Stop playing the vidya jew

It is a mindless activity. It only provides you with flashy colors and an instant gratification "you win" screen. If you want story and art, watch anime or read books. If you want to be rewarded for your mastery of mechanics, choose a bazillion other hobbies like lifting weights, playing an instrument, programming, etc. I felt so much better after giving up playing games beginning of this year. I have like 10xx hours in csgo. I don't have an excuse to duel boot shitty windows OS either.

Playing games just makes you manchild nerd thats only accomplishments are playing older obscurer games, beating games at higher diffuculty, or having a high rank in a multiplayer game. I'm not saying you have to chase thots. You can be a smart nerd that knows philosophy, science, and has useful skills.

Also, the "gaming community" has become cancer, screeching at each other for being SJWs or neo-nazis and complaining about the race and gender of protagonists.

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no, I'll do what I want


i only play cool games like nurses love addiction

thats different right?

>I'm not saying you have to chase thots. You can be a smart nerd that knows philosophy, science, and has useful skills.
You're speaking almost authoritatively lmao what a cunt. I'm gonna bing bang wahoo for the rest of the night without an ounce of guilt.

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I realized this long ago. Vidya is probably the lowest form of media consumption.

I still play hentai games. But I wouldn't consider porn games and VNs in the same category as normal games.

>dont play games but watch anime
Youve just showed that youre retarded.

>Falling for the hobby Jew at all

what are some good dating sims?

i could get into that

can't lift for hours at a time and these other hobbies are more work than reward.
I'll keep my instant gratification, thanks for your concern

But i already know a bunch of useful skills, why cant i do both you retarded faggot?

>it's a manic 20-something goes on his first self-improvement journey and feels like he found the secret of happiness for a few months kind of post

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I usually just fuck my waifu in honey select at cm3d2.

I have 1100 hours in Europa Universalis 4. And worse than that, it's all single player and 80% is playing as the same country over and over again. Why am I like this? I tried to uninstall it one time, because it grossed me out, but that didn't last for long. I really have wasted my youth on video games. Thinking about all the things I could have done instead is really sad.

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Okay bud, can you do us a favor and leave the site as well while you're at it since you're preaching how good your life is without vidya? It'd be better for both parties if you did, let's be honest

this is because games are the most part a cancer medium thats designed as virtual skinner boxes

but dont write off the medium entirely, there are alot of great works of art, and an underground community working to push things into a better light.
play more FREEWARE, and ditch this aaa shit that is only there to get you addicted and make money

watching t.v is mindless
watching OR playing sports is mindless
going to the gym is mindless
listening to music is mindless

basically the vast majority of what we do including our jobs is in fact just mindless grind.

>stop playing video games
>instead, watch anime
ok retard

how dumb are you people

>listening to music is mindless
Utter faggotier level faggotry ^
Music is non0binary code for wetware you whimpering shitting and swallowing worm powered quantum computer.

>vidya is a waste of time
>watch anime instead

user, I don't know how to tell you this...
You're retarded.

Thank you user.

>I have like 10xx hours in csgo
My favorite part of Jow Forums is when failed normies come here and try to tell people that something is a worthless endeavor because of their own short-comings as a human being. Video games aren't the problem; you're a fuck up. The reason you even made this thread isn't to convince others to quit, it's to try and get others to rationalize your way of thinking so that you can convince yourself that you're right and the hobby is the problem and that you're not a fuck up.

>Also, the "gaming community" has become cancer, screeching at each other for being SJWs or neo-nazis and complaining about the race and gender of protagonists.
Yeah that has honestly gotten really grating but you can blame the initial SJW push into video games and other media for this.

>insightful and true post
is this actually r9k?

Kek, fuck off you reddit fag. Go suck on your body pillows tits

Seems kind of ironic you call people who play video games man children and recommend them to go watch chinese cartoons instead but fair enough man, who am I to judge

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Fuck off, faggot. You're not the boss of me. Worry about yourself and mind your own business.

What;'s JEW about it? I'm a jew. Stop.