What would you rather be:
A 10/10 with 85 IQ.
A 9/10 with 95 IQ.
An 8/10 with 105 IQ.
A 7/10 with 115 IQ.
A 6/10 with 125 IQ.
A 5/10 with 135 IQ.
A 4/10 with 145 IQ.
A 3/10 with 155 IQ.
A 2/10 with 165 IQ.
A 1/10 with 175 IQ.
Make your choice.
What would you rather be:
A 10/10 with 85 IQ.
A 9/10 with 95 IQ.
An 8/10 with 105 IQ.
A 7/10 with 115 IQ.
A 6/10 with 125 IQ.
A 5/10 with 135 IQ.
A 4/10 with 145 IQ.
A 3/10 with 155 IQ.
A 2/10 with 165 IQ.
A 1/10 with 175 IQ.
Make your choice.
>A 6/10 with 125 IQ.
way better than being a 2/10 with a probable 90iq
>A 10/10 with 85 IQ.
this is the black average and they seem to be doing fine, 10/10
Yikes, all of these are a downgrade. I'll pass.
7/10 with 115 IQ
I'm already a 4/10 with sub 90 IQ so it would be a win win for me
>10/10 with 85 IQ
I have a bimbo fetish
7/10 with 115
Still a dowgrade
7/10 with 115IQ seems good
but just to participate in the thread cause I'm already a 7/10 with 128IQ
>A 10/10 with 85 IQ.
ignorance is bliss, plus i would be cute
>heh 1/10 at 175 is a downgrade
You might still be 1/10 but at least you wouldnt have aspergers
but blacks are 4/10 with 55 iq?
7/10 with 115. It's what I am already
Is there any person with a 85 IQ? I mean even THAT chad is probably still above 90
9/10 with 95 IQ, most low IQ people are very normal and have no introspection also good looks makes people believe you're smart/confident. It won't be a problem to have a job either because what most matters is your connections and low IQ are usually very sociable also you can follow low IQ careers like modeling, arts or music (pop, country, etc...)
statistically, how many 10/10s with 175IQ (including both male and female) are out there. between 500k to 1 million?
15% of the population, by definition, has an IQ below 85.
Less than one originallly
8/10 with 105 would do just fine in my book
8/10 with 105iq
That's average for a white anyway. A 9 wouldn't be too bad. Dumb people are happier anyways I've noticed.
I have 160 IQ and I'm 8.51/10
I believe there is a very high IQ 10/10 out there. He's obviously out of the spotlight as an intelligent person would avoid that
You people must be delusional. With all this IQ and looks you probably would never know about this board.
One in 3483046 people have an IQ of 175 or above. That's roughly 2182 people in the entire world.
How many people, percentage wise, are 10/10s?
10/10 with 85 IQ
Ignorance is bliss and what can be better than blissful ignorant life in a beautiful body.
1/10 with 175 IQ
I don't care about women
I'm watching YuYu Hakusho right now, bretty gud.
>An 8/10 with 105 IQ
This seems like a good all round package
you'd probably prefer to raise those looks a little as a IQ above 150 is good enough to make some big changes for both the world and yourself
but if you're so ugly that it unnerves anyone who stares at you that will hold you down in a lot of things
looking good isn't exclusively about sex as the desperate virgins in this board may lead you to believe
>take 175 IQ
>create perfect sexbot wifes
>solve looks problem not only for yourself but all your fellow ugly guys of the world
I'd rather have the capacity to build an atomic weapon/uncover state secrets through sheer analyzation than have the capacity to get a girlfriend.
I already unnerve people just by existing as a mixed-raced man, and I'm not even ugly.
Being decent looking and intelligent doesn't make you a social butterfly. 105 to 125 isn't that high anyway.
you would feel so depressed after looking in a mirror that it would hold your intelligence down
your iq would decrease greatly because of the insecurity you would feel
pick a 3/10 at least buddy listen to me
A 9/10 with 95 IQ
95 IQ is still within the range of normal so I'd be able to function perfectly fine. 9/10 is still A grade looks and i'd be able to become a trophy some day.
0/10 with 185 IQ, I'll just engineer a lifelike Chad replica synthetic meatsuit and wear that to score with the ladies
>A 9/10 with 95 IQ
World seems sort of aimed at stupid people anyway and maybe I'll stop overthinking shit.
