hi would you date a sociopath
Hi would you date a sociopath
Other urls found in this thread:
Only a female one, substitutes not accepted
Yeah, but not you moonboy.
>hi would you date
Define sociopath
professionally diagnosed ASPD with proof no retarded memes
attention whoring spamm nigga
I mean, not exactly by choice, but everyone who has been a friend or anything more to me has been one so yeah.
I'll date you baby ;)
even if i say yes you wouldn't so now what?
>different threads with different pics and topics
lol butthurt
just curious
my brothers are both insane but they're CHADS
I talked to you on discord for less than 10 minutes and you gave me an anxious breakdown
Pls date me so i can eventually kill myself for you uwu
Sociopaths can be alright. But they can also be very not alright. Depends on the sociopath.
Moon's threads die the quickest.
You are using a name on an anonymous image board which disgusts me because being recognized on r9k alone is clearly not your primary goal. You named yourself moon to get recognized by your spiteful, pathetic, degenerate discord friends. You also began your thread with a 'hi' to edgify your cool little anime r9k discord persona. In the end you have achieved nothing and no one here, or on your faggot discord server, actually gives a shit about you.
sociopaths are hateful and easily bored
and robots are boring as shit
I'd date a cat please love me
Can't be professionally diagnosed ASPD. It's not an officially recognised disorder. Retard.
Remember you can put "sage" in options
as long as said sociopath is someone the i care deeply about for whatever reason
Only if they didn't hurt animals for pleasure
can i talk to you on discord for less than 10 minutes so that we can both determine we're incompatible as friends
Yeah I would date one even you, you seem cute and I love toga :o
i have no friends
i don't use servers
i used hi cause thread wasn't original
i have achieved more in life than you could ever hope to
it's complicated how it works but you're extremely wrong in saying that and it proves you have no idea about the subject lmfao
i am the cutest alive
>i am the cutest alive
thats pretty egotistical of you
click click
haha nice the, hope you find somoene for you '^'
she'd probably ruin my life, but as long as she liked cuddles and handholding then hell yeah
You CAN be professionally diagnosed with ASPD because it's an extremely broad term for mental illness, however, you can have ASPD and not be a sociopath. Sociopath/Psychopath are a different story, but can be professionally diagnosed based on how many other personality disorders you have that fit into the same tree, basically like some sort of checklist. Also, psychologists are all very different, and most are shit.
The irony.
You've been around a lot. I find myself on your threads a lot.
Are you a guy or girl? Your threads confuse my brain.
Yes but i bet you aren't one
>i have no friends
Let's all relate to r9k's new robot user: moon
>i don't use servers
Sure 'moon'
>i used hi cause thread wasn't original
No. You used hi because you wanted to edgify your r9k persona. Cool anime avatars.
>i have achieved more in life than you could ever hope to
You don't know that. However let's all hope that one of your achievements is not your ability to form english sentences because god knows your grammar is pig shit. We wouldn't want you to be a deluded degenerate weaboo seeing as being a regular one is bad enough.
That school girl from kill bill
youre not a sociopath, youre just autistic. and no, i would not date an autist
nice raping lol
i am a boy (male)
interesting why
>denying straight facts
you're too far gone now
mad mad boy lol
can i turn you into a girl (male), moon-kun?
Been there done that, I'd probably come closer to getting off by pushing them into traffic
moon is fucking insane don't associate with them or they will ruin your life
look kid, just go back to your reddit or whatever your friends browse because you do not belong here, or at least stop attentionwhoring and lurk more
I always wanted to have somoene Insane with me so I take the risk :D
id suck that up
I unknowingly did and it was the only relationship I've ever had and probably ever will. She only stuck with me because I made some naive comment about marriage and all she wanted in life was money so she figured she had her betabux in the bag. Then I annoyed her too much simply by existing and eventually the mask slipped, she admitted she only ever told me what she thought I wanted to hear. At least I got to fuck her in the butt.
>professionally diagnosed ASPD
no piety, you're just an extreme narcissist who gets off to harming others
please ingest a bucket of curare and die thank you
rude lol
lol i been here 9 years idiot and i already said 0 FRIENDS
that's for me not you
not them retard learn to read
so anyway what are you looking for here ? :o
>lol i been here 9 years idiot
just boredom and lonely
lol no i just started very young
All of my partners have been sociopathic and one out right sociopath
TL;DR: I date women
Wtf? Is that your arm in that image?
not me i haven't cut myself in some time
i wanna talk to you moonie, i really enjoy talking to self absorbed people, you got a discord?
oh '^' boredom and lonely I see
Guess with love the same thing bro
Exactly that, stay woke
i'm sorry user, i dont understand what you mean?
Reminder that anyone who calls himself a sociopath is not actually sociopath but just an edgy and autistic underaged faggot.
well duh they want to sound edgy and cool, dr phil taught me that narcisists are really bad at reading their audience when making claims so they'll think they're selling a story really well when infact everyone knows they're talking shit, makes them tons of fun to talk to as they'll inadvertently make an ass of themselves.
I've never seen a muslim call a black a nigger before
People who lack empathy are stupid. They can't put themselves in other people's shoes and have barely no self-control.
Why would I want to have anything to do with people like that? You're embracing a mental disorder.
Bonus: psychologytoday.com
Why do you make so many threads just fuck off already. Your threads arent even original or substantive
He is and I know from experience
>dr phil taught me
user honestly what the fuck is this
i literally just choose the first picture that popped up after i randomly scrolled through my image folder, i fucking swear you people have downs syndrome or something, if you can't attack the argument, just attack the picture that's attached to it and call it a day, what a good and valid point you make
>user honestly what the fuck is this
any user who doesn't spend all day watching pirated daytime tv doesn't belong here, anime is fucking normie tier.
>i literally just called someone an edgy underage faggot while posting the most hypocritial shit anime girl along with it why do people say i'm retarded
not an argument, you obviously have something against that anime girl, maybe try not to mix up a post and the image that was attached to it and think they are supposed to be connected in any way
where'd moonie go ;~; i wanna talk to him
999x better than kathy posting
If i there were absolutely no other options
And then it would be a quick fix and bleh. I can have any female i just dont want to have them all.
9999x better than piety's orbiting samefag circlejerk
he just posted in anonymous here
Post your proof ITT because I don't believe it. Also everyone in here claiming moon fucked up their life is larping and/or moon himself.This is probably the kind of loser who thinks he has ruined and bested you when you ghost him for being boring and edgy.