Come sit down and tell us about your day, user

Come sit down and tell us about your day, user.
Maybe you've just had a long day wage slaving, or been a lazy neet, whichever it is come and lay down your feelings for us.

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Other urls found in this thread: etchings

no, i dont think i will, saber

Okay user, I hope you have a good day anyhow

Does anyone actually live in the 209? I want so desperately to have someone to keep my mind off things I feel like I'm hollowing out.

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we would exchange two posts or so and that would be it
then tomorrow someone would make a similar thread where me and op would exchange two posts and that would be it
over and over and over and over its stupid and pointless and it doesnt make a friendship

I know that I definitely don't, but maybe you could find someone online, that way there's more options for compatibility and you probably won't be as awkward.
We can't be friends because this is an anonymous message board. There's nothing wrong with just sharing a few words and talking about ourselves, which is something I imagine many people on this board don't do all that often.

Apparently that's also how small-talk works irl

This is really embarrassing but I have a Saber plush that was given to me as a present, its the only plush I have in fact and sits on my desk, watching me type and write through the day. A lot of the time when I am demotivated and direction-less I often ask myself "what would Saber do?" and try the best I can to persevere.

To answer your question, since I'm moving soon, printed my resignation notice and will hand that in tomorrow. Tried coffee w/ Tia Maria, really high-quality. Listened to more albums and watched more anime. Haven't done as much as I'd have liked to though.

Ever feel some form of abject disappointment towards your progress? Say you set a goal over time even if it be for years, gradually work towards it each day, then it hits you "another month and I've barely done anything in that field"? I do feel guilty most of the time per result of such. Hope you are doing well user and best of luck to you and your family *gentle, warm hug*.

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That's a very cute motivator, I'm sure she's very proud of the effort you put in.

So I take it you're moving somewhere far away then? Any reason why? That does sound pretty taste, I always liked the taste of coffee but avoided it because it never agreed with my bowels much at all. Anything you watched/listened to that struck you a particular way?

Yep, my progress in playing classical guitar has slumped recently, I'm only to blame for not putting the effort in though, it's just never really appealing to try and play, and the more I leave it the less I want to play it because the worse I become. Just try your best in whatever you're feeling held back in, that's all you can do.
Thanks user, I hope everyone you hold dear is doing fine, and good luck in wherever you're moving to.

This post really cheered me up, thanks a bunch

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I'm moving north for university, I'm a couple years behind though I'm doing what I can to make use of whatever potential I have. I'm not expecting much, honestly nothing has really felt exciting or important for the past few years, perhaps a side effect of increasing perspective trivializing everything that I do or set out to.

By any chance do you have milk in your coffee? That could always be the reason. Finished "Your Lie in April" and watched a LWA OVA; they weren't much to me though I wasn't expecting them to be. Really I'm just building up to anime that I hold some degree of interest in and wish to create some form of artificial build-up to. Tried quite a lot of albums, most were either alright or pretty good, didn't draw much a reaction aside from two in particular, those being "Kobaia" by the Zeuhl band, Magma. As well as a jazz album "Tche Belew" from the Walias Band. They were surprisingly enjoyable.

Find it impressive that you are studying classical guitar even if you do not succeed far with such, I recall a friend of mine being made to play it when he was in private school and he used to say how difficult it was. If you want to explain anything about it or cool things you've found, it would be something quite compelling. I don't mean to come on or anything but you seem far more rich and intricate than you may perceive, perhaps a corollary of your experiences in life.

The fact that it cheered you up turns the feeling mutual, you're welcome and thank-you for brightening the days of those on this thread.

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I went to see a house Im moving to, seemed nice. I talked to a lonely robot in the morning, I hope I can be of some comfort to him. Ive slept around 3h at work already, gonna have mommy bring me dinner soon. If I dont keep myself busy with bullshit, even for a second, I feel a void crushing my chest, and feel like crying my heart out.

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Had a shitty day wageslaving. I hate having to wake up at 4:30 am. Lately I'm too tired even to fap and I didn't get Summer Mordred in fgo.

i went to school i cheated and i passed
>tfw it feels good to be a gangster

>"what would Saber do?"
She probably would act like an autist and get cucked.

