This is what my ideal female looks like

This is what my ideal female looks like.

Most people would say she's ugly. What do you guys think?

Attached: DisESjKXkAALlGz.jpg (675x1200, 98K)

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Being an attention whore makes her ugly.

Better than I'll ever get

>Being an attention whore makes her ugly.

{{citation needed}}

Having a yotuube is normal now a days.

nice "alternative" taste m8

Attached: hue.jpg (795x1061, 94K)

Nah pretty cute but she's a whore

She's cute. I would definitely gf but she wont want an asian guy.

Attached: [horriblesubs] Kashii Yui is my girlfriend.png (568x718, 399K)

You'd suck the fart out of anything that calls themselves female. Bye.

Her looks are okay, even a little cute.
She just seems like some virtue signaler who will start a long ass rant about the moral reason for her vegan diet or the plight of poor widdle oppressed minorites on a glance.

Bit thin for me, our children would never survive a famine. But she's definitely cute.

>She just seems like some virtue signaler who will start a long ass rant about the moral reason for her vegan diet or the plight of poor widdle oppressed minorites on a glance.


Attached: 1494253352859.png (600x775, 615K)

average looking if we remove all the 4/10 fatasses from the pool. without glasses and some makeup/dressing better could be pretty

This is funny considering she became a racist/sexist.
She was all atheist and feminist when she was younger but then she turned 30 became a conservative, voted for trump, and got knocked up and became a stay at home mom.

>Having a yotuube is normal now a days.
Having a account is normal, having a lot of videos of yourself talking is not.
Having that along with a twitch and twitter is not.

>considering she became a racist/sexist.
Happy ends do happen? Well, color me surprised.

>and got knocked up and became a stay at home mom.

She makes reference to an "office", and is staying at hotels. I think she's working again.

I wouldn't call it a happy ending, she only did that shit to get a guy(who happens to have a decent paying job). Once the kid is 5 or 6 she will most likely leave the guy and revert back to a hardcore liberal feminist, leave the dad and be a "struggling single mom"

shot of her baby.

Attached: mpv-shot0708.jpg (1280x720, 59K)

Has nothing to do with your race. I've seen plenty of Asian dudes with girlfriends where I live. But judging by your posts, you're an awful and confused person. So that's why you'd get rejected.

Conservative doesn't mean racist.

How i behave online and offline are two different things.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.43_[2017.08.16_10.57.21].png (510x634, 400K)

>baby is white
thank god, I was worried she was a coal burner for a while

that office is her home office, where she has her computer and stores her books and arts/crafts

that just reminds me I haven't eaten a girl's ass on 2 months

>that office is her home office, where she has her computer and stores her books and arts/crafts

That implies she works out of the home. Doing... something. And why was she in that hotel on the road? Implies some work related business trip.

That's not really how it works, user.

I have a office where I have my computer and play videogames, doesn't mean I work out of it. Its just what people call their spare room they put their computer and excess shit in.

Hotel is I dont know staying there on a vacation or trip? Whenever I went on vacation to see relatives in another state we would stay in hotels instead of staying with them.

She didn't have a job for years, it was rumored she was on disability