The shooter is the real victim in school massacres.
The shooter is the real victim in school massacres
Correct, fuck school. S.C.U.M.
>The shooter is the real victim in school massacres.
Yeah, sure, and also the most oppressed minority in the USA is the police.
Get fucked virgin. Get a life and stop blaming people for your pussy ass. Shooting up a school because you were bullied is the most mentally weak beta thing you can do.
Just kill yourself, don't involve innocent people in your problems.
Woah watch it everybody Chad is here! Or I'm sorry a based MAGApede. Fuck off faggot
They put the killer in chains but who is really to blame....
How is throwing your life away in a murderous rampage mentally weak?
>Doesn't do something about being bullied
Kek do something you beta fag
>Does something
Kek beta fag mentally weak retard
>normiefilth turn ultra moral and ethical as soon as school shooters are mentioned
Should have thought that way before teasing the unhinged kid.
>just le kill urself bro, don't involve innocent ppl!!1
school shooting are all about the victims really, the shooter doesn't want to kill himself, he wants to watch the world burn
Nice bait, but if you're genuine then I can only wonder what will happen to your legacy if you ever go down as "that faggot who bullied some kid so much he went on a murder spree"
You retards have so much power to prevent this, but it's almost jew-like in how much you continue this shit
>implying the only option is to kill people
mentally retarded
How would you feel if your neighbor killed your entire family because your dog took a shit in his garden? It's the most ridiculous response one can even think about.
Incomparable, the two situations are vastly different as you can't have your entire life and psyche ruined by a dog shitting in your yard. You're just a dumbass
>you can't have your entire life and psyche ruined by a dog shitting in your yard
If you're mentally weak enough you perfectly can get your life and psyche ruined by being called fag just one single time. Pussies like these usually get hurt with meaningless words like "fag".
>your mind after being called fag once
TL;DR you're weak.
>but if you're genuine then I can only wonder what will happen to your legacy if you ever go down as "that faggot who bullied some kid so much he went on a murder spree"
I don't bully anyone lmao. That's also something only mentally weak retards do.
People who ingore people around them>>>>>> """"chads"""" that bully weak betas=weak ass pussy virgin betas
>Implying I'm talking about a one-time occurence
>Too much of a brainlet to realize the real problem is with constant bullying
Doesn't matter if you're LARPing at this point, you're so retarded that it seeps through. Worthless mongrel
This isn't about a dog taking a shit in your garden though...
>constant bullying
Just tell some school authority. Being verbally abused and seeking help is not a humiliating thing, believing that you solve shit with the retarded "dude school shootings are badass!!! lmaooo" mentality is.
Also getting a dumbass in trouble for being a jerk is pretty satisfying.
>but muh pride
Fuck that bruh. Your pride is getting your ass up every day and minding your own bussiness, not showing the world that you're not scared of stealing your daddy's gun to kill a dense retard.
and you cant have your life ruined because Ogilby called you gay
>People who ingore people around them
Chad was just trying to get him laid and it pained him to see him getting his ass kicked instead of fucked. Chad is a good guy.
Shootings are shit cuz you die in the end man
Here in russia, we used to solve bullying problems with fists and glass bottles
And stop whining about it taking too much work, after you beat up your first chad you'll be hella more satisfied than those columbine punks
Just lift and train fighting, you beat up chad, win the hierarchy and destroy it, simple, ah?
Post the template, please. I know I've seen it before.
>Shooting up a school because you were bullied is the most mentally weak beta thing you can do.
no, i think you mean joining a bullying help group with more betafaggots
t.nevel bullied before
how it feels being ignored even by chads pillarmen?