>see whites and asians hang out
>see asians and mexicans hang out
>see whites and mexicans hang out
Why don't I ever see blacks hang out with other races?
>see whites and asians hang out
>see asians and mexicans hang out
>see whites and mexicans hang out
Why don't I ever see blacks hang out with other races?
Other urls found in this thread:
Pro other race and anti black shill threads are getting posted a FUCK ton today. What the fuck is the point? You can't make people racist? Are you trying to make the board look racist in case mommy comes in an visits r9k?
bevause the nerdy blacks are rejected by the outcast whites/mexicanos because they are insecure. Its like you havent seen this place
Cause they're violent and stupid?
It's the normal perception for centuries now.
Even with conditioning these "people" mangage to fall into disdain.
Maybe we're tired of seeing niggers being shilled here as normal people when in fact they are dirty, violent apes that need to be segregated from society.
Blacks are taught since birth that no one likes them so they tend to just stay with each other rather than other.
Because from my anecdotal experience that I extend to everyone due to my unbridled narcissism, blacks DO hang out with nonblacks. Refute that, retard.
I don't hang out with blacks because they are black.
im white and my only friend is black but it's true that it's not that common and i once went to a black barber with him and everyone was looking at me like if i was some alien
>nigger trying to sound smart with his GED
I hang out with all kinds of people wym
right choice, dont let pro nigs stop you
are you odessa ?
Just a question. He probably assumed there wouldn't be any black people on a social anxiety forum. Fair enough imo
Welcome aryan brother
>are you odessa ?
Apply the tiniest bit of self reflection and observe the habitat you're posting in right now. "Blacks can't be bots, anything but dating blacks" etc
Whites are racist to the core and they've propagandized the world to hate anything darker. Black people are the only people black people can interact with without dealing with ever pervasive racial animus.
No its the opposite. Black people over banter any nonblacks and scare them away. Tone it the fuck down and stop blaming white people
>random cac entitlement and obliviousness
>too dense to realize he proved my points
Kill your self I didn't ask for your glib opinion moron
>responds using shitty black supremashit memes
>hurr why dont i have any friends
Can't announce sage anymore, nigger
Im right though. Act more approachable like literally every single other race and ethnicity and you'll reap the rewards. Or just continue the autistic screeching
Blacks do hang out with other races though. However, usually it's either wiggers or Mexican ghetto trash. I only hung out with people who acted white in high school and college so most of my friends were asian or white. However, I did have one black friend in high school who acted white and didn't partake in the usual nigger baboon garbage culture.
>Why don't I ever see blacks hang out with other races?
Lol. Bullshit. I've seen plenty of blacks hang out with other races. No matter what school I went to, a common allegiance I saw was blacks and Mexicans or blacks and Hawaiians.
We are talking collectively, rather than an occasional lone individual.
>We are talking collectively, rather than an occasional lone individual.
And so am I, faggot.
>assmad cac spams moronic entitlement
>low iq so can't understand simple words and wants me to spoon feed him
You Cacs always think your stupid commentary is something new when it's the same stupid shit every single time, next to none of you actually ever both to even explore the topics your cac skin makes you feel entitled to be experts on
t. 90 iq
What does a cac mean? I don't speak niggerish.
Attacking somebody who asks about your worldview isnt a good way to convert them.
imagine how far Christianity would have gotten with this attitude. Its funny that you see your worldview as pure facts, and dont recognize that its simply your own inevitability flawed perception of things.
>Jow Forums is racist
>therefore all white people are racist and popular media is all anti black
How braindead can you be?
>gay porn Nick spamming asshurt
Didn't read cac your white skin doesn't entitle you to my attention
Thanks for admitting defeat :)))
>I'm white
Actually thinking I give the slightest shit what some incel on the internet thinks
>a black individual that's clearly smarter than me doesn't know the racism directed towards black people as well as I do
>just asserts that all white people are racist and 'propagandize' everyone into thinking blacks are inferior
>doesn't back up his insane and exaggerated claim in any way
>doesn't respond to criticism and instead says he's smarter and makes up some retarded strawman
>expects everyone to believe him without question
You lost
To be fair Jow Forums is one of the fastest ways to change your opinion on whites. Not even Jow Forums did that for me. I still like whites but holy fuck can some of you be bitter.
Because every race hates blacks even other blacks
You scared of the dark or something?
>t. racist cac on the biggest racist forum online
>just asserts that all white people are racist and 'propagandize' everyone into thinking blacks are inferior
>doesn't back up his insane and exaggerated claim in any way
>actually needs this proven to him CAC OBLIVIOUS
>t. tweenage cac with absolutely no knowledge of the world or history
Thank you for recognizing that the people who post on this board are not an analog for all white people. I agree that the people on this board are often very overtly racist, as well as discriminatory with respect to other issues. This does not however warrant calling all white people racist and propagandizing, as Tyrone fails to understand.
>This does not however warrant calling all white people racist and propagandizing, as Tyrone fails to understand.
