this is a very good show
Unpopular opinions
it's catered too much to feminists. the episode with the black guy who runs on a treadmill all day is pretty good though.
>disliking black mirror is an unpopular opinion
Maybe to contrarians
Wait other way around, fuck
Fuck off.
I liked it but it felt a bit worse once it became a netflix show.
I liked all the episodes except the robot dog one. The brainwashed army killing civilians is my favorite
You don't have to post anything about /tv/ ITT. I don't want to go there anyway it's full of bbc and pedophiles.
The only one I refused to watch is the pigfucker episode. I didn't really like a couple of the first episodes either like the guy who finds out his kid isn't his and regrets leaving his wife anyway, or the clone husband.
>it's catered too much to feminists.
You mean there are episodes that females can relate to or have female leads?
I mean it's cringy to watch a grown women go "oh no he didn't! no one messes with my VAGINA", just because some feminist writers thought that was a hillarious and empowering thing for a woman to say. there are plenty episodes that don't have anything blatant like that, but overall there is the lingering feeling that all the episodes take place in some buzzfeed universe.
I think she actually said pussy
The military episode was like the worst one in the series
It felt like it was written by someone who was never in the military and the whole message is "If you join the military you sign your life away"
>oh no he didn't! no one messes with my VAGINA
I don't remember this being in the show?
Either way it's British, so I took all of that with a grain of salt.
>it's catered too much to feminists
It's set in the future you autist, what do you expect? That's not even a critique of the show in itself, go back to pol
don't repIy to any of my posts ever again.
Make me kiddo original
It's the one where Fat Damon inceptions himself into a virtual Star Trek world with digital clones of his coworkers that he can jerk around and torture. He digitally deleted their junk so they can't experience pleasure.
OH yeah. Well he took everybody's junk away, to be fair. That was unironically one of the best episodes.
>they can't experience pleasure.
Plus they at least got to get drunk while he was at work or playing CoD with 10 year olds.
>That was unironically one of the best episodes.
Indian tech guy: it can't be hacked, believe me I've tried
Mary Sue: I haven't
wow so empowering. visionary writing.
Indian dude was trapped in the incelcube for god knows how long, nobody knows what advancements in technology were made since she arrived and it had already been established she had talent in that field.
I'm not completely arguing the mary sue part but it's at least explainable.