Tfw you realize it's too late to turn it around

>tfw you realize it's too late to turn it around

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>tfw it's never too late

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>tfw I'm 20
>feel like it's too late
>tfw one day I'll be 25 and look at this time as one when I could have actually turned it around

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If you're only 20 there's plenty of time. Even if you feel like it's too late try to force yourself into making those changes before it really is too late.

trust me, start your change now

t. 25, soon 26year old

What about yourself, user? Do you consider it to be too late at 25?

God I wish I was 20 again

4 more years to wizardry boys

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If I fucked a boipussy off tindr do I still qualify for wizardhood?

>op is probably some 20 year old faggot.

fuck you dude. if you're under 25 you have time. im 27 and even i feel like i have time. now 30, whew, dunno about that one

You still have time to turn it around.
I'd say that 30 is when you have no chances anymore.

>tfw 28
>no savings
>work min wage slave labor
>one paycheck away from being homeless
>my brain is a stew of mental illnesses tha make it so I can barely keep a job
Im just waiting for my dog to die so I can an hero. Nothing awaits you after 30 except more suffering and hardship buyback Im so goddamn tired

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But I've calculated that time I can get somewhere in life I'll be at wizard age

i tried to join the airforce at 24 and got perm DQd because i had a brain injury at 16. don't be a dumbass. you still have time. it really REALLY DOES NOT GET BETTER HOP ON IT RETARD

What the fuck are you talking about? The earliest you can ever do something is the very moment you're reading this.
Are you worried about being "successful"? Many "successful" people didn't attain success until their later years. People like Edgar Allen Poe never saw success while they were living.
What does "success" mean to you anyway? And what do you realistically think you're going to do when you attain it? You realize most of the "successful" people you see in real life are deep in debt, right?

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you have to be a virgin so no.

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It obviously means having a fulfilling life you idiot.
>lol what duz dat meen tho???
job that pays okay while not being intolerable

I can't define success but it probably involves not being in this isolated stupor I'm currently in

It's never too late, you're just a lazy faggot that doesn't wanna do extra work.

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It's no one can help me take the next step
People just give either useless advice or advice for when I'm miles down the road

Im 18 and I still think my life is screwed

That's a very vague.

What exactly are you doing with friends in your fantasies?
What do you mean by family?
Are you afraid of being to old for sex? Come on now.
What is preventing you from having hobbies right now?
Why is it too late for you to get a job when there are people who switch careers at 40?

People like Isaac Newton were voluntarily isolated. Being isolated is a rare opportunity to spend your time the way you see fit.
For me I spend too much time doing drugs, fapping, and shitposting. I think the easiest thing I could do is study at the library or a public place.
Doing that would also make it more likely that I'll have a social encounter with someone else. Staying in your room makes it highly unlikely you'll be socializing.

Stop playing dumb. You know what's wrong, I know what's wrong, we all know what's wrong.

I shouldn't have said isolation just loneliness

I was isolated when I was in college. I compulsively voided my roommates, I didn't go to any parties, I joined a couple of clubs but quit soon after because I just didn't feel like socializing. Most of my nights consisted of me studying in an empty classroom building. But I wasn't completely miserable because I was working towards a goal and I felt like I was accomplishing something

Now I'm completely fucked. I couldn't get a job in my field so I had to get a job at a factory to pay off my student loans. All my money goes towards loans and rent to my parents. I have no savings. I have no time to myself since the job has shit hours and since I don't have a car I'm stuck riding with my dad who forces me to work with him at his shitty job so basically when I'm not awake I'm working for minimum wage or no wage at all. Hell as we speak i have to hide my time shitposting because he goes off whenever he sees me on it.
>"You can't be on your phone at a job!"
Fucking hell this isn't my job this is supposed to be my free time. And shitposting is all I have at the moment.

What? You think you can't socialize or something? Jow Forums is literally a social network where people go to socialize. You just aren't part of normie culture. It's never too late to join it though.
The question you're probably really wondering about is if it's worth trying to become a normie.

Where do you live? Even though it feels like you can't get another job, you likely can. There's no reason to work minimum wage long hours. Even Walmart pays $11 a hour across the country.

>implying there was ever a chance to begin with
One way track user there's never been an alternative to our situations.

I live in a small rural town
Any job I can get is limited by my ability to get there since I don't have the car and no money to get one
And honestly it's not just the long hours at my minimum wage job but the fact I'm stuck working another job on top of that for no money

Well the only thing you can do is objectively look at your situation, look at what expenses can be cut, what money it is possible to save, and save up.
Hopefully after a few years you can afford a car, which can give you more opportunities. You can find decent cars for $1000-$3000 easy.

There's no expenses to cut
There's just rent and loan payments
I'd have to wait until after pay back my loans which could take a decade or try to convince my parents to lower my rent but that's just gonna negatively affect my siblings who still have a chance in life

It's only late if you don't really want the thing

You have a phone, who pays for it?

I'm not cutting out the one thing that makes my life tolerable

What's your carrier? Chances are you could switch to something like Cricket or Straight Talk, get the same service and pay less.

wholeheartedly agree w/ this man

I joined at 27. Wish I would have started sooner.

How do I handle the stress of having someone yelling at me constantly?
I'm probably gonna Gomer Plye myself