>thinking black people learn about race from the internet and not real life because that's the only thing his privileged cac brain has ever known
At what point have I been racist? Also, the fact that you still can't provide proof despite it being so "obvious" is amusing. Continue with your dogshit claims please.
What does cac mean? I know cac means fag in vietnamese.
>Offended at me for pointing out racist cactivity on the most racist forum online
>has zero to say to the racists he associates with daily
>actually thinks he's not a racist faggoi
When did I say that again? Oh yeah, I didn't, but you can't help but put up strawman after strawman to back up your dumb claims. Why do I even try? Also, give me your evidence, if you have it. And your anecdotal experience doesn't mean shit when your talking about all white people.
Literal proof that all niggers are insecure baboons with schizophrenia . Tyrone9in? More like tyrone9iq lmao
I literally just acknowledged that there are racists on this board you retard
Based as always. Based as motherfucking always.
But you are racist.
You realize you're doing the exact same thing Tyrone is doing and which I called him out for, right?
They have a victim complex.
Anything you say i automatically disregard because you have that stupid fucking nametag.
>Generalizing because of one guy and saying that's proof
Your just retarded it's what the Tyrone guy was called out on.
Put your namefag on, nigger. Nobody here would defend your black ass lol
Of course he is. But so are the rest of you fuckers, so you're all in the wrong.
That ain't even me you fucking tard but as always your tiny brain resorts to insults and false accusations now normally I'd just post racist shit against you to further irritate your faggot ass but instead I'm going to say your a real piece of shit. Now your going to reply to this with an insult followed by how white people will always be your friend and how you worship the. But we've now skipped ahead so fuck off faggot again.
I've been arguing with him the entire thread you retard. It's just that you're too dense to understand you're being as much of a dumbass as he is.
You can't even refute my point that's the worst bit
tl;dr nigger
arguing with yourself? weird ass nigger
>wasting braincells on niggers
LOL black people arent worth the trouble but they will focus everything on you because you call them nigger LMAO its so fucking sad
Shut the fuck up you sperg. Why would I argue with myself you fucking idiot. You and Tyron should both be euthanized.
Why are there even black people on Jow Forums? Even the huffpost polls show they suffer from anxiety at a fraction of the amount the rest of us do
>Nigger nigger nigger XD haha I beat your argument NIGGEEEEERRR
I thought Asians were smart. Anyway this bait or your actually retarded but I'm going to put my point here one more time to see if you can argue against it
>>Generalizing because of one guy and saying that's proof
>Your just retarded it's what the Tyrone guy was called out on.
Now argue homo
>Why are there even black people on Jow Forums?
Even white people call me white plus gals call me creepy I don't fit in anywhere this is my only refuge.
Too long didnt read. Try again nigger.
>Everyone who diaagrees with me is a nigger
Please kys
Smart people wouldn't argue on the internet.
Retard can't read more than two sentences at a time lmao
How many racist comments directed at nonwhites do you read and listen to every day and yet you don't blink twice but you want to point your pink nose at me for doing what it your inherent racism won't let you do, speak against it.
You've demonstrated you have ZERO depth of knowledge on this topic all you've done is say typical uninformed cac shit then want me to write a book for you. I'm not about to get nuanced or explain the history of America you fucking buffoon. America propagandized the world on many things one being black people this isn't opinion you ignorant teenage dipshit go do you're own research if you care so much but the fact is you don't give a shit you're a racist little bitch like the rest of Jow Forums and the only reason you're begging me to entertain you is because you don't like it the holds I poked in your typical ignorant cac worldview, i.e. Suck a dick I'm not here to patronize your entitlement I said what I said if you don't like it get educated or just kill your self
Sorry I'm not white I have no racist bone in my body, pointing out the omniscient racism bred into white Americans doesn't make me the same as you
Tee El;Dee Are rofl
tl;dr your a fucking retarded faggot who can't argue for shit but calls everyone a nigger and worships white people just like your women
not gonna read it lol thanks for the (you)
I see blacks hanging out with other races
Just because you get bullied by black Tyrone customers at work, doesn't mean you have to vent on Jow Forums
>that picture
>REEE im beyond reproach
That is not how it works. Your iq is showing.
Of course you won't your stupid and you can't refute a single point. I'm right and your wrong now go suck a dick or something you major faggot.
>I have no racist bones in my body
Not according to the dictionary.
>pls refute me
No thanks. Never do what a nigger wants you to do LOL
All types of brown stick with black
>the asiancuck who sucks white dick is here
Oh so we all shitposting here
You still don't understand how fucking stupid your first post was and still failed to provide any of the evidence I've asked for. Yes, slavery was practiced for a long time. No, that does not mean all white people are racist, that the media who are constantly attacked for not being diverse enough or for being 'racist' are racist, or any of the other conspiratorial and ludicrous shit you've spouted is true. If you're at the point where all you can do is throw insults at your opponents and tell them to to their own research instead of addressing their arguments, you should just leave.
