I have realized that for my whole life I've been "abused" by people

I have realized that for my whole life I've been "abused" by people

Whenever I'm alone with someone situation it's normal.

But whenever I'm with a group (friends, job mates, family, ..) I get "bullied" all the time. It's not pure bullying because as I said it happens with people that ask me to go out with them or go to have lunch.

It's like if them all gang up all on me. Every time I say something they laugh at it or try to argue why it's wrong.
They always threaten me subtly like "if you don't do this I may not want to go for a walk", like if they were playing with me.

There are also low level physical intimidation like placing their hand on my shoulder or splashing out water at me if we are in the pool.

Is this bad energy or low aura or some type of doom?

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Nah you either look or act like someone who is pushover.
Solution learn how to look or act like someone you don't fuck with.

But I'm not your average skinny nerd nor an effeminate guy.

Why do everyone act against me like a Wolfpack with a sheep?

You have bad vibes.

what about stop meeting that people??

People can tell how someone is usually feeling. If you're happy all the time, you have an "aura' of happiness. You are probably anxious a lot and people sense that and subconsciously react.

So if I'm feeling anxious people will go against me?

Yes sir. Have you not picked that up yet?

Can you explain why that happens?


I'm not entirely sure tbqh familamabam. I've never been one to act like that. You might kind of an autism though and are saying things that are actually very stupid. Another possibility is that they're insecure and have knee jerk emotional reactions to people being awkward. I'd recommend acting with more energy but if you're kind of an idiot it might be a bit rough.

you ever just told somebody to go fuck themselves?
or slugged them in the arm?

god grow some fuckin balls

sounds like a bunch of microaggressions against you. have you tried calling them out and informing them that they're perpetuating rape culture?

Of course I will sir

You might have a low level form of schizophrenia or one of it's variants. Have you been using psychedelics lately? Are you young?

they do that because of the way you look. you probably look like someone that should be picked on and ridiculed. that's how it all works.

Thank happened to me a bunch during middle school. What i did was learn to become the funny shitbag so everyone just accepted me as is.

That's why I have a zero tolerance policy against that shit, I straight up dumped trash on someone in school for fucking with me right in front of everyone. I kicked a dude in the head while he was sitting down for stealing my ID so I couldn't get into the lunch room (post 9/11 bullshit)

Say something along the lines of "watch what happens when you do that again" and be prepared to deliver if they push it further.

this is terrible advice. aggressive behavior isn't justified unless it's warranted.

It was in middle school and I got away with a slap on the wrist, but I'm also not male, and it was obvious to the staff that the kids had been fucking with me for a while. I never had problems like that in high school or as an adult and certainly wouldn't respond the same way now.

Plus, it was completely warranted. They stopped fucking with me.

Pussy pass at work here. But really you're just a larper since there are no women on the internet.

>Pussy pass at work here.
This is probably true, but at that age if I were male I'd have done the same thing and accepted the consequences, which is getting to stay home for a day.

I am not ugly nor fat. That can't be the problem

Why do you think I have that illness?

It could be the way you think. Our minds are like a lens that we project the world through and distort things. It could be that you have ADHD or something similar and so always see people as hurting you and abusing you. That's the situation im sort of in.

But they're indeed abusing me

I said the same thing about my ex but turns out I'm just extremely sensitive. It's called rejection sensitive dysphoria. I don't know your exact situation though. Maybe you need to learn how to walk away and put yourself in a better situation with better people.

You probably give off some vibes of weakness. Now that everybodyfuckwithanon.exe has been established it will be especially hard to put a stop to it. Stand up to them firmly but dont get all triggered and bitchy about it. That will only pour fuel on the fire. Look whoever starts it in the eye and tell him to stop.

You have no idea what abuse is. You should be ashamed of yourself.

If they try tok argue with you just scream in their face, eventually they'll figure out that it's not worth arguing with you.

