Tell me about the problems you suffer with in life, user

Tell me about the problems you suffer with in life, user

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i haven't been outside in months and my parents need me to get a job

My biggest problem is that my waifu is not real. I wish she was only mine.

I've been thrown out by my father because I snapped back at him during an argument. I have $1900 in the bank and the average cost of rent where I live is $1200 a month.
I'm 19 and male so I can't sell out my body for easy money and I'll have to give up my laptop if I go on welfare. I also don't have a full driver's license because I wasn't able to find a codriver.
I do have a gun so if worst comes to worst I can kill myself but I have a few days until I can't afford my hotel.

>tldr shit's fucked

I can't find a fucking job. Where am i supposed to look? Employment agencies are fucking useless in my country.

I think I might actually be schizoid and not just a NEET with social anxiety.

Suffering keeps me focused.
Without it how the hell do you know if anything is real?
It's more stressful at this point when things are going just ok. Because then I don't know what terrible thing to prepare for next.

you should definitely search, some jobs are terrible but i'm sure you can find one that doesn't make your life miserable.
think of all the things you could buy that you can't buy now
she'll be real soon enough, just hold on tight
your government should help you out in finding a job and giving you some financial support, where do you live user?
i'll say what your parents most likely say, keep trying, it will work eventually
visit the doc, meds aren't a meme

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>difficulty retaining coherent thought and or forming legible sentences
>difficulty remembering things past even an hour or two let alone a day
>absolute total lack of any social skills can't interact online or offline excluding occasional imageboard posts.
>completely devoid of any substance and or content personality wise
>absolute lack of enjoyment from any of my escapism methods, everything is boring and too much effort now
>spend all day here refreshing the catalog constantly hoping for some sort of content to kill time with.

>she'll be real soon enough
What do you mean?

Probably talking about VR. Maybe another 20-30 years before we see full dive VR.

I live in northern Canada but like I said, I'd have to give up anything of value (electronics, furniture, jewelry and appliances) to the government to be eligible for their help.

That Japanese that's in development which which is essentially weeaboo Alexa but it also has this special projector screen built in which displays your waifu. That or

i'm confused, it seems as if you choose to suffer in order to stay focused. do you find comfort in suffering?
just keep going
that sounds pretty terrible user, i'm happy you took the courage to post in my thread. I'd again, recommend you see a doctor for help with your mental state, being an introvert is completely normal but it seems quite severe for you.
if worse comes to it, do it instead of taking your own life. If you was working you'd be paying taxes to help people in your position.

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>if worse comes to it, do it instead of taking your own life. If you was working you'd be paying taxes to help people in your position.

sorry if my advice wasn't that helpful.
i've been in a similar position but i live in the UK where benefits seem a lot more accessible.
The options you have seem a lot better than living on the street, do you have any other relatives you're close to?

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Yeah I hope that VR will do wonders. I have met my waifu in my dreams and it felt amazing. I hope it will feel as good if not better.

>just keep going
OK, user. I hope I will meet her one day.

>I hope it will feel as good if not better
You don't even need to hope. Realistic VR (including anime stuff) will be thousands of times better than you can imagine, and if we add the fact that probably a decade after that you'll be able to feel everything as if it's reality... you have no fucking idea how lucky we are to be born in this century. I can't fucking wait, i always get goosebumps just by thinking about it.

Well, I'm about to start with university orientation in a couple of days, and it's scary to imagine myself fitting into university culture when I myself am too much of an bizarre fuck to be accepted anywhere I go.

I have no real friends I can rely on, and no girl has ever been interested enough in me to want to get to know me beyond a surface level. I play in a band that I honestly see all the guys in more as colleagues or partners, and every day I have thoughts of quitting and breaking it all up from how little we've moved in the past year. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with anybody, yet it seems like everyone is turned against me as if by some curse.

I'm very, very close to never saying another word to anyone and just letting them live their lives without any involvement on my part. I have become an individual who, despite his youth, has accepted that he had died in front of every single person long before he realized that death didn't have to be physical.

I've got some pretty bad acne on my face but absolutely no acne anywhere else.

