It's getting to me boys

It's getting to me boys.

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Same. Lately I have been feeling like I cannot do this anymore.

then kill yourself fag

>tfw no gf

not saying this to be a huge downer but i feel exactly the same

recently things have just gotten so fucking terrible it's become impossible for me to cope

nobody gives a fuck bro if you wanna die be my guest nobody cares

It sounds like you aren't drunk enough.

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I'm not sure what you originally mean, user

Me too friend, everything is going to shit

I've lost my will to live completely, once again
I dont know what happened, or how i lost it
Hell i don't even know how i got it to begin with

Im back at square one boys, nothing seems worth it anymore, time keeps going, and im just here......doing nothing

I feel you, lad. I made this thread just last night.
You can talk to me if you want.

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>tfw no gf
>tfw no friends

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my big ass nose and weak chin are making me feel subhuman. why did i have to be born ugly and unlovable like this.
would rather be dead than exist like this m8s. everyday im closer to tying the noose
same. im beta and socially retarded

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>same. im beta and socially retarded
We are genetic failures, user. We are not beta, we are fucking omegas.

Anyways you can still do something about your big nose. You should get a rhinoplasty, it's not very expensive (in my country it's only 4k min. 6k max).

What is this character In the pic related from, seems familiar



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The fact that your depression is totally fixated around superficial details is signs of a bigger problem.

Bakara from the Dofus movie.

>being physically ugly is a superficial detail
Yeah whatever you say moron.

It ... it is though. That doesn't mean it doesn't matter, but it's still superficial.

nose job and chin implants seem nice but it will be a long time until i can afford them.

its just really hard hating myself this much and feeling hated by everyone. people are ruthless when you are weak and ugly looking

Actual solutions to depression that pol won't tell you about

- Get on the pills. Just fucking take them. Just fucking take them! Your brain is broken and going without them clearly hasn't worked out these past, how many years has it been since you were happy now? They demonstrably have a significant effect on your mood, especially if your depression is severe
- Get a dog or some sort of pet (mammal)
- Fix your sleeping schedule. This one may be difficult without pills, I know it was for me. Try melatonin and forcing yourself to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday regardless of circumstances
- Try CBT therapy if you can afford it

Once you do all this you can start with the memes like drinking water and lifting and learning to unclog toilets and planning long term achievable goals and getting sunlight. But not after

people treat me weird and shitty because of my looks. even as an adult i get made fun of.
it makes everything miserable

I've been the same. I've actually been worrying that I may be losing my humanity, in that I may be losing my ability to feel a kind of indescribable feeling, feelings of emotion mixed with a sort of appreciation of the beauty of the world in a particular moment, which are feelings that I felt even just less than a year ago, which I appear to have forgotten. I'm scared about the possibility that I have lost the ability to feel these feelings.

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Sell all your shit and set out on a journey. My current goal in life is to visit all 197 countries; I'm currently at 31. It really helped me crawl out of my depression.

Amazed that this was original

Being ugly isn't just skin deep, it's down to your fucking genes. It's not a superficial thing in the slightest.

What a stupid and pointless goal.



You've obviously not experienced the hardships of being ugly. Lookism is not a meme, it's very real. People laugh and look down at you, after being tormented on a daily basis it really does fuck you up mentally as well as your self perception and worth. It may be superficial yes, but it's the reality. If you're ugly you're scum to others.

Everything is pointless, might as well have some fun while waiting to die.

>nobody gives a fuck bro
Read through the thread. You'll quickly find out that the only "nobody" here is you.

>It's not real depression if it isn't caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain

Fuck off weakling, go and pop a xanax and further allow yourself to mentally deteriorate. You will never know the feeling of never being invited to parties, never being included in conversations, people literally stop talking and laughing when you show up, which makes you think either they were talking about you or that they don't want you to be a part of their group. You're literally treated as an outsider for something you can't control, and I suppose I don't blame them for this, it's an innate human trait put into them to push us to suicide. What I hate is that when you go to end it, THE FUCKERS WILL TRY TO BRING YOU BACK AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Do opposite of everything this soulless fuck fat tells you.

