Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here, because Shuaiby, my hero and inspiration, deserves our recognition and remembrance.
Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here, because Shuaiby, my hero and inspiration...
It's really bothersome to buy a tent for my method, because all those tents are designed so differently and the images don't show enough details for me to make a good judgement whether the respective tent is suitable enough to pull my method off.
Really annoying, for the 1st time in my life I'd really wish I had a car.
So I get how fast and why people pass out from hanging but what exactly happens after they pass out and their airway is shut? Will their body go crazy? Will they try to stand up once they starts suffocating, not consciously but if enough if their brain is working to be able to try to breathe is that enough brain function to panic from suffocation? I have read books and none of them touched on that at all. And yes I know the reason the pass out is aince circulation is cut off.
Any user have any insight as to why suicide by jumping is so unpopular in the West? Near-100% fatality rate, quick, and easy. Is the survival instinct too strong at great heights?
This fuckin shitskin weeb cuck? Lmao, should have faced the camera down so we could see the aftermath
Life is just bunch of pluses and minuses, when theres more pluses youre fine, but sometimes you reach that point when theres more minuses. Its been already 2 months like this for me anons, i dont think its going to change. I probably should end this shitshow already
Nothing is more terrifying than watching the descent down to instant darkness
all forms of suicide take a sort of extraordinary boldness and detachment from material reality
when most people say they want to die, it's really that they wish their situation was different
someone who truly wants to die will feel very little hesitation in doing so. it's why suicide is a relatively uncommon anomaly
Hey what was his story?
I was in a psych ward for 3 weeks because I had a manic episode at work triggered by a traumatic event at work.The immediate diagnosis was bipolar disorder and instantly stared giving me medications for a hasty diagnosis forgetting about the fact that I hardly EVER have manic episodes and swaying emotions characteristic of bipolar. That bitch increased my dose of lithium to 1200mg and I have never been worse. Bitch said it would stabilize my mood, yet now all I want to do is kill myself. Fuck society
Lithium is extremely powerful and increases suicidal ideation across the board.
Would recommend weening that as soon as possible.
I have to stay on it until the doctor clears me to go back to work. That could be up to 3 months.. :(
>was about to kill himself
>still was so insecure that he hides his face with beanie and mask
what a fucking loser
He wasnt necessarily insecure, though maybe he was, he probably just wanted to protect his identity and family. Stayed anonymous in true robot fashion.
What's the cheapest gun you could buy that can get the job done?
My plan is to kill myself before i become a wizard.
Though i still have like 10 years to think about the how
Just do it in the pistol round. Round 2
dont kill yourself
join the army or something cool
I joined the navy after dropping out of college. That was the real catalyst for me hating life. It only lasted for four months before I said I would kill myself. I realized I have no motivation to do anything achievable in modern society. I would honestly be better off dead
Listen anons.
If u gon do it.
Go out with a blast.
Take out all your money sell everything you got, and go to the casino and bet it all on Black.
NAh i was thinking of just doing a down to earth suicide where i just kinda chat up random people for the day then call my parents, tell them everything i feel, then hang up, and do it.
It's gay but at least everyone gets closure
I think a lot of people hesitate because of horror stories involving attempted suicide by jumping. This kid in my high school jumped off a bridge that was something like 76 feet above a highway. He didn't die on impact. No idea if he lost consciousness when he impacted at first, but he was awake and aware when he was getting rushed to the hospital. He died I think like 2 or 3 hours later from the trauma. I didn't hear specific details about how much damage the jump did to his body, other than the fact that he later died, but I bet slammming into concrete from a 76 foot fall would shatter a lot of the bones in your body. I cannot imagine how much agony he experienced while he was awake. Probably was wishing he had just shot or hanged himself
can't you do both?
man if that's what they're worried about just go with the most sure fire way.
Like jump head first from a tall bridge instead of legs first.
Nah, since my plan is to die if i'm a failiure, i dont wanna be a dumb failiure
how hard would it be to build a guillotine? thats one sure-fire method if you can lop your head off
>caring about what others think when you die from suicide
It's what I think. I think it's stupid to go gung ho before you die
>not using your an hero powers before you die
care to explain why?
Either way i die, so why not just make it a small thing. If i "go out with a bang" it almost takes away from the fact i just took my own life.
Plus it's just not my cup of tea
guys, follow me here. now, when we take out pets to the vet to be put down, all they do is inject them with something,, and they just go to sleep peacefully and die. is there any way we can get this drug on the black market? whats it called?
