Hi /r9k

Hi /r9k
How do I commit suicide?

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By killing yourself but for real this time.

Buy a bunch of vitamin c gummies and eat them all to overdose and die

Helium tank and a CPAP mask. Don't buy balloon helium, use actual helium or it won't work. Don't use too much pressure or you'll burst a lung, and that hurts. Good luck.

There are various methods, it's not really that difficult to kys.
Well, mentally it is.

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By commiting no breathing

do you know a lot about certain ways?

Yeah, there's a multitude of them.
Pic related, a few of many, paired with how lethal/painful they are as well.

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Ehh, wrong image, whatever

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I am not suicidal but I'd kms if I got cancer or some shit, so I'm not asking so that I can kms.

As far as hanging goes, say they're in a standing position on the floor. They black out and don't wake up from compressed veins and arteries. So if holding your breath is so painful how come the body doesn't go wild trying to get free? Is it because even though there is enough brain function in the brain stem to tell them to breath, cerebral ischemia keeps parts of the brain from working, that would usually react in panic?

I mean I know it works, but you hear of people like Robin Williams who were sitting down on the floor and literally used a belt just wedged between a door frame. I can't help but wonder how their body didn't react violently to not being able to breath and somehow get free even if it was just by thrashing around and the belt coming loose.

Helium tank works.

>So if holding your breath is so painful how come the body doesn't go wild trying to get free?
It does, hanging bodies usually rock back and forward but don't get loose, so they die anyway.

Yeah videos Ive seen even where they werent fully hanging did move a good bit at first.

I have this old forensic book from england and it showed how many suicidal deaths happened and what ways in the 1940s or so, and no kidding like hanging and drowning were pretty much tied. Hanging you go unconscious fast but drowning, come on. That wpuld benterrible

I'm going to end up homeless and it snows bad in my state.
I'm going to lie down & hyperventilate into the frostbite and drift away.
Shame, but that's how it goes though.

Hi user this chart lists the most effective ways.

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You don't user. You persevere.

Just follow the picture its painless and fast

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I always thought this was a joke to get suicidal anons to be frustrated with a squeaky voice.

Get raw bitter cassava grind a large bowl of apple seeds

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would it be suspicious if i bought a stool rope and handcuffs at target?

Hi, user. Don't commit suicide.

Press ctrl+shift+s in your life console.

I tried tying a noose, wrapping it around the bathroom knob and kinda slumping down to see how effective it would be. Things are getting harder everyday. This will probably be the way I go

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