Oh cool, what are you studying? As long as you try it doesn't matter that you're starting late, I see middle aged men attending uni, so I'm sure you can do it too. Well hopefully uni should fix that for you, at least it will give you something to do.

Nope, I drink it black, I still prefer tea anyway so it doesn't really matter. I was interested in "Your Lie in April" when it aired but never got round to watching it, might give it a shot some time soon, have you seen the series of LWA? I found that to be much better than the OVA/Film. The jazz album you mentioned has been very good so far, the synthy piano(I think) gives it a unique feel. Even though you didn't ask if you want some jazz listen the older stuff of Gato Barbieri, 'La China Leoncia' is a good song, although it does start slow.

Thank you. It's hard, but definitely the most rewarding thing I've ever decided to do; learning pieces for nearly two years to finally be able to master them, there's no better feeling. Hmm, I wouldn't say I've had any special experiences in life or anything, but I'll take your compliment on the cheek. I have some trouble communicating my thoughts and ideas across, but you seem to write so smoothly, I really like it.

Lovely, I'm glad I could make you happy, you seem like a very kind person.

I think just talking to him, even if it's only boring small talk could be of great help. Sleeping at work? That sounds great. I know how you feel, I wish I could just sleep on demand.
Ouch, that sounds like it sucks, but at least it's nice and cool when you wake up. Oh no, there's always whenever the next event is.
Naughthy naughty user. School in August sounds horrific, all hot and stuffy

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>at least it's nice and cool when you wake up
It isn't, it's cold and wet. The only good thing is getting to see the sunrise during my commute.

Mostly played some vidya. Spec Ops : The Line and Far Cry 5. Hearts of Iron IV is a solid PC game too. I mostly am trying not to think about how college is starting soon and how obnoxious it's going to be.

wet? when you wake up


Studying engineering. In theory I should do okay though far too often to I underestimate those that I'll be working with let alone the difficulty of said work.

I perhaps shouldn't say this though if you've watched content such as Clannad: Afterstory and Shuffle then I wouldn't bother, its more the same sort of melodrama w/ a ton of Chopin on the side (which to be fair is rather nice). I've watched through the series of LWA before I knew of the OVA's, to be honest I heard that they revealed the series' through Space Patrol Luluco which I've always wanted to watch, so I figured I'd build some context for when Akko makes a cameo and be like "wow! I watched that" or something perhaps more excitable. My only motivation for watching it to be honest, I wasn't a massive fan of the series mostly due to it feeling too much like a Shonen "problem-of-the-week" series despite being constrained to a plot. Still I can easily see why people enjoyed it.

Haven't tried Barbieri but definitely will do now, thank-you for telling me about him. I'll play through "Chapter One: Latin America". I know what you mean by the way, the organny sound added a lot to that album.

Your determination is particularly admirable by the way, I'd probably have given up within days of trying to master pieces, the fact that you've been able to expend years to the process is really quite honourable. My writing isn't that good, more or less the "abuses paragraph structure in English essays once" treatment with a greater degree of looseness and I'm not kidding but a book next to me with big words that I pretend to understand.

Honestly you're making me smile for no reason, feel kind of silly at the moment. Don't really know how to respond to those sort of compliments. Y-you're cooler than me... and cuter! I'm glad that you seem to be trying so much at life, its really admirable.

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90% humidity and 45 fahrenheit degrees. There's usually fog too.

I went to sleep at 1:30 pm and woke up at 10 pm, that was nice.
I haven't really done anything substantial, as per usual.
I took a shower a few hours for sleeping, other than that I've barely gotten out of bed.
I can never really add much to these threads, but I type in them from time to time, for my own reasons of course.
Not really sure what they are, though.

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Nice. Staying up all night and sleeping until late is amazing. It sounds like you're living the dream, my friend. I shouldn't feel nostalgia when remembering my neet days, but they were really comfy.

Ehh, not really, I'm just living to stay alive, not really enjoying much of it.
But it's not awful, just alright, sort of.

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>I'm just living to stay alive
i know, I'm doing the same. Except I have to leave my room 12 hours a day to do it.

Went to work and thought about stomping out weeaboos.
Nothing makes me happier than to see a weeb suffering.