Fair enough user, but taking your life without trying out one last new experience before you go is kinda extra feels in my opinion.
>one parent dead
>best friend gone
>all remaining friends have SOs
>all potential gfs always start dating the guy they really wanted after i make a move
i'm going to die alone. i'm only waiting for my remaining parent to go because honestly, they're the only person who'd actually miss me and I don't want to make them feel bad
Most things i try end up fucking up and hurting me worse so it might make it less sad
I'm sorry user
Why will you die alone?? Move outside of your friends network for dating.
i have, it doesnt do anything different.
Just keep trying user. I know its frustrating to hear this, but just keep going...
why? i'm almost 30
The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I would hurt friends and family if I did. I'm not even sad, I'm just empty. I would prefer the stasis of death to the ups and downs of life
Are you male or female? dddd
WOMen dont kill themselves out of depression my guy (i'm not that person, though)
I've been waiting for this thread, lads. I thank you.
I plan on next year, when things aren't so happening to hang myself. When I'm just a neet and everyday is going as expected.
My biggest question is, how do I get the rope? I can't go to a store; too far away. Should I order one online? I just hope I can do that without my parents seeing it.
Did you watch some really good porn before you died?
I am really close to killing my self guys.
Main reason I'm doing it is because I'm a non-white. I can't stand being insulted in cruel ways every day. I can't stand it anymore. Other reasons are that I'm a failure as a man: drug addict, no friends, no girlfriend, no purpose in life, no plans for my future, nothing. I'm also an ugly manlet. The day of my suicide gets slowly closer and closer. I just don't know how will I do it but I was thinking a heroin OD maybe?
Only regret I have is hurting my father, my mother and my little brother. But I just can't stand it anymore. I feel like I have become numb and soulless. I feel like an empty husk, a shadow of my former self.
Does anyone else feel like Shuaiby was highly evolved/intelligent?
He was so lonely that he killed himself, and loneliness comes from a need to belong, and a need to belong comes from being evolved.
He escaped into cartoons, and he is descended from a blood-line of highly intelligent Arabs that escaped from the Arab world. He even hated his own mother enough to kill himself with her in the house. Smart enough to shotgun and setup a live stream
This kid was at least 110 IQ from a genetic norm of 86 IQ
Im asking because its very odd that that person thinks its all over because they have not developed a solid relationship in their late 20s. Even more bizarre if they are male. Thats nothing these days desu.
He was Pakistani not Arab. He had an interesting mind though.
You need to get back to your non-white people.
White people pretend they are kind and benevolent, but they are truly cruel like every other race when it comes to different DNA.
Abandon the place you live. You will never be happy around whites. White people and other races are the root cause of your suffering
You can't love them, and they can't love you.
Uhhh... Did you read his chat logs? He was borderline retarded.
No other race is going to go extinct or at least become minorities in every one of their own countries, though.
i've just been hearing "just keep going" and "things are different are different when you're older" for so damn long that it's meaningless at this point
of course not
non drug addict. probably will at this point. i dont see any reason not to, i'm just waiting for one old person to die off before I go.
literally every person i know is in a solid relationship. even the fat bitch that got divorced bounced into a new relationship in weeks. the only person I've ever known to be single longer than a month is myself.
Don't listen to Don't go back anywhere. Just kill yourself and live stream it so you will become a meme here.
honestly it depends. people strong enough to fight the survival instinct to stand up while theyre still conscious are really. i dunno its just hard to do. they dont usually try to stand per say, but yes, the body will convulse and flail around as the brain is starved of oxygen. its not a painless death by any means
thats why drop hanging where the neck is snapped is seen as more "humane"
Does making plans with friends mean I don't want to kill myself? I honestly don't know at this point
That's not true.
White people will remain the majority for years to come. The Hispanic population problem is self-solving, and a Border-wall will stop the flow of immigrants. And then nothing more.
The blacks aren't rabbits
The hispanics aren't rabbits past the first generation
The whites aren't rabbits, but they're the majority minority
No one is keen to race-mix when they have their own race.
Nothing is going to change. It's all just a scare tactic so people vote for certain politicians that really work for certain corporations.
>borderline retarded
More like fucked-up in the brain. His parents probably bought him antidepressants and all kinds of stupid shit.
If you're depressed enough to suicide, you're not going to think clearly and logically.
Wow no response. Is it because I'm white?
Go hang yourself white boy.
