This is Beautiful Angel Ciara (CAD)

This is Beautiful Angel Ciara (CAD)

Say something nice about her.

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Other urls found in this thread:

she got the goth gf look down pat

Bitch looks weird as fuck, SAGE trash orbit threads.

She looks like she's a lot smarter than she thinks she is.

The absolute state of Jow Forums in 2018

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>dying of HIV


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>Beautiful Angel Ciara (CAD)
why is that not BAC? also are you the autist who calls her akira for no reason?

She has two (2) legs.

Har har. Looks like I outdubzed ya there, little fella. Didn't mean to outshine ya like that, bud, my bad.

Ya alright there, guy? Yer bein awfully quiet, it was just an accident, y'know.

>the absolute state of orbiters in 2018

Poor soul, she's gonna have a really bad ending, I guarantee.

Is she anorexic again

I think she looks like a typical girl. Nothing special.

Jesus Christ, this has to be shopped, i mean i knew she was below average but like come on

How do you faggots even orbit this

Bro, you're pathetic, can't you see she has TWO (2) legs?

Holy fuck. That's disgusting . Look at her fucking hands holy shit. That bitch got bigger hands than me my nigga god damn looking like scissor hands in this bitch lmao

She's been losing weight, and been looking awful lately. She cleans up very well. If Ciara can get healthy again she'll go back to being Beautiful Angel Ciara again.

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i never orbited her but she used to look like this

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I bet you don't even have two legs, you fucking nigger.

early 2016 ciara was best

Isn't she a junkie or something
If so i doubt shes ever going to get better
Now thats actually semi decent

that bait's been overdone. try again

she's been diagnosed as anorexic before but rejected the diagnosis
she's even skinnier now than when they diagnosed her

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she didn't seem really skinny in her recent vids

wow, wtf!? Is that photoshopped? She's looking awuswitz tier bad.

no way that's her, that's some marfan syndrome shit

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Women after 18 years old be like

She looked nice before she hit the wall at 18, but now she looks like an addict in her late twenties so her age gap with her 40 year old bf seems smaller now

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same room, scars on her arm, bed, poster, body pillow, and rilakkuma outfit so yes its her

>She looked nice before she hit the wall at 18, but now she looks like an addict in her late twenties so her age gap with her 40 year old bf seems smaller now

It's Payne!

>she hit the wall at 18,

It's called being an anorexic or bullemic junkie user. That shit takes its toll.

Leave Ciara alone! It's not her fault she's ugly and anorexic. She has brain damage from all the concussions her dad gave her. Stop being mean to her.

If you put your thumb over her face she isn't so bad

>that leg

>half shut eyes and dilated pupils
he's high on something, not faking

someone should probably forward to her dad or something

Same scars, but she's been getting worse. You can see it in her recent face pics where she doesn't scrunch it up.

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She looks like complete shit she hit the wall early and hard.

>he's high on something,
He's a former benzo addict according to Sierra so he's probably on something if not benzos

Ciara is a known transniggerphobe.

please whats her new instagram

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what do you think her dad would possibly do? even if he kicked her out (he wouldnt because an anonymous usernthinks him making a funny smug face in a photo makes him high), she could just move in with him.

her tits look big so maybe she isnt THAT unhealthy

Looks like some chick who can't take care of herself so she is banging some much older. rich, used-to-be-chad. seen it plenty of times


she just changed the name retard, she never made a new one. its Ciara.horan

Moar liek Ciara.whorin', amirite?


>This is what r9k worships
Bitch looks like a ghoul.

y u ham trtl?

Jeez, bro, settle down.

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people must be seething that shes in love with jay, about to start college, likes her job, is closer to her family than ever, and is happier than shes ever been. her haters just cannot accept that shes actually in a healthy relationship and is succeeding in life.

Ciara enters the thread.

Quick question, as long as you're here: why didn't you get stitches on your arm after fucking it up? That would have mad the scars way smaller.

literally no one worships her, she herself knows that these threads are made to turn into hate threads

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if those are new pictures She's looking unhealthy as fuck

thats seymour posting. i can distinguish his typing style

because the scars look cool and play into the "damaged girl persona" that i trick ppl into thinking is the real me.

she deleted the message or i cant find it but she had said that she was 17 when it happened and her parents didnt find out until months after. she would have been put in a psych hospital if she got stitches.