>ignorance is bliss
I would probably laugh, feel solid in the security that I'm the smartest man in the world, and my face would only be a reminder.
I'm not white, so I don't feel insecurity like you do.
Would I be able to drive or dress myself efficiently with an 85 IQ?
I choose 9/10 with 95 IQ. Intelligence is a curse.
>Intelligence is a curse
No it's not.
It's better to know than to be ignorant.
You side-step so much bullshit and pain. Dumber people have an earlier mortality rate.
I have an IQ of 116, and it protects me from so much hell in this world.
>I'm not white, so I don't feel insecurity like you do.
Okay now, this was EPIC
10/10 with 85 iq
that's actually not even that retarded, most chads are probably between 80-90 iq.
I'm probably a 6/10 125 already. I dont think I could handle being either dumber or uglier even if I get a bonus in the other fields. I'll just stick with what I have.
I'm not a r/imverysmart asshole i swear. I have an IQ in the two hundreds and I've been told im an eight out of ten. IQ is not the end all be all of intellectual acuity, and really is a flawed system anyway.
It's the absolute fact of the matter.
Whites have lower self-esteem so they're more cohesive in groups and work harder for groups.
The next time you see a black man, pay attention to how he acts. Sure of himself, confident in his own power, etc.
That's not the best mind to have in a life or death scenario.
8/10 with 105 IQ is probably the most advantageous. The 85 IQ prettyboy will probably make poor life decisions and end up as a suicidal gigaloo
Question is unrealistic though. Good looks and high IQ go hand in hand. All idiots I know are also ugly
>tfw already 145iq
Didn't really help. I'd go for 8/10 and 105iq. About average intelligence and pretty enough to feel good and be motivated. Won't get very far but will be happy.
Im already like 8 or 7/10 with like 110 iq so that ig
>Good looks and high IQ go hand in hand. All idiots I know are also ugly
This. Good genetics isn't just body.
>tfw 7.5 with 155 IQ
>mulato already started a racewar
you know I won't read any of this, right? especially after opening that image for half a second
I'm busy watching anime, I just entered this thread between episodes because it seems like a chill one
I'm sure there are a myriad of white robots ready to start one tho, you just replied to the wrong public
>Good looks and high IQ go hand in hand
I know people that look average with 135 IQ
You're just trying to make the world fit into a puzzle that says you're inferior. Either that, or you're not aware as to how smart those "idiots" truly are because you're not attracted to them, so you are biased against their true attributes. (Halo effect)
8/10 with 130 IQ, already blessed this life, no need for a shittier alternative
10/10 with 85 IQ or 9/10 with 95 IQ, for sure. Probably the latter though. Barely below average intelligence, but I could just model or act because a 9/10 is absurdly attractive.
that's just the halo effect, let's be realistic here world changing physicists have rarely been chads.
>A 10/10 with 85 IQ.
peak hedoism
>A 7/10 with 115 IQ.
gold medium
>A 1/10 with 175 IQ.
peak humanhood, closest to godhood.
I'm ugly and a fucking retard, so pretty much all of these are an improvement in some way.
Life is already good for the intelligent chad. Why would he want to change the world?
You're just white and low self-esteem
the happiest people i've seen have also been the dumbest, as user said earlier, ignorance is bliss.
plus being a 10/10 would only make things better
I'm already a 7/10 with 115 iq
>an 8/10 with 105 IQ
It probably would be an upgrade in the looks department while leaving my intelligence the same desu
A 4/10 with 145 IQ because IQ is on a bell curve
>everybody on Jow Forums right now is a fucking 7/10 with an IQ in the 130's
Why does nobody here get laid if we're all so attractive?
Cursed by god.
I feel that 7/10 with 115 IQ is the best choice.
Looks follow a sigmoidal curve in a way. Pic related is a very poor graph displaying what I'm trying to get across
10/10 is incredibly high, it's perfection. 9/10 is near perfection, most people will still be perfectly happy with a 9/10 since there aren't really any flaws, just minute features that could be a little better. The difference between 8/10 and 9/10 is similar, and at 7/10, you're still very attractive, you're just not ideal to the point where every chick wants to bang you.
IQ is similar, 85 IQ is pretty bad, you're 1 standard deviation below the mean, and thus dumber than about 84% of the population. While a 10/10 could live life on easy mode, what's the point of playing a human build if you can't even appreciate the human's high intelligence stat.
