>be me 6'1, marine, moderately handsome
>have mandatory PT in the morning
> Sgt's have some weird fetish with getting big legs.
> forces entire platoon to do killer leg workouts until even the biggest guy taps out.
>notice all my gains from the gym later in the evening going to my legs.
>getting mogged in the gym by admin incels.
>now I have tree trunks and am starting to look fucked.
>how do i fix this?
Semper Fucked
This is a tough one user. I guess you gotta just out-work the upper body? I worry that’d lead to injury though. I’ve never asked the question of how to limit gains
I would limit leg work outs to once a week, if at all
This is life, big legs and core equates to more weight you can carry for longer distances.
If you want to get big you'll have to lift more in your free time.
Which will indirectly make your legs grow even larger as you increase your natural body weight.
6 years Army, I have legs larger than almost anyone in my gym outside of fatasses.
Cant really do that since everyday its mandatory and I dont exactly rate enough to do what i want.
Eat more
>Be me
>MCRD San Diego
>Two weeks into basic
>Have magically managed to only get yelled at during receiving and once for not making my rack correctly
>Morning formation
>Suddenly get hiccups
>God, why have you forsaken me
>DI's start circling
>Try to shut the fuck up
>Only makes it worse
>They zero in on me like sharks smelling a drop of blood in water
>DI asks me what I think i'm doing
>I manage to reply between hiccups
>Tells me I have exactly 10 seconds to stop causing a disturbance
>And that was the first time I got ITed
You work the upper body. Sgt here u are one of those faggots that just does pt and doesn't pt on your own. U should be thanking him for making u do fucking legs.
admin is legit the best mos. life on easy mode
FYI if your calves start to hurt bad, stop that shit ASAP and tell docs
Compartment syndrome is a BITCH
If you actually go to the gym on base, you'll see the guys who have big legs and big arms. They've been PTing longer than you. Stop making excuses.
>notice all my gains from the gym later in the evening going to my legs.
I guess i didn't get the point across that I work out twice a day.... but im the faggot right?
You're probably just some supply manlet who goes to bars in grunt style tees and makes all the women uncomfortable with the copious amounts of tag bodyspray you applied 20 mins before arriving to the bar.
I served 8 years and deployed twice faggot. I ha e been around the world and in combat zones.
But I'm not the one complaining about pt. I would love to have a faggot like u in my platoon bitching about pt. I would have ran u into the dirt while doing a log run on the beach.
God veterans are such faggots
>I did 2 tours and saw my dumbass friends die I'm a badass
Says the faggot who will become a veteran
>moderately handsome
If you think this, then you're not handsom. The average person thinks the same way about theirself.
No one wants to hear your recruit training stories, fucking boot
Why did you feel the need to include the fact that you're handsome? What did that detail add to the story? Braggart piece of shit.
It's quite simple actually, Because if You have the lower body and you have no upper body, you got a problem building...wait a minute. You have the upper body, and you have no legs, you got a problem building your legs. You have the upper...you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, the upper body, it is easier to build. So if you have the lower body and you don't have the upper body, it is easier to build the upper body. You have the upper body and you don't have the legs, you got a problem building the lower body... No, you don't understand. You have the upper body, but you don't have the lower body, you got a problem building downstairs. You got the up- legs on the bottom, it is easier to build on the top, so you don't have much as a problem. Yeah.
>he fell for the jew army meme
>crying about having tree trunks
yeah you are fucked, but not in your physique but in your mind...
basedpilled and red
The easiest way to get disproportionately huge arms as a man is probably gymnastics.
Too bad you’re probably a fucking POG though
fucking lmao made me spit my food