Yesterday someone posted this image, and apparently it's actually a real thing

Yesterday someone posted this image, and apparently it's actually a real thing.
>Omg okay I just like looked at that pic of the tweet you sent and holy shit that's accurate xD
>why is that a thing?
>Idek desu. Like my body shouldn't react like that but it does. Maybe it goes along with the whole 'likes to be dominated' thing but I don't completely understand it lol
>Like emotionally I get sad when you're mad at me but the rest of my body reacts very differently. Girls are complicated lol
source: a real life woman.

Attached: 1534219755946.png (720x530, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah we having a repeat of this thread? Alright.

Her: *Yelling at me for messing something up*
Me: :(
My soul: :,(

Why are robots so triggered by this? Wow women are attracted to aggression wow. There are things in your DNA that you're attracted to that don't make logical sense. Why do men get turned on by women acting younger than they are? We're not pedophiles but we're just made to like youth. Its just life.


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This is not news.

Women are basically children and like children need to be punished and praised at the appropriate time. Do not approach women like one of the guys or your best friend. They operate completely different from your gender.

Attached: 1350000026645.jpg (354x411, 87K)

Women enjoy getting raped. Bernie knows this.

>Why do men get turned on by women acting younger than they are?
I don't do this.
t. not a pedo

Because women reward brutality and barbarianism. It's repulsive how animalistic they are.

It is real. I got lips between the legs and I get wet whenever guys get aggressive towards me. And if he lays a hand on me, thats masturbation material for the night.

Think about the social behaviors unique to older women and how tiresome they are. What do you mean by acting younger - playfulness? curiosity? good humor?

I'm very certain this isn't a universal thing, but damn am I certain I can't please a person that wants barbarism of me.

>*light smack on the cheek, barely a pat*
W-was that hard enough anonette??

Attached: 90.jpg (1060x600, 78K)

y'all have stupid ass friends, fucking normans

>him: [yells at me]
>me: meh
>my DeathStar: *VOIP*

It is universal. It's in women's nature to be attracted to this. We haven't evolved much from our ancestors who had to fight off rival tribes and lions and bears and shit on a daily basis. Women are attracted to men who seem like they could defend them from that type of shit.

0/10 not buying it. Evolutionary mechanisms are not a sound explanation for social behavior tens to hundreds of thousands of years later.

correction. women reward men for being what they're supposed to be.

this is why you nerds need to learn /out/ basics, there are women who chase after shekels and then there are women who know one day civilization will collapse and we will have to retreat to the woods

rapists and abusers?

I agree. I cannot stand it, I hate the real world so much for this. I hate leaving my room and I hate work because of this

Cause you are a gaywad?

>>>Actually listening to what these absolute retards are saying.

user I...

Even if that poster isn't actually a woman, what they say is still true.

Women really are that way and it really is universal. Even women who devote their entire life and identity to trying to subvert it, are still like that.

Attached: 1534348476215.jpg (1440x2666, 1.09M)

>once had gf
>she wanted me to do things like choking and tying and degenerate shit
>I just wanted love and affection
feels bad

You can do both you retard. Sex is very animalistic, watch animals fuck, it isn't a nice time. This is instinctual but you can move to the loving shit after.

that bothers me a lot. I wish they weren't so conflicting

>listening to what women say ever

Women have no fucking clue how they work, most of what comes out of their mouth is complete bullshit that they say cause they think it is correct but they run heavily on base instincts and emotion.

>Why do men get turned on by women acting younger than they are?
Don't you ever get tired of projecting your own pedophilic tendencies onto others?

>studies show women peak at like 18 according to men
>this is younger than most women
>durrr everyone is a pedophile cause reasons

Shut the fuck up you retard, you are in a pedophile/anime shithole.

But that's sexist to think that way. That's not good.

>Why do men get turned on by women acting younger than they are?
I don't want a potential girlfriend to be childish as fuck

Shut the fuck up.


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Dude I'm only saying it's conflicting for me too. I don't want to be a bad person for thinking women don't really mean what they say.

here's the full article if anyone's interested.
it's pretty funny reading this woman's hamster trying to appease her "feminist" mind virus while simultaneously breaking free of it to live out her true nature. here's the happy end:
>I can say that the guy from the bike race, who showed up puffed and ready to show off, ended up being a sensitive man, a doting and caring father to two girls. Had I dismissed his hand on my butt as entitlement, I might not have seen this bigger picture. He still mansplains more than any guy I've ever met. But after a few months of knowing him, I am certain he doesn't underestimate my intelligence.
she got dicked down by a real man after a steady diet of s o y failures and now she must reconcile her previously acquired delusions about "equality" with the reality of feeling intensely that submitting to this real man is the right thing to do. he "still mansplains" after several months but he turns her on so he gets to stay. meanwhile beta cucks are submitting to similarly delusional women and getting less than nothing in return. I'm talking about you, buddy:
you might be larping but this is how they really think and they have no male authority figure to set them straight.

'i want a nice, quiet guy like you user'

translation: 'you're basically female in my eyes and i want an explosive anger chad to abuse me'

The sheer amount of queer, pathetic shit in this post gave me cancer.

So what do you suggest then. Be arrogant even if she says she doesn't like it?

For you? I suggest you crawl in a hole and die cause you're pathetic.

be open and unapologetic about what you want. accept your natural role as the leader of most interactions with women. it's not arrogance, it's authenticity. and it's what they need, whether they ask for it or not.

I made a nicely readable version of this for convenience. no need to link to a different site this way.

Attached: feminist dates real man, full article.png (724x896, 88K)

They want Chad to be aggressive to them. Don't behave aggressive if you're no Chad because you will come off as a arm flailing sperg with lack of anger management

>tfw ugly manlet
>will NEVER dominate a woman

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>Internet "friend" is a hardcore vegan, constantly promotes veganism to all of her male and female friends
>Talks about how vegan men are "less aggressive and threateningly masculine" and how nice that is
>Talks about how awful toxic masculinity is and how it basically ruins everything
>Also only lusts over the manliest, toughest guys
>Her ideal man is over 6 foot tall, buff, well endowed, aggressive, and self-reliant
>While she promotes a lifestyle/attitude of meek cowardice to everyone around her
Women cannot be trusted.

That's really the truth.

And she'd probably make an exception for Chad's famous meat dish.

She probably would if she wasn't completely surrounded by beta males and losers at this point. It's funny to hear her complain about the quality of men in her life and how weak/pathetic they are when she essentially browbeats them into being that way.

18k likes isn't a lot. Some women just post shit like this.

Attached: Many likes.jpg (760x397, 47K)

Because women and the media try and cover this up and pretend they're not like that.

yes, be a natural leader, but only if you're attractive. None of this applies if you're ugly.