This actually sounds a lot like a psychotic delusion
Lots of people simultaneously doing the same specific things, which OP perceives as a danger/assault
Get help OP, you need some seroquel to make the abuse go away

check the documents at this site out

You probably have Avoidant Personality disorder. It's the quintessential robot personality disorder. Though it also sounds like your kinda of a pushover. Don't worry about the anons who think you're a schizo psychotic, as you probably aren't.

Believe it or not people with schizophrenia don't actually "go crazy", it can manifest as paranoia/a feeling of victimization just like the OP.
Gang stalking is a very common delusion, in this case I guess it's gang "abuse."

"It's like if them all gang up all on me."
"They always threaten me subtly"
"There are also low level physical intimidation like placing their hand on my shoulder or splashing out water at me if we are in the pool."
^^^This is paranoia, not anxiety.

Saying psychosis or schizophrenia is a bit extreme, it's probably a mild personality disoirder.

you're probably showing weakness one way or another. letting these people do this type of shit to you is inviting more it. just stand your ground, don't let people treat you like that "walk" or not.

throwing this shit out here like that causes paranoia in some just let these people be there's weirder things going on in the world than gang stalking I don't doubt its happened and it was chopped up to someone being a schizo
you can give helpful advice but instead you're trying to induce paranoia

Yes. It sounds like paranoid delusions. Could be a form of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. My ex lover had this. You could almost seem normal and be effected by it. The thing is without help from a professional (or more than one) you would never know.

>gaslighting people you don't even know anonymously because you're afraid your victims might actually slap sense into you
this board has become pure shit

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This sounds like something a paranoid person would say. People who believe in gang stalking are suffering from legitimate debilatating mental illness. The issue is that from the inside you would never think that you're crazy. The thing is though that people on the outside CANNOT induce paranoia. Paranoia comes from the inside. Your mind is a lens through which you project reality. Paranoia comes from a chemical imbalance. It's the inside, not the outside. Unfortunately paranoid people HATE to hear this and just think you're trying to hurt/manipulate/gaslight them. I tried to help a girl with schizoaffective disorder for years and many many "gang stalking victims". None of them will believe you and will only push you further away because they are chemically predisposed to feeling like the issue is with the outside world, not their inside cognition. It's a terrible thing.

But many social groups have someone who is the runt, or the butt of every joke.

SOMEBODY has to be that guy. Why can't it be OP?

>there's weirder things going on in the world than gang stalking
Unless OP has done something to threaten a prominent cartel or a dictator like Putin, there is no reason for anyone to be gang-stalking him. People don't organize that for shits and giggles.

>you're trying to induce paranoia
I'm trying to encourage a sick person to get help. There's no shame in having a psychotic episode or schizophrenia.

OP didn't give nearly enough details for you to draw this conclusion.

If you're the runt of the group they ignore you and stop inviting you places. They don't "subtly threaten" or "physically intimidate" you. They just stop giving a shit.
In all likelihood, none of the events OP is describing actually happened the way he experienced them.

My conclusion isn't that they definitely have paranoid delusions. I admittedly am not a mental health professional so even with enough details I couldn't diagnose anyone. I'm just saying it's a possibility. It's possible that it's ADHD and rejection sensitive dysphoria which is similar but much less delusional and intense. It could be normal levels of paranoia. You re absolutely right though that we can't pin ops behavior on anything in particular though.

So you came to his thread to call him a liar?

Sounds like he's calling him delusional which several other people in this thread have mentioned

>which several other people in this thread have mentioned
Which means what, exactly?

That several people have said a thing similar to him and your assumption that he was just calling him a liar was wrong

F A G G O T - S A M A

i go through the same shit but i sometimes cant recognize it until later im not autistic tho

How could you unironically think that a group of people picking on the weird awkward kid is a such an insane far flung situation it means whoever thinks its happening has psychosis? Have you ever been to school? Do you even step outside of your room at all?

See the little bitch at work here revving up and doubling down once he realized its not gonna work
And this
I sincerely hope you kill yourself

It can happen for many reason but the bottom line is you have low social status. Low social status can be caused by many things but that is the direct reason why it happens. The exact same thing happens to me and most people would consider me more aggressive than a pushover, yet i have low social status because i am an autist.

Youre just seriously beta