Failed normie vs robot

Does anybody have more pics like this?

Attached: 78235968532.png (889x651, 231K)

Here's another similar picture

Attached: 1517374218117.jpg (600x800, 72K)

how do failed normies fuck with this board more than successful normies? that just does not make sense

t. failed normie

1 and 4 want to live in peace where they are
2 only wants pussy, 3 wants to be 2

Hello guys! I'm Flowey the Chad flower!

Attached: 48.jpg (412x512, 24K)

I have crossed all the 4 realms. Right now im climbing back up to normanhood out of spite. I shall become a Chad to spit on those that say i could not. I want revenge on a very small group of people. That revenge comes from me becoming buff and very well liked, and will take years to reach. But best revenge is served cold. So my will shall not falter. And honestly i have no other motivator, so i might as well be fueled by hate.

Attached: 1527707681957.png (728x776, 71K)

my man

I don't think there's any sense in making "Robot" as exclusive a group as that chart does. If you go by that, then only like 10% of r9k is robot.

I have a girlfriend who I use for sex and character development she is very innocent and I make her happy through lies. I am however deeply in love with another girl who I used to be in deep with and would leave my current for her in an instant. I messed up anychance with her and it makes me very sad all the time. What does that make me??

Hardly a chad

Attached: 1870943 - Flowey Undertale.png (885x800, 293K)

A normie . you just doing the same as them.

Well that's fine with me I guess

>I'm in an relationship with someone despite loving someone else

Stacey if you were a woman but as a guy just some normie. (Close to Chad tho so keep it up)

if i have assburgers and cannot get and maintain a gf but am good looking and have gotton blackout drunk and let girls take advantage of me but am a neet and hiki for 5 years plus what am i

>no bf/gf
>no social skills
>self pity
>not happy
>life doesn't revolve around getting laid
what am I.

So according to that chart only a very small minority of this board counts as actual robots, since most are either normalfag or failed normie.

A real robot instead of a normalfag like op and his definition of robot is.

Failed normies often think they're robots but robots can mistake themselves for failed normies. If you don't find connections with normalfags despite going out and having a job, you're probably still a robot.

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>life revolves around himself
that's not what his 15 terabytes of porn says.

Too right, mate. This board is tumblr tier

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It should be mandatory for ""robots"" to date tumblr girls, they are like made for reach other

>inb4 failed normie backlash

I feel the same way that you do but i cant keep up my motivation for long. Fuck these niggers that make fun of me when they arent any better.

That's exactly right, user.

If you're not number 3, you're not a robot and need to fucking get off of my board.

Attached: 1524784244130.jpg (785x757, 199K)

What if I have social skills, goals AND no gf, ever?

There's nothing that would indicate that they'd have any interest in robots. Those girls probably have bfs.

Schizoids are not robots. Stop deluding yourselves. You're not a robot if you're happy.

No wonder why i hate this board

What about a sad schizoid

The Jow Forums definition of 'robot' = failed normie. They're mostly depressed because of their perceived social rejection and loneliness. Jow Forums 'robots' enjoy socialization and want to be normalfags - hence why they form discord groups and want girlfriends. There's not really a term for your definition of 'robot' on Jow Forums that I'm aware of. Nonetheless, you are right if you're using the real definition of 'robot': "used to refer to a person who behaves in a mechanical or unemotional manner." Depression and loneliness aren't robot-like in that sense. They call themselves 'robots' because the board is called ROBOT9001.

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Sign me up faggot. Where do I acquire these women?

Most people here are failed normies. No one would be complaining about their shitty lives and longing for a gf if they weren't.
The minority of actual robots probably hang out at more hobby oriented boards since they care to discuss that instead of wallowing in self pity.

Then i guess the format does wonders. I simply Cant stand tumblr, but for some reason im comfy here

I'm a diagnosed schizoid and I am very happy. You must not be schizoiding properly.

Yeah, they flooded this board and fooked it up.

Prepare for the spawning of beautiful eldritch horrors.

failed normies (aka incels) completely ruined this board

What if I have social skills, am not a virgin, have had a gf, but don't really enjoy socializing, romantic relationships, or really value sex enough to chase it. I just spend my time on my studies, my hobbies, and only come on Jow Forums because it reminds me of /b/ with less porn(although that is changing and it is kinda sad).

In what ways have you observed it change?

I'm a failed normie oops oof UwU sry :3

The original definition of a failed normie was always non virgin with a shit life. The failed normie in your chart is know as the reddit incel.