Obesity is a mental illness

Prove me wrong.

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Obesity is mostly result of mental defections or just pure laziness.

obesity is a symptom of mental illness


This, OP BTFO.

not really, i know a lot of lazy obese boomers who just don't give a fuck.
that is a woman, and women always like coping instead of facing reality.

What do many breast cancer treatments have in common? Estrogen suppression.

Now guess what extra fat increases levels of?

I got fat due to my anxiety and depression, fat people are literally too mentally to be aware that something is wrong.

So T H I C C=unhealthy?
S T I C C master race.

Are sloth and gluttony mental illnesses?

My stepmom died of breast cancer, and she was rather lean

Obesity is a symptom of mental illness as well as a cause for depression, lethargy, and apathy towards oneself.

An indicator of a fucked up person, agreed

Not gonna lie, I wanna fuck that bellybutton.

Stop calling everything a mental illness you retarded fucks.
Being mentally ill means that you are not responsible for your actions, that you can't help it because you are ill. But these people know what they are doing. The problem is that natural selection does not exsist anymore.

>autismo misunderstands a term; proceeds to sperg

yes you brain damaged retards don't know what a mental illness is

You have a mental illness.

Obesity is a hormonal problem caused by eating a shitty western diet and living a sedentary lifestyle.

Obesity can only be solved by fasting or surgery.

The people affected by this hormonal problem of enormously high insulin levels usually have retardation as a side effect. Believe it or not, there’s been studies that looked at people’s raw IQ before and after surgeries like liposuction, after losing a large amount of weight, etc. and raw IQ scores went up. Didn’t even matter how the weight was lost.

So yeah. Fat niggas is dumb niggas.

>Obesity can only be solved by fasting or surgery.

just eat less

fasting mimicking diets are superior
for example OMAD, Keto and Veganism

Why does the left insist on using such vulgar language? Do they think it helps their cause? Is it just a case of I can therefore I will? Or is it more like "take that, patriarchy!" in an attempt to appear strong and cool and edgy?

Now I know this is bait.

I'm afraid that's impossible, sir

Obesity isn't healthy. Seeing posts like this is the reason why fat people thinking they are beautiful. Its the same with drug Addiction you can glorify drugs but that doesn't make them healthy.

>you can't lose weight by eating a reduced caloric intake!
>you need to fast!
>don't forget to buy my book and special supplements for your KinoBody™ approved FastKeto™ diet

>Being mentally ill means that you are not responsible for your actions
no it doesnt.
that only applies in very extreme (and very rare) cases of mental illness which involve severe delusions, to the point where the patient can no longer distinguish between reality and his hallucinations.

but generic 'muh depression' and 'muh anxiety' cases of mental illness do not impact a person's capability to take responsibility for their actions at all.

>Obesity can only be solved by fasting or surgery.

any calorie restricted diet is a mild form of fasting, so technically this is correct

Not the guy you're talking to but in my experience diets are significantly more difficult than just fasting and after a two week water fast your cravings for refined carbs go away. People who only got overweight recently can just remove refined carbs from their diet and lift and that will work for them.

People who had obesity as a child and for a decade after have hormonal and gut health problems that will torpedo their weight loss efforts. The scale of the problem is larger than you have 20lbs of extra fat you recently put on so the solution needs to be of a similar scale. People on the biggest loser who follow mainstream weight loss advice pretty much never have long term success because the advice does not take into consideration anything other than CICO.

fasting comes with its own set of serious disadvantages though.
if you are not used to it (which most people arent, especially not fatties) then it will fuck you up real bad. you'll have pretty much zero energy and feel extremely weak, and this goes on for DAYS.

if you can afford to just NEET it up in your basement for a week, that's fine, but if you want to keep a regular life schedule, fasting will interfere with that because you will be to weak and tired to get anything done.

>my random anecdote proves the medical community wrong

Woman detected

It's just feminine politics
They think with their feelings. Throwing tantrums for everyone to see is the only way to make change. Effeminate men do the same thing. And that's on both the right and the left, but the overwhelming majority lean left

Hormonal illness, but those stupid fucks are mentally ill.

t. fat

>But these people know what they are doing
I'd actually argue that they don't. Some of them are aware that they're extremely fat and see it as a problem, but just lack the will power and self control to help themselves. Others believe that they either aren't "that fat" or that it's not a problem. They're completely ignorant or dismissive of the potential health issues that come with obesity. They've convinced themselves that everyone that disagrees with them is wrong

get out and never come back to this board you fag

>rather lean
about 225-250 in American

It's always been like that, but it started getting worse when Trump called Clinton "Nasty" so the left decided that the best way to fight that was to deliberately be nasty and call themselves nasty women. Fucking morons

dont get me wrong, i shed pounds faster than brexit but i wouldnt call it a healthy alternative to just not stuffing your face

< T H I C C N E E S S S S S S S S S S S S S

Obesity tends to be part of a larger problem. Obesity itself isn't a mental disorder but it can be caused by, exacerbate, and cause them.

Wrong lol

People are addicted to sugar and fat, so i guess if you count addiction as a mental illness, you are right

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This isnt true. And anybody who has fasted knows you’re full of shit

>is a mild form of fasting
This is false. Fasting is a state that you teach when all glucose is consumed from food and the only energy left for the body is to break down ketones from fatty tissue. Limiting calories doesn’t produce this effect

Exception not the rule

It's basically addiction.

>obesity can only be solved by fasting or surgery
Fucking leave. And stay away. Fat dumb piece of shit for brains

>some African is too stupid to understand 98% of normal cico based diets fail
COLOR me shocked

>hormonal problems
>gut health problems
Stop making excuses for fatties. The reason biggest loser/other obese people don't have long term success is the same reason they got fat in the first place, which is a complete lack of self control and mental strength. It is their own fault, no one else's, and they are no different from deadbeat drug addicts



This is not even a meme the tesco near me had that cancer research obesity billboard up then after the shitshow on Twitter it was replaced by one for pepsi max lmao

Not just insulin, Leptin and Ghrelin, read some studies on how those hormones differ in obese people and a pattern of hormone imbalance becomes clear.

It always has been the patrician choice

Its not making excuses, its what the scientific literature shows. Telling them to do something with a near zero chance of success and then blaming them for failing is a terrible way to deal with someone who has been obese their whole lives.

Kill all fatties. Twink nationalism now

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