Being 95 IQ makes you closer to the mean, but you're still dumber than about 63% of people. By 105 IQ you're smarter than majority of people (by symmetry you're smarter than 63% of people) and by 115 you're smarter than 84% of people.
By 125 IQ, you're smarter than 95% of people
135, 99%
145, 99.865%
155, 99.9999%
And basically it just gets more 9s from here on
So you can see that being 175 IQ will make you very very smart, but I just don't think it'd be worth it.
People with high IQ have an easier time telling who shares their genetics and who doesn't because their CNS (Central Nervous System) is more reactive, so they aren't attracted to people that look differently from them.
I'm not good for much, but my visuospatial IQ is 99.9 percentile. I see girls that are objectively pretty in real life, but I can't feel truly attracted to them.
Such is my fate.
>what's the point of playing a human build if you can't even appreciate the human's high intelligence stat.
>So you can see that being 175 IQ will make you very very smart, but I just don't think it'd be worth it.
at that level of iq, trivial things such as sex are worthless compared to the abstract.
>I'm not good for much, but my visuospatial IQ is 99.9 percentile. I see girls that are objectively pretty in real life, but I can't feel truly attracted to them.
Acceptable options for me: 8-6/10 with IQ you listed. If I was 5/10 with 135 IQ I would be considered a very smart person with "medium" looks. And that could create some complexes I would think about over and over again.
>A 9/10 with 95 IQ.
Only answer. 95 is perfectly acceptable and allows you to live your life without the worries of smart people. 85 is actually retarded
I'm not kidding.
My parents are excellent drivers
I didn't even have to try for this test on cambridgebrainsciences.com
It's the only one that was very easy for me.
My natural gift for this trait has ruined my life because I do not care about women of other races as I am mixed-raced.
>but my visuospatial IQ is 99.9 percentile
Sure user :)
Pic related
This is the test
Well I'm a ?/10 with 120 IQ so I'll stick with that.
Are you sure you're not thinking about east Asians user?
>Group think
>Low self esteem
>Low test
Jokes on you, I'm a diagnosed narcissist
East Asians and Whites are similar things, but East Asians are more evolved than Whites. The same attributes that worked for Whites are the same ones that worked for East Asians.
The master race is probably Eurasian.
Can someone show me two pictures that show the difference between 2/10 and 1/10?
I'm already 115 IQ but 3/10 so being 7/10 is a huge upgrade.
Me too man
> probably an iq of 150
> look pretty good, 8/10
Cont. not tryna flex though, I usually dont do that
>not going renegade by doing 1/10 with 175 IQ
Everyone in here just proved that intelligence is just a meme and literally doesn't matter. Exactly why I would take 1/10 with 175 desu.
8/4 320 IQ user here
>A 9/10 with 95 IQ.
>A 4/10 with 145 IQ
Am this. Don't really know what else I'd want to be, just loved by someone.
I like this board because it makes me feel dumb
Thx anons
A 1/10 with 175 IQ then with my great intelligence i would find a way to become a 10/10.
6/10 with 125 is about what I am now, except maybe I'm more of a 4 or 5. I'd probably be a 5 with a higher IQ
>A 7/10 with 115 IQ.
This is a no brainer. Heh get it? Get it?
for reference, from hot or not.
I'll take anything from 7/10 with 115 IQ to 4/10 with 145 IQ. 6 would probably be the sweet spot, at that point you're smart enough to accomplish virtually anything (within reason, you probably won't cure cancer but you could be a CEO/President/company founder etc) and attractive enough where you could land top tier women if you have money and charisma.
8.5 - 10 looks pretty gross desu
They're all mutts.
>145 IQ
but still pic related
Where's the male version of this?
It looks like 1.0 is just fat with high testosterone facial features.
7/10 with 115 IQ is solid all around. That's the safe choice, the smart choice.
But I'll go for that 175 IQ. I've noticed that people past 160 seem to live in a completely different world. I wanna tap into that.
they'll live in such a different world they'll ignore your ass
I just want the comfy 7/10 115IQ life, personally I wouldn't become hideous just for extreme high IQ, but I suppose other people may see it as worth it. If it guaranteed high motivation to utilise your superior intellect then perhaps I'd consider it, but high IQ paired with low motivation to do anything with it is somewhat common and ends up being a waste of intelligence.