hate this guy

>inb4 people tell me to gtfo

Attached: MV5BNTk5ZjNkY2QtODFmNC00YTYxLWE3MmEtN2VmYTMyYTkzZWQzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTI5NjIyMw@@._V1_UY317_CR11,0,21 (214x317, 25K)

What did he do?
Wan too tree

>tfw don't resemble any normie celebrities

Like this but actually Asian. Most Asian men can't grow a beard like me.

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ive heard most recently i look like sleepy. dont know how to feel, i feel like im better looking but also not

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you know exactly what he did and if you don't then you're a retard who can't comprehend basic facts and events

I literally know next to nothing about him.I am genuinely curious

this, unorigginaIIy

Attached: 1528382753396.png (375x600, 566K)

sometimes people tell me i look like pete

or nathan explosion but i have tattoos

Attached: se17z4jz1yj01.jpg (500x333, 93K)

this guy looks like me, but i have shorter hair now.

Attached: 150312160129-isis-australian-teen-full-169.jpg (1600x900, 177K)

i don't really see it but whatever

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Peja kurwa PEJA

him but younger

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I wish I was as talented

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i usually get this

Attached: js.png (340x408, 310K)

Ohhhh hey there bud !

Here I found another picture that kinda looks like you

Attached: 1533712395540.png (720x960, 492K)