I know what can make things better! Go on Deviantart, type in kodyboy555 and read some story about a retarded crocodile (or just any of the weird stuff that's on there). Sometimes I just wake up thinking that I'm useless then think to myself "hey up mate, look at how many kids grew up rich just to dedicate their lives to weird fetishistic deviantart content".

Was starting to miss you Satania poster, didn't you use to make threads like this? *squeeeze*.

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Glad you're having fun while uni is off, I can't wait for it to start again personally, it's just something to do. What don't you like about uni?
So he's smart and interesting and cute. The first year shouldn't be too hard so I think you'd be fine to underestimate it all. Best of luck to you, I'm sure you'll do fine.

I have not, they never really appealed to me and the characters in Clannad creep me out, I thought YLIA would've been more music orientated, I'll give it a pass then. Ah yes, the Luluco character looks familiar, that's a lot of anime to watch for a cameo though. Sometimes just switching your brain off and watching a cute series like it is nice.

I'm glad I could get someone else to listen to him.

Thank you, your words mean a lot, I'll make sure to practice tomorrow because it's late right now and I don't want angry neighbourghs at my door. Well, it flows nicely, so it doesn't matter if you don't use correct paragraphs. Yeah, I'm too lazy to google some words or read the footnotes(that are actually at the back for some reason) so I just brush carry on like I know what it means.

If we're both smiling like idiots then it's okay. I may be cooler, b-but I don't think anybody could be cuter. You too, it's great that you're going back to uni and improving yourself.
That's a nice long sleep.
Even mundane things like playing video games and watching anime are ideal posts.
Well as long as you keep posting it's all good, your contribution will always be welcome.

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>I called my boss and told him I couldn't go to work for the rest of the week
>Boss said ok
>I'm in my room (I live with my parents) and doing what I did before I got this job (3 months ago)
>Drinking whiskey on my bed and lurking Jow Forums

I totally understand you on Clannad, never really enjoyed it - watched out of force given that it has such high acclaim though honestly the only real fun comes from watching character's on the verge of a mental break-down and sadistically shit-stirring through the screen like "hahaha, cry you freaking dweebs, let me taste those tears!". YLIA does revolve around music though it is put more in the back-seat for relationship drama, and how you can go through a show about piano and manage to not play any Liszt is beyond me, I mean it really was all Chopin. I tend to watch a lot of anime on 2x speed, after all it I seldom enjoy such, though if it gives a greater understanding of Satania-posters, Tomoko-posters, Shinji-posters etc. then it seems a decent trade off.

That album was Godly by the way, I'm gonna try all of his stuff. Caught me off-guard how quick the "to be continued" track came, wasn't expecting any spoken word nor for the album to finish that quickly. You weren't kidding by the way, La China Leoncia... (at least the version you might have recommended, I saw a way longer live version when I was searching for it) was God-tier. Probably going to cap off the day with Secret Treaties, the transition between "Career of Evil" and "Subhuman" will never cease to be one of my favourite album moments.

Bless your soul and best of luck tomorrow, hope it is as productive yet relaxing as can be. D-don't call me cute, your making me tingle and feel really warm in my chest, ehehe!

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> be me
> 7:00 AM alarm wakes me up
> 7:10 AM get out of bed, take shower
> refresh Jow Forums compulsively
> 7:50 brush teeth put on deodorant
> 7:58 go to bus stop, take bus to work
> 9:05 get to work, traffic was bad
> drink coffee, read work email and remember state of various tasks
> 9:45 standup
> help coworker with failing builds on his branch
> clean up technical documentation for new planned work
> 12:20 eat mad greens create-your-own salad with avocado, beets, eggs, edamame, and carrots
> plan work and clean up issues in JIRA
> drink 1 St Lupulin beer
> 4:00 take bus home
> 4:40 arrive home, take nap
> 5:30 wake up from nap confused and disoriented
> refresh Jow Forums compulsively
> eat pistachios
> 8:00 eat mackerel and toast sandwich with emeril's mustard
> drink 1 erdinger dunkel weissbier
> refresh Jow Forums compulsively

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Somewhere in there you should find a spare five minutes to read an article about how educated women have no one to date.