Should I get Accutane? I feel like it would make my life lots better if it works

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looking at people i knew that went to university, they changed quite a bit and adapted well, whether they changed subconciously or required some effort is important here i guess. I'm sure you'll surprise yourself and manage to make some friends, i'd recommend living in dorms if you're not already since then people are forced to socialise and interact with you which may give you confidence later on in the day
if you're young you grow out of it, it's normal and everyone gets it around their teens.
If you're considering accutane visit a dermatoligist beforehand, as it might not be as severe as you make it out to be

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I don't know how to find girls with any of my interests. All my single coworkers I would never date and they probably feel the same to me. I met few qts that like cars, programming, or anime, but all were online or were in a relationship with my close friends. Not old enough to get anything at a bar add that girls at bars probably aren't what I'm looking for. I know too many gay people with similar interests its tempting me into giving up and settling for a guy.

Have severe acne, acne scars on the neck and feintly around sideburn area. I went to a dermatologist and use prescription antibiotic cream but I'm also taking other medications that are giving me acne all over my body. Shit sucks. Not sure how bad my acne scars appear to be but I'm too anxious to post a pic on here.

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Honestly not many, life's only been getting better ever since I got out of a bottomless pit 5 years ago. I just started uni and the future looks pretty bright, but at the same time, the next 5 years that I'll have to spend studying just look kind of ... bleak and uncertain. Other than that the only real issue is tfw can't meet waifu yet.

Speaking of which, I'm only responding because you're avatarfagging as her. Be grateful kunt :^)

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I work 12 hours a day. I can't quit because my boss habs de canser and I'd screw him over by leaving.
My job is at a fortune 500 company but they owe me $1500 in overtime that they probably won't pay, because I'm allowed to work 40 hours a week, not 66.

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you don't have to post pictures of yourself nor do you have to leave your comfort zone. I'm not good with advice with women since i have no experience myself but for acne i'd just wait it out and try not to let it stress you, sorry for not being helpful
i'm glad things are going well user. Admittedly, i always avatarfag as yayas, i just haven't posted here in a while
if you've worked the hours then surely it's illegal to not pay you, ask who's in charge about the situation and get a straight answer, also when you get paid don't feel obliged to stay in work because of your boss, you have the right to leave, just say you have your own issues

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Better than suicide - disappear without a trace. Take out all money and go off the grid. Literally what have you got to loose

>i always avatarfag as yayas
You do ? Granted, I took a 4 month sabatical off of Jow Forums so I probably haven't seen you around. Well, whoever you are, I hope you do well with your prospects, user. I'll be bumping from offscreen, I guess.
Disregard girls and go pursue your hobbies. Trust me, it does wonders to your mind. Maybe even enough that it might help you acquire gf later, who knows.

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>the few "friends" that I have can barely stand me and I don't care for them much either so I cut all contact with them every summer when I'm away from them
>Can't talk to anyone else due to major social anxiety
>Can't get a job since I can't talk to people
>18 years old and moving onto my senior year of high school even though I fail pretty much everything every single year
>Kicked out of film class because of shit grades in normal classes.

I literally just want to be left alone and be a NEET since I can't seem to do anything right and most people don't want to be around me anyway. The one thing I was actually good at (film) has been taken from me so now I'm hopeless.

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I feel alone, but i alienate everyone around due to fear of getting hurt. And i dont know why i spend time trying to help other anons problems in life to feel better about myself, when i have a shitload of things i should work on myself with.

I'm in a loving relationship with someone who has no kinks or fetishes while I myself am among the most depraved people that exist.

Borderline traumatized for being stuck in an ex-soviet youth prison for a week when I was 16 because I thought literally running away from my problems at home in the good ol' netherlands and hitch-hiking to russia was the best course of action

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you could probably find a little bit out about me throughout 2017 here on the archives
i hope to keep making these threads, i think i find comfort in giving the little advice i have to people, it's a way to prove to myself i'm altruistic despite what others describe me as
i lost contact with my friends around 5 years ago, i didn't feel any different, just less time outside. It shouldn't be a problem for you if you intend to stay NEET, although it isn't a healthy lifestyle and most likely won't last. I'd work on finding a job despite yourself saying you cannot talk to people, some employers accept that people are introverted, try a night-shift retail cuckery job they're very comfy.
you said yourself why you help other anons, because it makes you feel better about yourself, isn't the endgame in life to feel good? not everyone will accomplish something great, you don't need to change yourself if you can find happiness as is.
sounds tough user
that does sound pretty traumatizing, how's the hitchhiking going so far?

