Suicide is justified

"your family will be sad, you might miss out, you can turn your life around, etc, etc"

All consequences of your death aren't valid as you as an entity won't exist and will therefore not be able to experience them.

name a fault.

Pro tip: you can't

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I will not experience them, but my family will. That's the shit about it

You won't care when your dead. Your family don't have an intrinsic value, only the value you give them. They are after all just atoms. When your dead the sentimental value dies with you. You won't care about how your family feels when you're dead.

How wud u suduko op

>name a fault
Why aren't you dead? You clearly don't practice what you preach.

wtf everything excepts "You" will be gone, only what makes you You will exist

That's probably irrelevant if you're still alive then.

Yeah he already established that YOU wouldn't care, but that your family would. You literally just ignored everything he said in his post. As to 'we're all just atoms,' read some philosophy. You shouldn't be advocating suicide based on this alone when you haven't read enough about the subject to make an even somewhat educated point about it. Moreover, you come off as a narcissist when you implicitly state that only your experience is relevant to making a decision, and that your family's grief is inconsequential as a result. In summary, read more. It'll help.

No, I think you missed my point. I'm not saying that your family wouldn't care. Obviously, they most likely would.

I'm saying that it doesn't matter if your family cares or not. You won't be able to be empathetic to your family when your dead and therefore what happens after your death is irrelevant to you.

As for philosophy and narcissism, it has been widely argued that there is no altruism which you should probably do some reading on. Hint: pic related.

If you want I can elaborate further on why one's perception and experience of the world is the only one that matters.

In summary, think more instead of believing unsubstantiated "truisms".


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Considering it but I'm not advocating that everybody does the same. If your life is pleasurable it's logical to not commit suicide. If your life is unpleasurable you won't be able to regret it and should therefore not be concerned about the consequences.


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My dude, I agree with you. My point is that OP is advocating for something he demonstrably doesn't believe in, and as such, this thread is bait, which you non-sageing fags have taken. Literally as brainlet as they come.

I'm OP, I just replied to you.


why do you think OP is baiting? because you don't want to see this or something? if you really want to sage threads how about you start with the "britfeel", "fembots", "tfw i realized i'm not attracted to white girls at all" race bait, "stop playing the vidya jew", "who wants a waifu", "went to the country fair with my friend a girl OwOwOw", and "almost dated a jewess" threads up right now

yes this is a relatively low quality thread but it doesn't seem to be a deliberate bait thread

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>Just cause a person is dead means that the repercussions of their death won't matter.
Do you have any idea of how stupid you sound?

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In which case, great logical consistency faggot.

Suicide is the easy way out pussy.

You don't have to justify anything to anyone. If you want to kill yourself, do it. My only advice is to get it done in one go; otherwise, the normalfags will have you in a hospital and psych ward

>Just cause a person is dead doesn't mean that the repercussions of their death won't matter.
Do you have any idea of how stupid you sound?

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Hmm you make a convincing argument OP, but can you give us a proof of concept? Killing yourself right now would work.

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Proverbs 3:5
This is the 'end' of Atheism.

Look closely, all who read this. Do not go down that path.

Where's the logical inconsistency, brainlet? Just because something is every so slightly abstract doesn't make it abstract.

Explain why it's dumb.

I'm not justifying, I'm doubting.


I'm not an atheist, I'm an agnostic.

like people are like totally atoams so there thoughts dony matter dude infalliable logic man

suicide more like sage icide

The point of that statement was not to argue that people's thoughts don't matter because they are just atoms. The point was to demonstrate that humans don't have an instrintic value, only the value you give them while your alive.

Either I was unclear or you wrongfully assumed the meaning of that statement.

The point still stands, let me format it with strictly logic to remove all confusion.

Assertion 1: Only your own consciousness/feelings/experiences matter in the end.

Assertion 2: Nothing has an objective value, only you give things value

Assertion 3: Your consciousness/feelings/experiences stop existing when your dead

Conclusions: nothing matters after your death.

Argue the assertions, I'm 95% the logic is right.

Whether or not anyone will miss you when you kill yourself is irrelevant because no one has a higher claim on your life than you have. You do not have an obligation to live when you want to be dead just to make someone else happy. It is selfish to want someone who is suicidal to live just for your pleasure.