I'm feeling really conflicted because this girl and this guy I know from Europe want to come visit me in the us because they've been wanting to do a us trip for awhile and she keeps asking me if I really want to host them and stuff making me think she doesn't want to meet up with me and stuff which is fine but I dunno why she wouldn't just say that so my anxiety is through the roof RN and it's really hard to collect me thoughts on the whole deal

I feel so slow in the head compared to other people. Sometimes I can't help but wonder why I feel so different despite having semi noticeable human elements. I'm like if an offspring between alien and human, except I have no way to make sense of it.

Been working a lot on a stupid art piece I'm making for someone. I barely know them but I still want it to turn out good. Progress has been super slow and it's just not coming out the way I want it to. Can't wait to finish it off and put it behind me.

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Yeah I'm just not sure where to meet them - I wouldn't date someone from my work for a lot of reasons. And I'm not a Chad, Tindr/dating sites don't work for me.

Coworkers want to take me to a bar on Friday except that's the last thing i want to do...

I dunno I've never really been one for drama, although I did enjoy Kuzu no Honkai, which has some crying in it to appease your sadistic side, although it doesn't seem nearly as much as what Clannad is. I think it might have something to do with copyright, lots of classical music is still copyrighted, which sucks. Why do you watch anime then if you don't really enjoy it? Surely finding another hobby would be time better spent? Drawing is popular among weebs(but then are you a weeb if you don't like watching anime?), or you could try learning an instrument.

I'm really glad you liked it, he's by far my favourite jazz musician. The standard version is 13 minutes I think, I'm listening to Secret Treaties now, that intro was rather well done, reminds me of a lot of older(60s-80s) music that has smooth transitions.

You too, good luck with handing in your resignation letter and whatnot, I hope your move goes smoothly. Study hard at university for me. hehe, how cute. The tingly feeling is a good thing!
I think it's time for sleepies now, I hope you can get a good night's sleep.
Well you can still meet up even if you don't host them, right? I think she's being polite and wants to make sure that she's not intruding on your home.
Slow socially or just slow in general? Are these human elements physical or mental?
Well I'm sure they'll be very grateful for the hard work you're putting in for them. Make sure to take breaks and not overwork yourself. Good luck user.

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Looking at it from her perspective there's a good chance that she's just genuinely nervous that she's being a bother to you or putting you out of your way, and wants to be extra sure that everything is chill. Of course I can't say for certain, but I feel like she's an adult and if she really didn't want to actually meet up with you for her US trip then she would actually find some way around it. It's hard to really know either way, but just try to think on the lighter side! More than likely the visit will probably go just fine, and if worst really does come to worst and it is a weird trip it isn't the end of the world. You'll move on just fine. It'll all work out user, either way. Good luck, I hope it all goes well. :)

>tfw suddenly blocked on everything by only friend because I doubted his photography work
Well that was weird, also Im in a losing streak in all my games

Depressed cause my boss just informed me that i gonna be assigned to another workplace with shitton of ppl work there
Maybe gonna search for a new work or NEET for a few month after this

Two long-distance flights in one day + the girl I like willingly ignoring me despite being online constantly + reservations about university = a recipe for an emotional clusterfuck

Heh, that's pretty nice.
>Was starting to miss you Satania poster, didn't you use to make threads like this?
No, not me.

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Its again quite embarrassing to say though I do try to practice learning an instrument and drawing. Though I do have a hard time with both; for one whenever I play guitar I don't seem to achieve the proper tone and have a hard time gaining speed, I don't mind playing a few chords though the minute I have to start anchoring I cannot keep up for long. Drawing is kinda brutal since there isn't a linear means of learning. I mean I go on /ic/ every now and then and follow Noring's guide on perspective but I don't get how I'm supposed to learn anything from that and anatomy, I've tried viewing things as shaped and using a constructive approach but I can never really get where I want. If there were some guide on drawing simple body parts and structures first then w/ perspective and greater detail then it'd all be much easier. I watch anime to fulfil the 1000 anime quota before starting NGE. It sounds retarded though I imagine it'd be harder to throw myself off a bridge when there's more to look forward too later in life rather than going on the decline midway through my twenties. Will start watching Kuzu no Honkai tomorrow, thank-you for mentioning the show.

