Why do men like so many types of girls, such as fat, chubby, damaged, autistic, gay, homely, shy, outgoing, pretty feminine, masculine, alpha, beta, etc but girls despise any guys that don't fit the premiere image of a "man". At least, women don't seem to be as willing to go for men that are "suboptimal" (unlesa they're insane methheads but that's only to fulfill their vice anyway) so they all like the same thing and there are no girls that say, for example, want to be the alpha over a shy guy like a guy would? Some say they do but the numbers don't add up. Men are way more varied in their type but girls generally shove quieter guys to the bench.
Why do men like so many types of girls, such as fat, chubby, damaged, autistic, gay, homely, shy, outgoing...
this is because just like most species females are the ones who decide what they mate with. this essentially translates into preferences and relationships but there are also women who'd go for anyone just that they've already got someone for obvious reasons. the person who is being chased always chooses who they're with and for the most part men chase women. that's why they're more picky, because they can be and can be safely. whilst men do the chasing and try to get anyone so generally they aren't very picky.
I guess. You'd think women would, at least at this point, just as able as men to fall to their humanity above their biological imperative seeing as there are so many of us and we rarely have to utilize many of the instincts we've been evolving up to modern times; that this more heodnistic lifestyle would give way to more types of men.
Woman seem to have their own niche desires at times. Could be anything from somebody who's a skeleton to a chubster, could prefer somebody weak or shy, or even somebody short. It's really just down to individual preference, and though in some cases it might not be somebody "suboptimal" there's always somebody looking for something less than "optimal".
>but girls despise any guys that don't fit the premiere image of a "man"
get out insecure underage. if you actually believe what you just wrote then I feel sorry for you because autism spectrum disorder can't be cured. thats a terrible fucking way to think what you're doing right now on how girls work and you're basically implying that men fuck any girl that walks. The normal guy does have standards and most do not want or feel attracted to a girl thats fat or has acne.
'Some say they do but the numbers don't add up''. What numbers? Before you make a thread like this support that sentence please. You're generalizing things like, women do this and that, but your perspective is very wrong. If you're getting all your ideas from Jow Forums realize this board is probably 95% male and I don't think you've ever had a discussion with a female about this. But I don't think you really care about their opinions.
We have much higher sex drives and way less sex than women, so we end up fetishizing various unattractive traits, in addition to having generally lower standards.
Absolutely based user. If there's any one piece of advice I can give to this board, it's don't take romantic advice from this board ever.
this is why you date an unstable, impressionable transgirl desu
And then they commit suicide in less than 5 years.
>unstable, impressionable transgirls
which type do you want out of the two?
wow i might acually be the first one holy shit
don't mind as long as they're cute, a virgin and love me desu
trans girls are still hot though
I'm sorry, I don't want to make you feel bad with the picture i posted if you really are trans. Pictures like this might make you more depressed and conflicted. Trans in my opinion is a mental disorder but really hard to treat, especially in the modern society like today if this is enabling them or not, whatever the case really is. This image is probably cherry picking and showing the transsexual community in either a black or white view which is not the actual case.
its all cool man
yah also for some straight men who fap to traps and think its hot transistion for bullshit reasons 2
Men have to have a wide variety of taste or reproduction just wouldn't work. If men were just as picky as women, the human race would have gone extinct ages ago.
Im not gay, but i'd fuck any boipussy if he looks like a chick and has a nice ass
maby thats why men on r9k have so many fetishes if they stay long enough
and people who stay virgins or betas normally have weird fetishes
some phyciatrist should study this
you might not be gay but i doubt you are 100% straight
>some phyciatrist should study this
they do but it's very controversial to release information like this and 'testing' the theories they develop on large scale will require probably a lot of money and more people
Women may not "settle" but individual women have varying definitions of a 10. Go out an get 'em champ.
"Women are all the same" is reality not a meme
>"Women are all the same" is a meme not reality
Fixed your typo for you.
I'll try eventually. I'm just hoping to find and talk to gymanon more some day.
Shiiet, same. I'd never fuck a guy, but a femboy/trap/tranny? Hell yeah
But its true. All women desire the same men. 80% of the messages from women on dating sites go to 20% of the men.
>>Dating sites
First off who the fuck uses those, and then remember that those who do are going for hookups
Second off maybe back it with some actual tangible evidence it has anything to do with what a galb wants in a lad.
>bringing up the dating site/tinder meme statistic again
Datings site don't release a lot of their data because they need to keep scamming lonely men out of their money. Stop bringing up that meme again.
lmao at men like you:
>are ready to fuck anything that walks
>swipe right on every woman on tinder
>complain when that they don't get matches when they're the one drowning women in attention and forcing us to be ultra selective
FPBP wrappppppp it up tards
Redditor hands typed this post
Because women don't need to turn negatives into positives. They have drastically more power in choosing who they want. A preference for "suboptimal" traits develops only once a man realizes he can't get someone that's close to optimal in most to all areas.
Ah R9K. Sometimes I hate you guys, and sometimes I love you guys.
People should more often realize that if they can't attract the opposite gender's attention, there's probably fault with themselves and not the other way around. I personally just haven't made any attempt to get out there, don't go out often or talk to people much when I do.
id say you 94% straight
you ever notice 4 % of weman have fucked up fetishes but like 34 % of guys do
nobody is realizing its the system that is fucking us and not the female gender. yet dumb roastie cunts is where we focus our attention on.
So you are a virgin but you give advice that you don't take because deep inside you know you are a genetic failure like the rest of us. Face it no woman prefers bad jaws, big droppy eyes, balding, short , shy or any of those failure characteristics.
>fault with themselves
How is it my fault that I was born with suboptimal facial aesthetics?
all comes back to when we were animals, girls instinctively pick males with the best stats because they will have a better chance of surviving
While I'm not with any genetic issues or bad looks, there's the goal of bringing something more to the table than just being a sad lonely person with bad looks.
And I've dated before, multiple times, but I've gotten out of those relationships before things got bad each time. Careful on who you choose. Still a virgin though, and I'd rather it be that way.
>tfw no shy, balding, manlet bf that hides his bad jaw with a beard
bonus points if you work out and not obese but honestly don't care as long as we're able to have a connection
Trannies and larpers don't count im afraid.
not a larper or tranny i have to say. but dont care about proving anything
>Don't care about proving anything
Nothing else to say then
keep being delusional on how women work.
Do you like feeling hate and unfairness because you believe some retarded opinions on the internet from mentally ill men?
>genetic failure
yeah you're forgetting nurture too
I don't need a mentally ill tranny to give me pity. Women irl have shown great disgust with me
Hey I saw your post on lolcow. And you complain men don't leave you alone lol.
>blames everything on genetic failure
>blames women
yeah great mentally. I doubt you're living a happy life with whatever cancer mindset you have. Do you believe women are inherently evil?
you have a victim mentality and its very obvious. prove to me you don't. It's very common for frequent posters of this board.
I don't hate women, I just said they find people like me disgusting, it's insulting for someone of my build to try to talk to one. I am done with trying to cope and just accepted it.
then the women you met were just dumb cunts. i would never fucking look down on someone or find them disgusting just by how they are 'build'. only when the things they say are absolute shit. That doesn't happen often though because people online, especially on anonymous image boards do not say the things they type in real life.
I can imagine getting disgusted by a mexican goblin that smells like a sewege or is constant dripping pus from his pimples but I would still treat this person like another human being.
I"m obsessed with shy guys but I have extensive childhood sexual abuse so I guess that explains it(?) But I'd prefer a guy who didn't intimidate me so I'm heavily into gentle femdom.