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I'm about to become a lawyer and i never really wanted to be one and i'm worried because i half assed my studies so working will definitely bring a lot of hardship.
I'm thankful in a way, i know this is a good career but i feel so guilty for being irresponsible and undecisive about my goals.
Don't hate me.

I hate myself more than anything in this world, i can love everything, the nature, the people, everything but myself.
I aways do something that fucks my life even more and honestly i think i reserve everything that happens with me.

problems come in all different shapes and sizes, either way they make you feel unease.
working there shouldn't bring hardships as i'm sure if you're working for an agency they'll give you basic training beforehand, what they don't teach you will be what you were taught in school, you seem to be worrying yourself, just keep in mind you don't have to be the best lawyer in the country

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you might only hate yourself, but there's people in this world that don't hate the same things you do

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I'm supposed to be sexually mature but i still have a kid penis and i have 0 self-esteem

Dependent personality disorder
>can't even kill myself on my own

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>Disregard girls and go pursue your hobbies

I really hope this is good advice because its what I have been doing. I'm trying to do my best at everything. I'm 19 and recently just got my bachelors degree so I'm feeling more confident than I ever have in my life. But I've been feeling lonely and longing for love and affection. Hanging out with a friend isn't the same and sometimes is just boring and feels like a waste of both of our time.

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the worst part is that I've had opportunities to have sex but I always say no because of my penis

thanks for reading my rant, i hope to rise above mediocrity because i really want to be there for my family, i regret being so immature.
But i will try my best because they still believe in me and you gave me your advice

>getting shit degree
>scared about job prospects
>scar tissue on penis
>low test or libido causing my jizz to be clear
>very self conscious of all this and it keeps me incel
>closet fag
Never had a chance.

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I know, i know there's people who care about me
And that's what makes me feel even worse, they care about me and i still hate myself, i don't get any better, i feel like i'm disappointing them

>sounds tough user
Many may scoff at me here for complaining about it, but it's a hard choice.
>live the rest of my life with this person I love, who isn't perfect - no one is - but who I respect and admire very much
>can never fulfill any of my sexual fantasies since I never have done so before now
>get to fulfill all my sexual fantasies over time by finding the right people to play those roles with
>lose the person I love with the chance I'll never find someone else I love again AND the sinking guilt I hurt someone I loved over sexual desires
Yet, they seem like otherwise insatiable desires. What do?

if you mean kid penis regarding size, despite what the dank maymays say, most women look at other things than the size of your dick
i'm not sure what that is, very clingy?
even so try to find someone just as clingy and support each other
if that's true then the woman is obviously a slut, just see it as you barely dodged an STI
glad i could help, i'm happy you want to try harder than the average joe, this alone proves you'll most likely be successful. also remember that you'll pick up skills along the timeline of your career
that sounds pretty bad user, if you care about companionship, focus on what you can provide people other than your penis
don't look too far into the future like careers for example, it only brings worry
disappoint them then, if they were expecting something from you then show them otherwise, idk how you can stop hating yourself user.
i have no experience with relationships and i don't see sexual issues very problematic, but i'd go with the former option since the person you LOVE obviously provides more to you than just sex

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sorry i read that wrong, YOU said no because of your penis
just disregard the size of your penis and go for it, if things turn out bad then you know your problem actually exists instead of assuming it's a problem

I'm stupid, fat, have bad teeth that are now also yellow in my early 20's and cry way too easily. My only relationship ended terribly 6 years ago and from that experience as well as reading online I don't think I'll ever be able to trust a woman enough to spend my life with them. I'm a high school dropout with nothing but a GED to my name and haven't worked a day in my life. If anywhere will take me they'll be able to sense that I'm retarded and worthless so even if I never get fired I know I'll never get promoted to something less pathetic like manager no matter how hard I work. I have no future, my family tries to be understanding but doesn't actually listen to me when I talk as is evidenced by frequent misunderstandings despite my plain vocabulary. I can't make friends, everyone just pretends I'm not there until I go away both on and offline, I'm never rude to anyone that isn't to me first. The only thing I truly value in life is my adorable little dog I've had since I was 10 and she's so old she could drop dead at any moment. I don't want to replace her when she does, nothing could ever love me as unconditionally as she does.