This is a BBC image board
I spend all day long waiting to leave work so i can get drunk, because drunk me is the only version of myself that doesn't try to talk myself out of suicide. I didn't know that shotguns don't require a license and I figure that I can't fuck that one up
So youve been in a relationship before. Then your already way ahead of a lot of us. I know this probably doesnt make you feel much better, but 30 which you havent even reached yet is no age.
But seriously,
You need to exercise and eat well and go for walks.
You're white, so you probably don't think that way naturally because whites are more spiritual than other races, but it's what you need to do.
You need to eat good food and take vitamin pills and lift weights and go for runs. You also need to get a meaningful hobby (drawing, music making, etc) the internet will let you have an audience.
It's a good way out of the misery you feel.
Whatever you do, don't take antidepressants. That will fuck you up even more.
you stay conscious for 30 seconds apparently, blowing your brains out is the best way
>Abandon the place you live.
And go where? The only non-shithole countries on earth are white.
>White people pretend they are kind and benevolent, but they are truly cruel like every other race
This is true. I'd say they're even more cruel than the other races, because well, if you think about it no other race uses racial slurs to humiliate and dehumanize you.
Then you can just get involved with church, a community, etc and work hard with your newfound energy from weight lifting and eating right at socializing. People don't really discriminate on the basis of age even though you will feel and think irrationally and say they do in your own brain.
For you, there's an easy way out other people in this thread can't have.
>The only non-shithole countries on earth are white
There are good countries in Latin America where you can have a better life.
If you are thinking about killing yourself, TV and Computer aren't making you happy. You need to leave for a "shit-hole" and fly far away from white people. Your life is empty here.
You are already living in a shithole.
What race are you?
He was 18 and spoke/wrote like a 7 year old at best.
Also, it's primarily white women that humiliate and dehumanize you, right?
Women in general are hateful toward other races. It's hilarious to me.
12 gauge shotgun
yes you can, it can go badly
>was is
That's him typing rapidly and changing thoughts in the middle of his stream.
It goes
"Mommy was in a"
"Mommy is in a"
He's juggling two thoughts at the same time.
"I didn't even do anything to her"
He's using a contraction of "did not" correctly, so his IQ is at least 90 or greater. He could even accurately asses why he was being yelled at. He could see behind the screaming and understand why he was being attacked.
He wasn't dumb even though you want him to be.
Dumb people just scream back and get upset.
>want to die
>don't want to inconvenience anyone by having to dispose of my body, and have my family waste money on a funeral
shit sucks man
I wasnt referring to his grammar. He clearly didnt know why he was being yelled at. He sounds upset and confused.
He sounds upset, I'll agree with you there, but he didn't strike me as confused.
"She's in a bad mood, so she's hurting me"
That makes a lot of sense to me.
He hated his family members because he saw what they were to him.
None of these answered my question. This is nigger tier levels of advice.
Maybe thats how they were by nature though. Whose mom hasnt been in a bad mood and gotten hissy at them for no reason? He felt targeted.
>How do I get the rope
You don't need anything fancy
>There are good countries in Latin America where you can have a better life.
Yeah. I have thought before about going to south america where people are more mixed.
But... I don't know, user. I think I'm too much of a pussy to do it. I think I'm too much of a pussy to take care of myself... but I guess it truly is the only real alternative to suicide. I would feel sorry about leaving my family here, though. They won't follow me.
>What race are you?
I am a south euro, more precisely a south italian. North italians are very racist towards us and they have their own slurs, you just won't hear about this on the media.
Will he ever be topped?
If that was all that he had in his life of value, and if all he was was an object to be mistreated, I think he was right to feel targeted.
For all we know, it was that way all of the time.
He could very well have been targeted because of the selfish nature of his family members.
You are what your parents are, and Shuaiby did do something horribly selfish in the end.
I don't want to die. It's just that death would be better than staying alive. My life can't even considered a real life. I've never had any friends and so many things that normal people get to experience I will never have. Everyday of my life for the past eight years has been spent sitting in front of a computer. That's why I've decided to just opt out and end my life. If improvement can't happen than there is no reason to keep going on.
How thick should the rope be?
>Also, it's primarily white women that humiliate and dehumanize you, right?
It's more or less all of them. Both males and females.
>You are what your parents are, and Shuaiby did do something horribly selfish in the end.
Wow. Good point.
You need to leave for Italy and go for a visit.
I know a girl that is half northern European and half southern Italian, and she visited Italy and feels a strong genetic connection to the people there.
Do you live in South Italy, or do you live in America or Sweden or something messed-up like that? I think you will be happier with your own people. Don't go to South America. It will just be more of the same.
