Most hated physical characterstic

post your most hated physical characteristic itt

let's see what we're all insecure about

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Fuck people who wear glasses.

I meant your own physical characteristics, in case that wasn't obvious enough/implied


>back of my head
>my eyebrows
>my thighs
>facial expressions
Other than that I look alright I'd say, presentable at least.

receding hairline. i'm fine with my face even if it may be ugly, but my thinning hair makes me look ungodly awful

my fucking hair. I just want short normal hair but hairdressers keep telling me my forehead is too big for that.

Wide nose, imo at least.

your mom lil bitch haha

I'm fat, It's also uncomfortable at times

its between my slightly wide saucer face and slightly close set eyes. i have to put hair on the sides of my face to hide it.

its a constant competition between being overweight and having a small peener

My teeth :c

I'm fucking perfect because i don't compare myself to others

Don't like me? Why don't you just fuck off and spend your time with someone you like then, huh?

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I hate the way my face looks when I smile so I dont do it. Not trying to be edgy my face just looks bulbous when I smile and its gross

damn user you just gave me a reason to off myself cxx

something that NO ONE is talking about and that piss me off
the space between your eyebrows and your eyes. That shit makes you look retarded. I have right and I hate it. It's the most important thing for your face.

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Are you a qt azn


honestly exclusively my mouth and my chest, dont got massive boi tiddy but i fucking hate having that area be like the only area of my body thats not someone tone, also fucking mouth breather genetics kms

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My pot belly. I have decent arm muscles, and my legs are pretty muscular from biking a lot, but I can't get rid of my pot belly. It's probably from my diet, but i don't eat much. Ceral in the morning, whatever i have for lunch, and a yogurt or some fruit if im still hungry before bed. It sucks ass because I know i'd look at least 5 to 6/10 if i get rid of my stomach

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Born originally black

same bro, same...

feels awfully bad

My eyelids, or rather lack of them.

its story time user oringignal

I will always have skinny fucking arms

We're even lower than fat fucks because at least they have the illusion of looking strong

If you're young I wouldn't worry too much, I was a skeletor and filled out after puberty was done (25)

I have a rare disease, pic related
It's a physical characteristic because I also have acne and so I have slow healing scabs all over my face and bruising everywhere

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black people have disgusting hair

this is why we should be neutered

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I have so many black heads on my nose and around my nose. Other than that nothing glaring

>what are dreads, braids and fades?

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I'm 28 original skinny years old

Lift heavy weightsand consume more protein you pansy.

Have you read one of the articles that explains those probably aren't actually blackheads?

when i walk my right arm looks dead, like with no movement

My fucking nose, and im a okay looking male but i feel like i should look like a female so i always look like shit imo.

literally just fat and devastatingly malnourished/poorly groomed, I'm not a facelet, heightlet, nothing like that, just horribly mentally ill and stopped giving a fuck a long time ago. I didn't even enjoy being attractive because people just treated me badly out of jealousy rather than ego boosting.

Of course! It's that easy!

I have not. Link me?

I have severe rosacea. But even without it I despise my face (asymmetrical, round jaw, baggy eyes etc).

I have deep purple circles under my eyes (and it's not like I'm a druggie or anything, I've just had them ever since I was 13)

Oh, and my forearms are fucking huge compared to my upper arms (but only when viewed from the front)

i cant get contacts in my eyes REEEEEEEEE

interested in this as well

i pick those out of my nose all the time, sometimes to the point of it getting irritated and red and shit

Literally only this, all my other insecurities are nothing to my hairline

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>in the Army but my voice is naturally fucking monotone so people assume that I'm unmotivated or depressed

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>he never thought to unironically compliment stray women on this exact feature
>he never realized he was missing out on one of the best openers

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>nose bridge
>dark circles
>hair line

My scoliosis

My cheekbones are really far up making my head look like a box from the side.

just get bangs with short hair

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cringe breh

I think my forehead is slightly too small for my face.
Otherwise everything else is perfect, this sucks.

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My voice, my teeth, my eyelids, my jaw

i have a big giant jewish nose
I did a genetic test and I'm 6% Ashkenazi, so I guess all 6% is in my nose

Sorry for your bald head user

Off yourself 14 year old faggot

bad acne that doesent go away even though im on a strict medicine regiment and clean myself regularly. Used to be cystic and ive got massive scars. Got told that the scars look good on me by a girl, never even mentioned them, so thats whatever. Had them aince 14, still have now 22.

Soc rated me 7/10 though so thats a plus.

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my god at least try

user I have the EXACT SAME ISSUE and it is killing me.

Have you ever tried Accutane? Because I was thinking about taking a course of that to clear mine up.

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scarring is curable with surgery. get on it.

Post pictures of the scarring?

My small dick

I don't care about being ugly, a manlet, or a brianlet. I don't care about being poor, autistic, my gyno. I just fucking hate having a small dick. Every god damn morning I have to wake up with zero confidence. It really is suicide fuel.

My penis

>origami salami


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And a small self esteem ayooo

My nose, i don't look like a jew but it's still sorta big, not HUGE but bigger than average.

Damn, that sucks man. How small are we talking here?
>Sebaceous filaments are usually only notable around the thin skin of the nose.
They protect the pores of your nose, that's why if you use those nose strips a lot you can actually get worse acne.

Not small enough (4")

>origami salami = fold and tuck it out of the way

My crooked and bulbous nose.

oh boy
>my forehead
>my uneven eyes
>my wide button nose
>my overall square faceshape and wierd chin
>my height im 5'6 wish I was like 5'10
>my hip dip
>uh blackheads
>my neck and my fingers are kinda wide especially my thumbs and its a bit masculine
>my chubby cheeks
>my pussy is kinda cute and cushiony but theres this little tongue thing that ruins the aesthetic but im scared to get surgery
i have the opposite problem mine are more like the left im jealous of the right?
mine arent even blue which I fucking hate

this is some weird bait user

>Female posting
Why are you here? Go back to instagram

Thats exactly what I have. Are you telling me I have to live with this for the rest of my life? Goddammit why me

I was in a photography class 5 years ago and a guest speaker told me that one of my eyes is slightly lower than the other. She was the only person to ever say this to me. I can't see it in the mirror. None of my friends see it. I'm scared to ask anyone else because it might elicit a bias and they'll see something that isn't there.

guys with nazi haircuts and thick beards

automatic hatred