How do I into stoicism?
I'm a miserable 31 year old boomer and need to turn my life around. I need to give less fucks and appreciate my meager existence.
Recommend resources, books, and whatnot.
How do I into stoicism?
I'm a miserable 31 year old boomer and need to turn my life around. I need to give less fucks and appreciate my meager existence.
Recommend resources, books, and whatnot.
Ecce Homo.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
nit original
Read Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus as a start. Then some Cicero's stoic writings. On Duties is probably too heavy (it's an ethics textbook, sorta what you'd use in a class), but On Aging is like 50 pages.
Their ethics are basically just mature life approaches. It's all basic, but people get the basics wrong all the time, and most modern people have terrible life strategies and follow immature ways that lead to unhappiness.
Dont let your emotions rule you.
Learn how to be alone.
Envision the worst things happening. Incase they do happen you won't be so shook up.
I understand the importance of reading the foundations of the philosophy, but I'd like to start with something a little lighter.
K, that's kinda the point, right? The only emotions I feel are anxiety and frustration.
Hello anxiety, my old friend. This is one of my existing problems.
>I understand the importance of reading the foundations of the philosophy, but I'd like to start with something a little lighter.
It's not super heavy or complex. That's part of the appeal. It'sa very "every day philosophy", rather than abstract high minded or confusing philosophy.
Their writings are very readable. Seneca was aiming his works at a general public. Epictetus' is just transcripts from his lectures. You feel like you're right in his classroom. Guy constantly cracks jokes, makes sarcastic quips, and shit talks his students. He's not a dry guy at all.
Aurelius was writing notes to himself to keep himself going. Much of it was taken from Epictetus.
Can you read and understand this section? If you read 200 more pages, you've read the Meditations.
The ideas are simple, but profound. They kind of just hit on a few themes over and over again and only differ in the exact WHY.
did anyone have a habit of chewing on their pens in school or am i just retarded
>started reading Meditations
Read the first chapter about Marcus Aurelius thanking his family and teachers for the help and support he received. Realize that I'm not born into nobility like Marcus or trust fund kids. It's just gonna be the typical self-help advice of the world is hard, so man up. Stopped reading and deleted the pdf from my computer.
Hello philosophy user, you seem well learned, if could you perhaps post contacts or something, im wanting to learn more.
>The Subtle art of not giving a fuck (easy)
>Letters from a stoic (less easy)
>Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (Hard)
Meditations is about as "light" in the realm of reading philosophy as you can get my dude.
Despite it being an easy read, its implications are still incredibly impacting if you actually act upon them.
Based Sadler
You can see Meditations as the school notes, based on Epictetus' lectures. Epictetus goes into more detail and explains teh reasoning.
tao te ching and principia discordia if you want to add a little blend of cynicism and east/west fusion
Been needing these guides as well. I have trouble having a clear mindset, but reading Plato's Apology was a very good start.
whatever you do dont take the stoicism pill
classic stoikes
>jump in bog
>body turns hard like beef jerky
My favorite stoic is my dad.
Step 1: Realise stoicism is retarded.
Step 2: Become an Objectivist
Objectivism is objectively retarded.
Following a philosophy is for brainlets
Creating your own philosophy by adapting different ideas from others is for true intellectuals.
The dream team, my dude.
Enchridion is open source audio on YouTube. It will cure you.
>Thinking that anything or anyone can be original or new or unique.
How so, fag?
>Be a selfish prick: the philosophy
Stoicism is the most cucked philosophy. Dont do it to yourself man
my dude, you don't know shit
epictetus is mentioned a million times in this thread because the enchiridion is literally bullet points
I still fail to see your point.
>Be a selfish prick: the philosophy
Whats wrong with that? I believe everyone should look out for and only be concerned with themselves.
>Whats wrong with that?
Anyone have that "hurr I am free" comic of people back stabbing each other?
my sides oh god fuck
>my dude, you don't know shit
That's just your opinion.
>I want to into stoicism
>but it's too haaaard :'(
Every fucking thread. It's like saying ya want to be less gay but don't want to stop sucking cocks
sucking cock isnt inherently gay though, you can still be straight as a screw, but still suck some dick.
Stoicism aka just stop being a little bitch. I am twelve and and this is deep.
God preserve us.
If you read Meditations, get the translation by Robin Hard. Best one I've read.
Objectivism as it is proposed is objectively correct, and in no less than that photo of a video user posted she talks about love and relationships as a proponent of Objectivism. You literally do not know what you're talking about, please stop posting.
You're being childish. You're no better than Spookfags. You as well stop posting.
First of all if you're 31 you're not a "boomer". Second of all existentialism > Stoicism
Enjoy, boomerbro. Stoicism is a great philosophy for living. You can also check out Epicureanism.
Lurk more bud, 30yr old boomer is a meme
Not a good one, but nonetheless.
Also why be elitist about philosophy, it's all valid. Stoicism has deeper roots and is more universally helpful than existentialism imo, but people should look into both and make their own minds up.