Italy is a good country.
I see French people on Jow Forums call Italians "Shitalians", so there's a definite genetic thing going on here.
If you are too lazy to take care of yourself, start by eating right. It will clear up your mind and give you energy, and then start exercising.
It's an easy way out of the hole you live in.
>good countries
>in Latin America
come to brazil
I think Ian Curtis hung himself with a power-cord or something like that, so you can probably pull it off with an iphone charger
So the 9mm width I have my eyes on will work?
I'm not sure, I've never hung myself before, but it doesn't look like something that's hard to do.
People do it with bed sheets in prison all of the time.
For me, it's the females that go out of their way to mess with me.
The men are indifferent to me, and I to they.
I don't really connect deeply to whites though in the first place.
I didn't catch the part about you being a drug-addict
Drugs are fucking up your brain.
Cease and desist and suffer for a while, and then you will get better.
Drugs increase the dopamine in your brain, and then your brain counteracts this by under producing dopamine or some shit like that.
You need to stop.
You are on the track to suicide if you keep it up.
You can live a better life if you stop doing drugs alone.
>Do you live in South Italy, or do you live in America or Sweden or something messed-up like that?
I do live in south italy. It's a fucking shithole, let me tell you that. Most of my own people are ape mode and that's also one of the reasons why I am friendless.
>Italy is a good country.
Only the northern half.
>I see French people on Jow Forums call Italians "Shitalians", so there's a definite genetic thing going on here.
Those dumbfucks believe there is no genetic difference between north and south italy. Little do they know that northerners are unironically french people that settled there in pre roman times. But yeah, when they use the term "shitalian" they are actually (and unknowingly) referring to us southerners.
>If you are too lazy to take care of yourself, start by eating right. It will clear up your mind
Heh, too bad I have a eating disorder. Yeah I know, I'm fucking unlucky lol.
Anyways, where would you suggest me to go if not in south america? I can't think of any possible alternatives.
>that pic
Thanks for the laugh, user.
Where are you from, user? And where do you live?
I'm not sure what you mean by Southern Italians being non-white. It sounds like you just have low self-esteem because you are white, and white people evolved to have low self-esteem for higher group cohesion.
Tuscans are 98% white, and they're half Southern European, so they are not genetically identical to french
and then even if someone is a quarter Arab, it's still a genetic IQ of 86, so they are still at 96 IQ.
It's pretty much a Spaniard.
I'm from Texas, and I go to Houston to work where I am harassed over my race.
I think, what would be good for you, is to stop doing drugs and get involved with people in your community.
Start looking for people that think like you, but you'll only find them if you dig.
You can also try going to Central Italy because the North and South mingle somewhere genetically.
I suggest you try getting a DNA test.
Find out how Arab/White you are, and go to a place where people are that Arab/White.
I mean, Sicily (which is the southern most part of Italy) has a HDI that puts it at #34 globally despite the HUGE Arab ancestry.
That's very respectable. Higher than Poland, Russia.
>I'm not sure what you mean by Southern Italians being non-white.
Come to south Italy and see for yourself brother. We are brown, arab-looking non-whites that have been bullied by white meanies throughout all of their history.
>It sounds like you just have low self-esteem because you are white
No, I'm not. My skin is not white. And my facial features are not white either. I have brown eyes and very dark hair.
>It's pretty much a Spaniard.
It's actually closer to a greek. In fact we have been colonized by greeks multiple times through history, so it's safe to say that we are very close to them genetically speaking. Picrelated is ancient greek colonies. We were later part of the Byzantine Empire too. Either way, neither greeks nor spaniards are considered white.
>Suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to suicide go here, because Shuaiby, my hero and inspiration, deserves our recognition and remembrance.
Mods get this poster out of here this is getting ridiculous. You all know what this poster is doing and you do not need any more reason to ban it.
But genetically, they are. People just attack them because they look differently even though they're still valuable, intelligent, and conscientious like pure whites.
White people (men and women) are very feminine, so they reject things violently like women if they conflict with what they find pleasurable. They are built to care for everything.
The average Digit Ratio in Britain is .980.
The average Digit Ratio in Africa is .922
It's all to do with prenatal testosterone.
I don't see much Greek in the DNA tests available to me, and I see more southern Italian than anything, so I can't say that they had much of a genetic impact. My dad is 100% white though, and he has black hair and brown eyes.
You really don't know what you are with biomarkers like that. My dad thought I was 50% white, 25% black, and 25% Amerindian because of my phenotype.
keep up the good work user. i love these threads