Not all fellatio this well.

t. happy and well-adjusted Jow Forums user

>Tfw same
>Tfw 30

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Same here, I thought it was a meme that things just got worse and worse at an increasing rate, I thought I was ahead of my curve and had experienced most of the suffering I was supposed to experience later in life at an earlier age.

I was wrong, life fucking sucks man.

How do you anons try to get out of this burned out zone of wanting death but afraid to die so it just loops..i was doing alright for a bit i totally stopped talking and started to just zone the fuck out i'd like to start watching mad men again but literally the burnout is stopping me from anything that feeling of having nothing but wanting something but you can't obtain the something because the nothing consumes your very being...

>>Also 30

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>tfw knew deep fucking down i'd do it someday but i ignored it bc i still had hope that one day i'd manage to make it

i don't know man, the only time i'm not feeling like shit is when i'm mad and when i'm mad i's mostly at myself so i fall into an infinite cycle of hellish torture. idk how much longer i have left and this feeling like whatever it is that's keeping me alive is fading day by day scares me, it sacres me more than anything i've ever experienced.

please help me, i can't take it much longer.

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i mostly go about it through alcohol user

maybe if i drink enough of it to poison a fucking elephant i wouldn't care so much bc it came "naturaly"

>on the brink of losing my best (and only) friend due to him living out of state and being a mega normie
This doesn't look good.

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ITT: a bunch of highschool kids feeling anxious about school

I agree that the in between point is the worst, at least when im really suffering I can find release in writing, otherwise im just apathetic and have no clue what to do.

I've spent half my day so far writing out huge arguments for OPs or responses to posts and never posted them.
i even wrote out two previous responses to your post before this one and this one is probably the worst/least relevant but at least I finished it.

commit to one or the other if being in the middle is too much, but choose life, live for pleasure, live for yourself.

Just choose to want to live life bro, be yourself while you're at it.

>No gf because beta
>No friends
>No job
Why am I even here ?

it's not about wanting to live life, noone has a choice, but everyone has the choice to either end it or make the most of it, I'd just recommend the latter, but living in the middle is shitty. Don't be yourself, be someone else, be whatever works for you.

You cant just choose to have the motivation to make the most of it, you also cant just choose to have the courage to kill yourself.

Living in the middle is shitty, that was the point of his post, and asking how to escape it. Your response was basically just 'stop living in the middle'

I said live for pleasure, live for yourself. A lot of the pain of life comes from living for other people ie trying to get a gf or impress someone like a family member (idk your situation, just taking a broad guess). Since I've started just living for my own pleasure and always putting myself first I've felt better.

Negative, I suggest to live for yourself and try to better yourself. I spent all highschool trying to be someone I'm not and missed out on a lot because of it. I regret that part of my life because all those people don't talk to me anymore. Now it's just me , by myself a 21yo virgin with no friends

Youre acting like everyone here is under 20, the guy was saying he was 30, im sure he's long past trying to live for others.

How old are you? living for pleasure/myself was a good temporary solution in my early 20s but it's not a long term solution.

You cant choose to find pleasure in things, you cant just choose to have desires which is a requirement in order to be able to 'live for yourself'.

Just end it user.

Buy a small bag of heroin and run a hot bath, inject in to the big vein running up your leg and then slit your wrists in the hot water. You'll fall asleep quickly and never wake up.

we both know your to cowardly to end it like man, so why not just die in your sleep?

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I've always had the idea that one day I'm gunna kill myself. The concept of actually making a family and having a purpose outside of my career is gone. I still try every day, I work towards the goals I have and try to be social. Even after accomplishing things like getting through class and furthering my education or getting a job to make some money, the idea doesn't go away. I am broken. I push through because I hope that one day I'll find a reason to exist, or somebody to exist along side. I do this knowing that it won't happen. I know I will reach a point where all hope is gone, and I kill myself. But I still push through because I'm still young enough to try. There's still a chance this suffering can be over. Even if I know it won't end till I end it. I just have to try. I just have to.