"I don't care what others think of me!"

>"I don't care what others think of me!"
Why do normiods always lie about this?

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to fake confidence and appear desirable

Psychopaths have a tendency to say they are the opposite of their flaws and also project their flaws onto other people. Most normies are descended from Cain and therefore evil so this is to be expected.

They only mean it in the context of the audience. When they say they don't care what others think they are talking about people that stray outside of their primary demographic

>normies say they don't care what other people think and decide the be Atheist
>perfectly fine

>I don't care what other people think, worship the true demiurge, and try to self-flagellate to show my faith
>ree you're mentally ill
Normalfags everyone.

Because saying it makes them feel cool.
Same reasons everyone lies to themselves.
It's not hard to understand.

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they're trying to convince others and especially themselves

this...is the stupidest fucking reasoning ever user lmao

Because everyone says and pretends to be like that, if you show that youre different theyll make fun of you and think of you as someone worse.

What if it's not a lie in your case because you see most people as NPCs?

t. Cainormie

For some people it is genuinely true, they're usually autistic though.

only a brainlet would argue that a majority of people are psychopaths and base their claim on the bible. a true intellectual would know that chemtrails are to blame

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Then it isn't, and it doesn't matter.
Who cares, really.

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Satan makes the chemtrails.

God doesn't exist retard, neither did Cain

pick one, retard

t. Satan orignally

No the Jews and their spiritual affiliates worship Satan knowingly or unknowingly who connects their motives on a global scale.

...fuck you're right have a nice night chief

Prove that God, Satan, Cain, or any of your other fictional characters exists and I'll believe you.
Oh wait... you can't.

"I don't care what they think" = I don't actually have to suffer any consequences because I have a social safety net

Only Satan and damned people say that.

>caring about the name when examining the archetype