I'll never meet miss Shameimaru

It's the same dick I've had since i was 7 but you anons gave me inspiration and strength

People with dependent personality disorder tend to be "clingy" more than just that though.
People with DPD can easily die homeless because they are unable to function on their own.
>find someone
Catch 22. Without someone it's nigh impossible to find someone. Finding someone willing to care for what amounts to an adult child is.... our life expectancy is 40-50. I don't think that includes suicide.

Well, I speak from experience really, it isn't just another "juss b urself brah". There's a background to it : I've never been good with girls, I can make friends with them but I find most of them fake and I have no idea how to aproach them, and honestly I've never had much interest. The only time I fell hard for a friend of mine, and I'm sure she liked me at some point, she went balls to the walls insane one day and cut off contact with EVERYONE for 2 months. I torn me apart for quite a while, but it just forced me to remember that I was probably just a dumb horny teenager and that I still had my friends or the internet. To this day I haven't felt anything for any other girl but I don't think I'm hopeless anymore, and I honestly couldn't be happier than I am right now.
Also I'm turning 19 in a couple of months so I'm sure our experiences would be the same if you just give it a try. Never give up, user.

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That my dick will never go inside a person.

I think about how I disagree with a lot of what the animation industry has turned into and even if I was part of it I couldn't do squat as one person.

reading about your doggo made me pretty sad user, that's the only reason i avoid getting pets, i hope she lives comfortably for as long as she can, she's happy knowing she provides that much importance to you.
your looks don't mean you'll never get a relationship again, the fact you was in a relationship in the first place is proof enough that you can find someone else, some people can't find love, period.
regarding your career, not having grades doesn't mean you'll never find work, it just means it'll be a little harder, where i'm from employers prefer experience over good grades.
i don't have any friends so i'm not entirely good with that type of advice, but i feel finding a job and getting friends fall in place together well.
iktf desu ne
go for an asian woman
find a hobby or keep doing something you enjoy, anime, vidya, etc
companionship is quite important mentally, so get your family to look into some form of therapy, stupid suggestion seeming you've probably done something along these lines, but just in case.
this isn't true
critics are vital, your opinion may seem obsolete but you most likely share similar views with a lot of others.

Okay it's half 5 in the morning so i'm going to catch some rest, you should do the same if it's late for you! I had fun chatting with you anons, goodnight.

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Hobbies eh.
Most hobbies require some level of functionality as an adult. There isn't a lot I enjoy either. I mostly just watch Star Trek over and over alone in my room. Fucking glad I have a dog to keep me company though.
My family is all fucked up. That's why I'm fucked up.
This sort of thing is something we never talk about so I have never sought help. Hell, calling a therapist to set an appointment is outside my ability. Going to a therapist alone harder still. Actually talking to a stranger about anything personal is fuck-all

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Good night, Ayanon! I'll try to at least bump the thread a little, though I have to sleep in a few myself. Who knows, maybe it'll be alive when you wake up ?

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First bump of the night, to keep this spot away from normie threads.

i just turned 22 today and im a balding virgin who's life is headed nowhere, ive joined a gym and been eating better and quit drinking and smoking and cutting myself and cut back on jerking off but i dont feel any better i just feel worse and worse

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What do you mean by "life is headed nowhere" ? If you're a NEET, you could try finding a craft. I don't mean going to uni or anything because in the US that just means endless loans, but maybe you could always try a technical school and find a comfy job as a mechanic or something. It's better than joining the army and risking getting mangled, and it works just as well. At least that's what my cousin told me, he's done it and so far he looks a lot better. And a lot less alcoholic.

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>Constant anxiety, too intensely nervous to think straight when driving alone or going out into public
>apparently give off friendly vibes, but have next to no friends
>seclude myself constantly, but wish for someone to talk to
>get unshaven, hair unkempt, bags under eyes
>still a complete lightweight, underweight by at least 10-15 lb
>still have no desire to put on muscle or exercise much
>not in the dating scene at all, too anxious to get out there
>somehow still able to hold together a job

I think I have a lot of sorting out my own head before I end up dragging anybody else into the mess I am.

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Why is Aya such a slut?

