I been clean for a month just so these 20mg hydros feel amazing.
I'm pretty excited.
How are my fellow druggies doing today?
I been clean for a month just so these 20mg hydros feel amazing.
I'm pretty excited.
How are my fellow druggies doing today?
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Hey. Whenever I smoke heroin , gradually more , my eyes itch, then swell, then leak a fluid. Not all heroin does it. The purest stuff does nothing wrong. I just cant find pure shit. Looking to die
Wanted to see if opiods were a meme. So far have only tried heroin which is just meh, probably in part because I only do a bit due to being scared to od.
So a few q's for any dopefags:
>How easy is it to od by sniffing heroin?
>Is all the scare by normies a meme?
>How many lines should I make out of a 100 mg rock?
>might just save up for some legit pharmas later on, are these easier to od on? What are the best pills?
It baffles me people kill themselves by jumping off something or hanging when you could just do heroin till you OD.
Pure bliss suicide.
I'm a pill guy. Tried every pill possible.
My favorite are oxycotin.
And heroin is okay but if you can get dilaudid/hydromorphine I think it's way better.
Don't touch meth though. That shit is straight up evil.
Opioids are a a meme, benzos feel 100x better to me
OP here
Literally the opposite for me.
I took 2 bars of Xanax for like the 4th time and felt just mellow. Boring as fuck. Opioids on the other hand make me feel fucking fantastic.
I'm wondering if benzos just feel better with people with anxiety.
Too late already did, but you're kinda right. It's only enjoyable when eaten for me, otherwise if sniffed it just makes me nervous and paranoid. Did it like 2 or 3 times last week and now I'm all depressed.
Might just do it in a low dose once a week to get more shit done on that day, at least until I can get some pure amphetamine which i think is not as bad.
>eyes leaking
That sounds horrible, I am so fucking glad the heroin here is consistent purity and no fent bullshit. Also nobody trys to middleman or travels miles to score!
Speedanon here.
Had 5 hour nap after a xanax and a beer. Rolling again.
Just smoking weed as per.
So what do anons think of the quality of onion heroin?
Benzos only work if you have anxiety, want to sleep or you mix it with couple of brewskis.
Still not an euphoria directly but very relaxing with vidya. But they best for comedowns on stims. Does wonder with anxiety or non sleep for a long time
What do most people mean when they say speed? Meth or just amphetamine?
Never brought of the onions. There is about 20 dealers just on my road and there on 24/7
Isn't speed a drug within itself? I think you're thinking of stimulants.
You lucky fuck I can't even find 1.
My grandma gives me free drugs every few months because I fake pain. Yes I'm scum. To be fair she gets 90 hydros a month.
amph, atleast its what we call it here
Speed = amphetamine
I'm prescribed speed and do it every single day. Some nights I'll do dose after dose and masturbate for 12+ hours. It really does feel amazing. My fav drug and it costs $5 / month
Is it true Salvia is still legal in Cali? I just moved out here with family but the few headshops I hit up didnt have any.
I never had to go online for psychedelic hookups but it looks like its stupid easy to order Salvia online?
In short time its amazing, but be careful. It will fuck up your mental state sooner or later.
anyway, time line up
snorting amphetamine, drinking beer and chain-smoking inside my apartment - about to head off to wage slaving in about 30mins
I mean I have actual ADHD so in normal doses it actually makes me more calm and normal. I feel like a normie if I take the correct dosage. I just take a bunch sometimes for fun but have to take a break after that
Non-addict here. I just keep benzos on me to feel safe since I suffer from anxiety. I generally never need to take them, if I do its like maybe once every 6 months or something. If I need to fall asleep, ativan does the job for me. Feels really good to get that benzo induced deep sleep. I like it alot
watched requiem for a dream for the first time
>I'm outta ere lads
Which substances will last approximately 8 hours and leave me functional?
>no re-dosing
I've never understood this
I have a script for Ativan and even at higher doses it just puts me to sleep; I've never gotten a high
Kinda like benadryl but more fast-acting and anxiolytic
Oh, yeah i understood you had it prescribed. Its just so easy to abuse it a bit to often because its a ride.
Not that user, but thats strong of you not to abuse it. When benzos are taken the right way. It does wonders when you feel bad.
Watched Trainspotting 12 times.
>Would inject heroin daily if i werent such a pussy about needles.
Adderall XR and it will make you better at what you do while you enjoy doing it too.
Can you get prescribed it if you have a heart transplant? I'm so fucking exhausted 24/7 And I know it's because all the meds I have to take that keep me exhausted.
Piano intro*
Maaaake a line, forget your shit life right nooow
holy shit meth and transplant sounds like a terrible way to die
I'm the Xanax guy here
Iv done ativan too. It's all the same shit for our brains. We're just not wired right to feel it. Opioids however...
being sober is hell i really need some heroin
I'm not sure I would do xr. It's what I'm perscribed but I crush them up so they are effectively ir. The way it works is half dissolves now and half dissolves in 4ish hours. So instead I just take half a crushed up pill now and the other half in about 4 hours when I need it. The only difference is that I know exactly when you're going to get your "second wind". Just the way I prefer to do it. All in all its important to see what works best for you.
