What does the average r9k user look like?

What does the average r9k user look like?

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>wearing a suit
>going out in public

Like an average male?

How did you know i look like that? yuko yi

Attached: [Mushin] Hajimete no Gal - 11 [OVA] My first school festival (BD 1280x720 x264 AAC).mkv_snapshot_09. (636x720, 616K)

Male, slightly under or slightly overweight.
Probably a tad pale.
Doesnt smile much

This honestly, I dont feel bad about my looks, more so the fact that women arent obedient anymore nor want me.

Attached: sacramentm1.jpg (960x1280, 314K)

first of all shave your face and that muslim kid stache off, get a new haircut that shows your forehead preferably the one in pic related, stop wearing oversized baggy clothes that don't fit you, go to a tailor and get all your clothes tailored to your body, if you ever wear a tie never wear non-dark colors (the pattern you have is good though) and wear a tieclip (plain, blank, as simple as possible, silver), and start lifting 1 hour and a half a day everyday 5 days a week take creatine BCAA's caffine and drink protein shakes, go to Jow Forums for beginner workout and diet plans

oh and your face type makes you look retarded when you smile with a closed mouth, makes you look like an anime character or the emoji ":3". Always smile with a side cheek half open grin, if you have to take selfies make sure you put your arm out as straight as possible, and take it at a slight side angle and slightly tilt it diagonally, and never look directly toward the camera or anywhere but the the absolute top left or top right corner, or if you can pull it off the bottom left / bottom right corner

if you really want a better chance at dating profile pictures, hire someone off of craigslist or something or a professional photographer to go to the park, an activity place (bowling ball alley with you throwing a bowling ball, you playing some shooting arcade game at an arcade etc), a bar, a cinema, a carnival, and a zoo (do some silly pose towards the animal behind you), you can do all of that in a single morning / afternoon just bring a different set of outfits for each picture, also vary each one, maybe you're chugging a beer at the bar with a cheeky smiling expression, you're holding an ice cream cone with your armpit while you're licking it and aiming the gun at the arcade game, you're making an exaggerated michael jackson pose and close eyed raised eye browed smug grin as you throw the ball at the bowling pins etc

oh and get concealer

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Average to above average looking guys who don't take care of themselves and have either far too predatory eyes or far too prey eyes.

I don't understand why somebody would do this.
It makes me sad.

user if you have a drug called Isotretinoin(Accutane) in your country, try and get your doctor to prescribe that to you.
It will completely annihilate your acne.

What do you mean? He has no acne. Do you even know what acne looks like? Your face can't be truly fucking smooth unless you're lucky. You also have no idea what the fucking side effects of accutane are. This guy has like 4 visible pimples, nobody in real life would even pay attention to counting that.

Iike ur mom Imao

everyone here probably looks a lot more average than they think they do, but convince themselves day after day that they're hideous freaks.

unironically jesus christ the autism

I took it and I had no side effects besides chapped lips/dry skin while I was on it and now my face is baby smooth.

To each his own I guess.

>oh and get concealer

Yeah don't do this user

c-can females post in this thread?

No because roasts cannot be robots

sure m80 go for it

White skin, overweight or underweight, usually.
Of course there are variations, but this is the average, I'd imagine.
Not sure if Americans can be counted as white, though.

Attached: BadNews.jpg (704x396, 27K)

In Japland most jobs demand you wear a suit to them, even stuff like casual programming.
It's about respect and bla bla.
He probably just sat down after a shift.

Yup pretty accurate

5'6 120lbs user here

Attached: 2018-02-06_19-39-21.jpg (379x379, 51K)

That's a pretty alright weight, you're not underweight or overweight.
I'm 5'8 and weight less than you.

Attached: Sheesh....jpg (386x241, 67K)

Or be born a 9/10 Chad and none of this shit applies to you as women will fuck you regardless how you dress.

ok, but if you're not you have 3 options:
>do something to make up for it
>do nothing give up on life and yell shit on japanese cartoon websites until you die
>kill yourself

whichever one you wanna do is up to you i guess, i was just doing the best i felt like doing to present him with the first option

Whoops I'm very nearly 5'7 so I wanted to correct my post from 5'6 to 5'7

Pale skin, bags under eyes, thousand-yard stare, doesn't shave much.

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>pale skin
>eye bags
>long brown hair
>pink boobs
>always wearing pink

Get the fuck outta my board faggot
This is a no-gay zone

grow your beard out and your hair slightly longer and I think you'd be cuter, still you're more attractive than I am!

b but im straight

dont be jealous that this guy has better fashion sense than you ever will. give him some slack its his birhtday

user im a traditional obedient grill and I would want you as my bf. you are really cute as you are and I dont think you should grow facial hair like other user said.its sad that guys dont look like this anymore or I would probably wouldnt be single now.
this me

Who out these guys would be more likely to go on the arcnine

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no you are on easy mode with cheat codes on. loneliness is something only men can feel.

I don't actually go on this board that much in comparison to others, but I'm a skinny fat 5'11" 170lb white male, and an alcoholic. I never take any exercise besides going swimming once in a while. I don't take interest in or enjoy much these days, I used to watch a shit ton of movies and play a lot of video games years ago but I don't enjoy doing those things as much anymore. 28 and a virgin, don't have a job right now but have worked before.

l think this is about right

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