Mean comments are verboten, user. I'm sorry but you're gonna have to pay up for your sins against the best girl.

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You keep posting bad girls. Try again

You see, user, I posted a dumb girl because it's only fitting to reply to a dumb user. I don't like Chiru much and that's one of my few pics of her.

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I'm not an anime girl.

I miss someone so much. Everyday I am in pain, it just occupies my mind and fills it with pain, and I'm afraid that the person I am thinking of doesn't even think or care about me anymore. We used to be very good and close and talk everyday, but a week ago I just messed it up. Why do I have to be like this? I have no ability to make friends and all the friends I used to have got driven away by me for some stupid reasons of my own. I don't want to lose the person I'm missing about badly anymore, who's pretty much the the only friend I considered and have ever had in a long long time, yet I can't just put down my fucking ego to talk to the person and try to clear things up between us. Everyday I am drown in immense self hate and sadness, and I'm scared that the current situation will eventually hinder me from functioning normally, and that we will gradually grow apart and couldn't go back to what it used to be before

yeah im not a NEET but it doesnt matter, a lot of people on this board would probably like to live like i do, just working night shifts and living in my own apartment and not dealing with many people but it sucks and makes all those feelings you get living at your mom's house living the neet lifestyle worse

Hmm, that's strange, then, user. I'd probably tell you to find some sort of hobby, but that's probably too cliche and dumb of an advice. Maybe try meditating along with your exercising routines ? That and tea helps me get through my days sometimes.
Is your job something you like/would've liked to do, anyways ? You could always try to pursue something higher if all else fails.

Also what the fuck you dumb robot, can't even write the word cliche right anymore because non ASCII huh.

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I have so many problems stemming from so much context that I'm outgrowing the ability to vent about any of them anonymously
I keep trying to kick sin out of my life but depression and other mental illnesses drive me to them

Well, by trying to become a better and more pure person, if that what you mean by trying to kick sin, is what you're doing, then you're already doing miles more than 90% of the people around you. Don't let a relapse or two hundred stop you, user.

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the fact that i payed to lose my virginity because of loneliness and failure and that i cant even date a girl because i would have to tell her...



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That's rather unfortunate, but well, user, you don't NEED to tell anyone, we've all got our dirty secrets. And besides, lying by omission is never really lying, you can always say you "lost it to another girl and wouldn't want to talk about it". Most girls would take that for an answer and it technically would be right ...
Gee signore trifag, is Ritalin that much of a brain fucker upper ? My brother's taken a good 6 pills of it before at once to 'compensate' for previous times he forgot, and he didn't have a sudden urge to shitpost. Then again, he's always been kind of a tard, with or without it.

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user.... If I had only stuck with Ritalin, oh my god my life would be fucking amazing right now. It was the stupid idea of lowering the effects of Ritalin that have made my life a living hell right now and the downward spiral of a hypochondriac.

If only I had stayed with just Ritalin. I should never have touched anything at all besides that.

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Ritalin is a fucking wonder drug for me. It makes everything fucking different and I fucking ruined it all.

Hmm, that sounds like it sucks, tripman. I myself dropped the ritalin and tofranil that my doctor suggested for my supposed mild ADHD and depression, and honestly that was the best thing I've done in my life. Faggot doctor said it was really making a difference after 5 months of my throwing my prescriptions away without her knowing, I called her a hack and a fraud and never came back. I was 12 when I did this.
Have you tried to see if a doctor can unfuck you up ? Maybe rehab or something ?

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>Have you tried to see if a doctor can unfuck you up ?
Yeah, nothing but rest

>Maybe rehab or something ?
I'm not addicted or anything. I just need rest for like 2 or 3 months, and hopefully I should be like normal. Thanks for the encouragement user.

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wanna become girl but broke
cant drive to get a job because of anxiety
cant get pills for anxiety because no money
i just feel stuck

That's always good to hear, then, tripfriend. I guess rest really is the best medicine of all, keep at it and stay strong mayn.

As for me, I kinda gotta sleep because it's like 4AM and I gotta wake up at 10. Would be greatly apreciated if someone could keep this aflot 'til then, or until the original Ayanon pops back in. Later, and here's a last Aya from me.

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Good night user. It's 4 AM here but I'm gonna stick around a little more for a while
Thanks a lot