I just don't understand coke over heroine.
Heroine will last for hours making you feel amazing, meth too. Come last 30 minutes and is expensive as fuck.
Is weed a meme like alcohol?
They might be hesitant to give it to you. Just get an ekg and make sure everything is alright first. I don't think it means you should never be able to do it, just be careful. I have a family history of heart issues and my bpm goes to 140 on speed sometimes.
yeah. the biggest meme drugs are
In that order. Now if you don't mind I'm going to hit this sherm.
It's better than alcohol.
I hate alcohol so fucking much.
When I'm out of drugs I drink it to feel something and always regret it.
Get some then its piss easy to score
I'm the same because of the taste though.
If they made alcohol into like a pill form or something I think I'd do it more. Is that a thing?
Powdered alc is
got some norco (a mix of hydrocodone and tylenol) for a surgery coming up tomorrow. i'm gonna start taking it the day after the surgery and i want to know how it feels.
will i feel high?
will i feel a buzz?
will i feel anything?
what will i feel?
Nah, i dont do coke, overpriced and bad quality here. Meth and speed is much better. But ive seen that fucking void heroin creates in people that stopped. You realise you willl never feel that good again.
Its just a matter about addiction personality i have to, just dont want to be hooked on it. Even though its wonderful, cant be described.
Where do you buy it?
Weed is easily better. Abused alcohol for a long time. Im fucking done with hangovers and kindling
You have to take more than what's prescribed on the bottle. My friend got a prescription and took 1 like the bottle said and was like
>I don't feel anything
No shit.
For your first time try 15mg. That should new 3 pills. If you don't feel anything after 40 minutes take another 1.
Report back tomorrow and tell us what you think. Go under the trip name pill noob. I'll be watching.
If snorting heroin had 100% bioavailability, I would not give a fuck about injection
yes, but not as much
i don't have a lot of pills to experiment around with. i'd say at the most i have 7-15 pills and i'm going to be experiencing a lot of pain after the surgery, so i'll definitely need them.
At least take 1 more than it prescribes on the bottle for your first time. You'll waste your no tolerance.
20mg hydros dont exist
One final hit to soothe the pain.
I took two 10mg hydrcodone.
Are you retarded?
Take a syringe and squirt it up your butt (no homo)
Just did like half a gram of pot and I'm feeling pretty loopy. Is drug addiction "really" a disease like depression or cancer? I mean, nobody forced you to stick that needle in your arm. I can't imagine becoming an addict without dropping like forty IQ points
>these 20mg hydros
you implied you took 20mg hydros
stop backpedaling, kid
Depression is a chemical predisposition to be sad.
Drugs make you withdraw which gives you a chemical predisposition to redose to feel normal
So yes. They're both illnesses. Whether you understand/are sympathetic or not.
Well I'm the transplant guy . For 3 years they pumped dilaudid which is like a better rush version of heroin in me till I for my heart then they just cut me off and I've been hooked ever since on anything I can get my hands on that works similer to an opioid.
Why the hell would I make something like that up on an anonymous imagie board? Yeah my grammar is wrong. I still took 20mg worth of hydros.
Dude kratom is wayyyy fucking better for the price.
Till i was given my heart***
are the roboshills still here?I left the threads after I couldn't handle it
Man I'm not that guy but I don't feel shit from kratom ever. And I've tried 2 different powders of red bali and a capsule form.
you're underage and you don't know what you're taking, probably
I'm still a lover of the stuff I've just burnt myself out and doing other stuff now.
Will probably be doing it again a year from now.
I got about a cup of poppy seeds what do lads? am i supposed to boil them or something?
I, too, am immune to kraton.
I take it every single day maybe 3 times. It doesn't make me feel anything. Just keeps me from getting withdrawal. Fucking sucks
I get these from my grandmother and she gets them prescribed for her lupus. Why the hell do you even care?
The medical system is fucked with how it handles drugs. Try kratom to get yourself off of it. It's legal but certainly still an opiate.
Don't be a bitch. Why not quit, it can be one if the few things you are proud of yourself for. I quit smoking. It has been months and it is hell every day
I spent the second half of 2017 addicted to meth and other forms of speed. Eventually I had to quit because I ran out of money and was shipped back home to live with my parents. It's been 8 months since i touched it and I still crave it every day. Sober life just feels lame as fuck compared to amphetamines, even the good moments of being sober don't compare.
Agreed, they fucked their life up and nobody but them should be responsible for the consequences.
throw them out, unless you enjoy withdrawing from 20 different slightly different opiates at once
It's still mentioned every once and a while but the hardcore shilling has more or less stopped.
Yea, I also really like it but it does gets old quick.
Never smoked really before.
Bought some 4mg nicotine gum tonight. Chewed 4 pieces, it's actually an amazing buzz.
Nicotine can be pretty nice. Kinda light headed, little confidence boost. I vape too much to still get a buzz but it still gives me a 'breath of fresh air' feeling when I have a nice big hit.