Fembots, tell us about your first crush

Fembots, tell us about your first crush.

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5th grade. White kid with freckles and a bowl cut. Kinda chunky. Bitch teacher would throw out his stickman doodles during class and I would fish them out after and keep them. Got over it when he cut his hair. Compared to my crushes now it was super minor, but it was my first time getting "feelings"

It was in high school. I was in special ed. and I would get bullied relentlessly by Stacy and Shaniqua during lunch time. But one day this boy protected me. He was so nice, I still remember how I felt that someone would actually help me. I thought he was the coolest guy ever immediately. We became friends after that and he was really nice to me. I fell for him like a ton of bricks. He would sit with me everyday during lunch and talk to me about games and anime and stuff.

I messed it up though because I told him I liked him. I should have known better but I was just so happy and wasn't thinking. I should have realized that even though he was nice to me, he still saw me as 'special' person. I might as well have down syndrome because that instantly made me undesirable.

He rejected me. I asked why and he wouldn't say why but I knew why deep inside. He apologized and from then on, he stopped talking to me. I approached him many times after but he would avoid me, he no longer protected me after that. I cried a lot, for weeks after that. I really fell for him hard. What really killed me is I saw him with a girl one day. She was really pretty..and normal. I stood no chance. I felt so devastated, I didn't go to school for days.

Even after I returned, I saw them together and I just felt like crying on the spot. The bullying resumed and life was miserable. In retrospect, he was just being charitable towards me. That's all I am is a charity case. I was stupid to think a guy who wasn't in my position would like me.

I wish I could have least remained his friend, even if I was just a charity case.

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>White kid with freckles and a bowl cut.
Sounds like me tbqh.

I was 6-7, he was in my class and was so cute, had brown hair and green or blue eyes if I remember correctly. I once gave him a note asking if he wanted to be my bf and even when he replied no I still liked him so much.
Also, I wasn't the only girl crushing on him. Now that I look back, he was basically the Chad of the class.

>tfw no retarded gf to protect from niggers
why live?

It's weird to hear stories like that and feel as bad as I do. At my point I just feel a longing to make good friends I can talk to often, and maybe someday find a girl I can respect.

What makes you special ed user?
Down syndrome or something?

My first crush was our family dog. I'm not going to go into any other details aside from that.

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Tyrone9in but he doesn't want me because I'm a white girl

I have autism and learning disability.

i think he was genuinly your friend special ed fembot. also you seem like a person with a warm heart, don't ruin it here on 4chins.

regarding the crush. so what he didnt like you back that way. that happens to millions of people every day probably, and they still find the right person later. dont blame it on whatever condition you have, if you're loveworthy and you meet people you will find love.

all the best :)

Did the bullying persist into college or didn't you go?

be careful of this user. hes a manipulator.

>Bullying the autistic girl
Hits my feels in the feels, but that's how kids are.

For asking a question?

I didn't go. It would have been too hard for me.

It was the first of highschool at age 13. I didn't know anyone at my school and for some reason I always pictured highschool life as you saw it on American TV with the stereotypical hot girls and bullies.

I saw a group of boys who clearly just met eachother and were most likely the losers of their primary school. One tall kid who was already pretty buff picked one kid out from the group and started pushing and shoving him. I'm not sure what was the cause of this.

When he finished picking on them he walked past me where I was watching this happen and he gave me this extremely flirty look with his eyes and kiss face. I'm not sure why but ever since that day I always had serious feeling for them. I would have done anything he asked me.

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I know this is bait since that's all these threads ever are but you actually angered me enough for me to write a reply to you so here you go, fuck you.

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My first crush was my dad.

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>I know this is bait

I'm afraid to tell you it's not. I'm not proud of myself but this happened to be my first feelings for a male. It's no different to a male who had the hots for some Stacy who was also a total bitch to everyone.

Also the guy look very dam similar to pic related now.

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I was in 5th grade, we both played bass in the orchestra and he sat next to me. I eventually developed a crush on him. At one sleepover with a big group of friends (the days lmao), I confessed I liked him but it turns out my friend had just been asked out by him that day and she said yes.
Being the little shit I was, I threw a tantrum and locked myself in the bathroom crying, and it took the hostess' mom to get me out

didu maybe fugg?

He was a black kid in my class in 5th grade. He was cute af.

My brain barely fucking works while thinking about this topic, so i shall intimidate myself ask you, bitches, for help

So do women only want chad or not? One says they do, other says they don't
Was i brainwashed by r9k propaganda or was i saved by it?

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yeh, he filled me up with incestuous semen every night

It was some black girl in pre k (yes that's how autistic i was)
But when I actually knew what was going on it was some semi-quirky girl who always walked on her tip toes.

I'm a guy but I remember back in 1st grade, a girl had me come with her under the teachers desk during free time and asked me who I liked. I told her the class Stacy and I distinctly remember the look of horror on her face, like I just shit all over her life. I didn't think anything of it at the time because we kept talking after, but I always remember how she probably liked me and was depressed and sad that I liked another girl. She was a very pale redhead with blue eyes. I liked another redhead with green eyes. I have very attracted to redheads.

Still a virgin though! At the very least, I ruined a fembots early childhood for like 3 days. It's the little pleasures in life that make it worth living.

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You poopy face.

Remembering your childhood, femwhore? Poor little fembaby. Buck up, at least you're a femslut and won't have to worry about being alone the rest of your life.



Back when I was a kid, fembitches would get their shit pushed in. It didn't matter that they had whoreholes. Kids today just don't understand


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Some women want Chad, some women want Brad, some women want Tyrone, some women want Stacy. Basically there is no universal rule.

And no woman wants a robot. No woman wants a man below 7/10. Thanks for playing

You should reconnect with him, maybe hes more accepting.

>ywn be a fembot's crush

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A Serb dude. He had huge glasses and a bowl cut when we first exchanged pictures, but he's quite handsome now.
We were friends for about seven years and dated for one ("I love you's" and everything) until he sperged out and ended things. Now he's been drunkenly texting me today, saying he still "has feelings" for me.

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Of course. How can you be the crush of something that's not real?

I was in 1st grade and he was cute and taught me long division. I just admired him from afar.
Now he's majoring in compsci at MIT and is a semi-professional concert pianist. still cute as hell.

Fembots are whores, dirty whores.

Yeah, well, your mom.

Don't respond to me, whore.

What are you gonna do about it tough guy?

You poor naive fool. There's nothing women love more than bullies. They'll love a violent alpha guy more than they'll love their own family.

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It's probably bad for my emotional state to watch the thread hoping my description appears, but I made this choice for myself.

Aww I'm so sorry user :(

*Internet hugs*

What a silly thread this is.

this is the only kind of fembot welcome here

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>browse thread to see if by any chance a fembot fell for a guy like me

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