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i like larping as her, its one of my favorite hobbies. just let me run with it

because I need to see this with my own eyes , this cant be her lol

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scamming is scummy from any gender. her logic is fucked up. no wonder she went to retard school

You mean this man?

Real world:

>Dangerously underweight
>very likely still has major drug issues
>cuts and scars all over

Beautiful Angel Ciara is very unhealthy, and it makes me very sad to see. I want to see her be healthy and happy.

>people must be seething that shes in love with jay
>people must be seething that shes with seymour
Has the same effect on me because they're all gross and neither relationship is something to be envious of

oh okay. carry on.

>very likely

im not too sure about that because like she says, there is not anything shes doing to suggest that beyond looking sleepy in pics, which really isnt proof of drug use.

>cuts all over

are there pics of fresh cuts?

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Do you have the conversation where she talks about her dad bashing her head in with a toaster?

thats a myth. she addressed that in her Q&A

had to find the link but here, she says that he didnt do that. off camera she also has said that she never claimed that he did that.

it's sexy, like Liz Vicious

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>I'm the happiest I may have ever been
nice public pr display
>I don't check Jow Forums as much
willing to bet it's still the every ten minutes to see any relevant threads

Halfway through this video... is she autistic?

They're in the old Skype logs, but I don't have them saved

Some1 please post that fucking caricature of eliza from 2016 plz. I cannot find it.

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Jow Forumsizen here

Why do you guys obsess over teen girls like this? Doesn't seem very healthy to me.

what happened to Kelly its been a long time

e-girls/meme girls are basically internet idols but with a limited scope

Im not an orbitor, i just want to see a meme.

Life is so unfair.. someone like ciara has to work at a job like the one she does and has to actually go to college.
What chance do I stand? Life really sucks.
Maybe ciara could become something like a writer would be cool.

How. Does. She. Know?

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ciara could easily just get a rich boyfriend who would let her be a NEET. jay seems to push her hard to work hard.

It's mostly her posting these threads and samefagging defending herself
Just bring up things where the truth is contested or where she's obviously lying like that she was raped and you'll spot her easily

>obviously lying

This was one of the things I actually did believe about her because there was never anything she said to suggest that she made up. It would be pretty interesting and sociopathic if she made it up.

>jay seems to push her hard to work hard.
He doesn't make her do anything and he's admitted to having no control over her

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Then she is working and going to college on her own accord. I stand corrected.

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>ciara could easily just get a rich boyfriend who would let her be a NEET.

I think she is too smart to settle for something so degrading, but having to actually go to college shouldn't be something that someone like her should have to do.

spotted one of her one posts like this

That 40 years old dude is cringy

Wow queen you dont look like a heroin addicted whore
>or is that the other e whore

Do you think we are retarded? Of course she posts and reads threads centered on her. This has been known for years.

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my take on her health is that , her parents keep a close eye on her, and so does her doctor. if she was dangerously underweight or needed treatment, she would be in treatment. if shes not, then shes obviously doing ok.

>actually quite daft
good word to describe herself and there's no pic where he looks like he's in his mid 20s

she said he looked in his mid-twenties when she was talking about him at work, before they started talking outside of work. maybe irl he looked younger or shes just dumb.

She's posted on Jow Forums from work in her uniform multiple times before. Literally every blogpost of hers your posting is filled with lies from her.

man she looks terrible now. dont do drugs kids

This was the other day so I think she is talking about recently. She knows that we know she has posted from work before. Also, I do think you need to relax :/

>the conversation where she talks about her dad bashing her head in with a toaster
I've got your back, senpai.

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Oops, wrong chat log picture.

Let's try that again, desu.

Attached: Toaster.png (970x550, 55K)

redpill me on madison user

What the fuck is with its hands

>This is Beautiful Angel Ciara (CAD)

Ciara Angel... D?

user are you retarded?

why do you always make it so obvious?

That is a lie and has been shown many times. It's not even a good lie. Ciara didn't get into heroin and meth until later. She says she only tried meth "once". She was selling pills in her school.

See . Also those are not the original logs.