Also, if I tried to respond to every racist post on this board alone I wouldn't have any free time whatsoever, and so the best I can do is respond to some of them, of which yours is obviously one. Didn't you see that I confronted the guy who was being a dipshit and calling everyone nigger? So fuck off.
You done chest beating you nog? Now scurry off back to your ghetto.
At this point you should probably just stop talking to him, it's clear he won't respond with anything except smug anime faces.
If you can justify your racism because a long nosed man in your sociology department said its ok, cant i justify mine because of crime statistics and IQ data?
>thinking I even remember my first post
>thinking any of the glib shit you've said warranted me going back and even looking at it to see what exactly you're trying to argue about
I'm gonna tell you what happened here, in reality, not in the white realm of delusion obliviousness and entitlement you live in
>*white people cavalierly being racist as usual*
>me: look at these racists enjoying their fav pastime
>Me: Pic Related
>Me: pls kys
Again, kill your self
Being black doesn't automatically grant you a gf, and yeah I do have anxiety. Extremely.
Here's what you niggers never understand, because of the ridiculous nonsense that passes for progressive education these days:
Dealing with people who are different is fucking tedious. And this is true *inside* one's race, so it's even more pronounced when racial differences are introduced.
>Look at me, I'm Mr. Different White Guy, I want to express my individuality by growing dreads and wearing a stupid hat and smelling like patchouli and I don't believe in private property dude and I speak in indecipherable slang and I WANT YOU TO ACKNOWLEDGE ME AND CELEBRATE MY DIFFERENCE!
That guy is fucking tedious. It's simply fucking exhausting dealing with him. And every one of his social markers is a highly efficient shorthand, telling me that he's going to find every possible way he can to annoy me and make extra work and extra effort for me in every area of life, if I don't find a way to isolate myself from him.
And when you come up, and you're all like
>Look at me, I'm Mr. Angry Black Guy. Look at my new dashiki! And observe how I carry around a copy of Frantz Fanon's collected works! Let me explain to you for a while how you've been propagandized! BLACK POWER, you cac! ACKNOWLEDGE THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER RIGHT NOW! SAY IT! SAY IT!
...I hear all this and I project into the future how incredibly annoying and exasperating it will be to have you around, and how unreliable you'll be for any purpose, and how much of an implicit threat you are to any undertaking, because I can't know in advance when you're finally going to snap and go all Huey on either me or someone whose assistance is actually valuable to me. And I reach the only conclusion I possibly CAN reach, which is that I'd rather kick a rusty nail over and over than have you anywhere around me, if I can avoid it.
Want racism to go away? Act white. Minimize your difference. There's no other way for it to end, because difference fucking sucks, and I'm not going to pretend it doesn't.
Again, Mr. Angry Black Guy thinks that he's entitled to not being hated for being different. That's REAL entitlement, actually.
>I impose transactional costs on everything you do just by existing, but I want you to like me and accept me!
Fuck off, nigger.
>Being black doesn't automatically grant you a gf
Fat white girl.
>me: make up bullshit dialogue as a substitute for actual argumentation
Thanks for not responding to any of the points in my last post. Really demonstrates your superior intellect. Calling me the delusional one here gave me a good laugh though, so here's a (You).
Idk, I live in a shitty neighborhood and my friend group is basically 1/3 white incels, 1/3 mexican incels, and 1/3 black incels. Its bretty fun, we are all engineering students at the same uni now and watch anime together at each other's apartments. Fun fact, the guy with the smallest bepis in our group is black. Oddly enough he is also the tallest, boy is like 6 ft 4.
No, dude, that's just their new shtick.
They used to argue that the black experience was ineffable, and so there was no point to their trying to explain anything. They don't do that any more, because claims of ineffable experience are a species of polylogism, and too many white nationalists were starting to point out that if polylogism actually exists game theory dictates that the only logical way to proceed is for the strongest race to wipe all other races from the Earth.
So now they argue that even expecting them to defend any of their claims is "entitlement". You're just supposed to take everything they say as gospel.
>Hey, why did you steal money from the cash register during your shift?
Because you aren't actually looking or care and just want recycled race bait thread #49334398
the next oil skinned buck nigger that types a post with his little monkey paws on MY board is going to meet the nigger whipper 5000
>without dealing with ever pervasive racial animus
Not entirely true. I've dealt with some lightskin vs darkskin stupidity before
Nah we only hate blacks
This is what happens when your value as a human caps out at being a burger king manager
>Why don't I ever see blacks hang out with other races?
I don't trust them. why would you hang out with them?
>more delusional talking out the ass cac shit
I don't care what you Cacs do lmao you don't exist to me I'm rich I'm not asking for acceptance all i did was answer the op, kill yourself
>to dense and entitled to see how I summarized the entire exchange there and proved my original point in doing so
Also note how you ignored the anti black racism pointed at you by other user just now, further proving my point about why there is no reason for me to engage you in the way you demand