It'd seem I got the correct version, the length was just under that amount at least. Never expected to like Secret Treaties, honestly not big on hard rock yet that album became one of my favourites.

Will go to bed in an hour or so. Best of sleep's, I don't know how many hours you'll get but make sure to wake up. I'll do my best... uuu you're making me twiddle my fingers! L-let me pet you *pats head*, you can fall asleep now.

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Are you sure you're in tune? You've got to start off slow when learning a new song, and then slowly pick up the speed, maybe try using a metronome online, it might help you to keep time(I don't like them, but it could help). Also break it down into sections that you can practice individually and then slowing crank up the speed over a long period of time. I always rest the bottom right side of my hand on the top of the bridge when playing electric guitar.
I head of this website called 'drawabox', I haven't tried it at all but I've seen someone who learnt from there's drawings and they're pretty decent so it might be worth a shot to look at.
1000 anime before NGE? My oh my, I think NGE was around my 100th anime, but I only watched it because someone else forced me too, I know how you feel though, scared of watching all the good anime and then being left with nothing. I hope you have a good time with it.

Yeah I must say that was a pretty good album, I've never really been into hard rock as you say, but that was alright.

Sleep tight, I'll try my best to awake from my slumber, not that want to although if I don't then I'll never be able to see any of your posts again Now that I've been patted I can fall asleep, nini cuteanon
I stayed up for your reply

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I can easily see that I might be out of tune, its something that I do indeed struggle with. Thank-you a ton for the advice. Going to use drawbox soon albeit will go to sleep around now. I don't expect much from NGE to be honest but it will be good to look forward to.

Trying to keep this short but I hope that we see each-other in another thread, your smile is worth protecting, also
>tfw you keep responding when you should let user sleep because you don't want to seem rude or risk it being the last chance of you replying to them
I really should let you sleep but its so hard.

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I'm in a similar situation, except it's a bbq on Saturday night. I probably won't go, though, I'll be busy helping my mom move.

I don't normally post on R9k, but I'll bite

I had an average enough day; I watched a documentary ("Manufacturing Consent": very good) went to my grandmother's house and gardened for her, and then I went to the gym.

So a pretty average day, but the whole day I was thinking about a girl I used to know. The only girl I dated, and the only girl I have ever slept with. It was We broke up a few months ago; I broke up with her. And she was really broken up about it. And I felt really guilty about it--I still don't really know why I did it: she really loved me, and she was very attractive, and she never cheated on me or anything like that, and we always be cracking jokes the whole day long....But I guess I do the same sort of thing with all the people I know: i'm not autistic or anything. I can be charming when I want to. I just have this tendency to cut people out of my life for no reason, and then avoid them when they try to reconnect.

That is to say, I am twenty three years old, and I do not have a single friend. And for whatever reason whenever someone starts getting close to me I quickly find a way to start avoiding them, or purposefully destroy the friendship.

Anyway, back to the girl. I was thinking a lot about her today. I was hoping that she was doing okay, but at the same time I was really worrying about her, because last I heard from her she had been trying percs and drinking a lot (she comes from one of those towns where everyone is poor and everyone is on something, and she was back there for the summer).

And I felt very guilty thinking about it. I felt like scum.

Actually something which really helps with drawing is trying to copy master drawings: even if you do badly, you learn a lot.

I recommend Daumier: you can buy a whole book of reproductions of his lithographs off amazon, and if you try to copy one a day (or one a week, they are pretty big) you can get much better at drawing, very quickly. Of course, when I say copy, I don't mean trace: I mean look at his work and attempt to duplicate them.

Ditto for Rembrandt's Etchings: they are a whole university for drawing.

Here's some links to books containing both.
Daumier: etchings

I woke up and had coffee then browsed the internet till like 2 o'clock cause I had to go to the doctor. Got back at like 4 and went to the park. It was a nice day I guess. Got back at like 6 or 7 and showered before having dinner. I just went back to the internet after dinner and now im here. It was an OK day desu

Talked to a nice user yesterday, went to sleep really damn late, woke up with a killer headache and awful stomachache. Ended up being sick throughout the whole day and just being bed confined. Think I'm getting better, but I would love some company.

I have second day off-work to burn thru. After that, grind just to earn enough for next semester. If I'll get less then expected, I'll kms

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