Being abandoned by your best friend in the whole world who you love more than just platonically and on your birthday

Being abandoned by your best friend in the whole world who you love more than just platonically and on your birthday

it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts

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You deserve it for being gay.

Was it for a roastie user?

It'll get better, as in you'll sort of accept it and accept that you're destined to be alone

>t. someone whose had every friend betray or abandon over a period of time.

happened to me almost two years ago, not on my birthday but still. was someone who said they would always be there for me etc. i made one mistake that didnt even involve them or anyone they personally knew and they dropped me like it was nothing. i dont let people get too close to me now. it still hurts.

It was a guy and the only person I've ever loved
I've had less than 5 friends in my entire life and I really thought this was the one

I'm sorry. Wish we could be friends instead, but you clearly need only him

He's moved on and it breaks my heart I can't stop crying and I just want to die I can't express how much of a mess I am right now
God it hurts it hurts so bad

I love you I'm so sorry

I meant did they leave you for a roastie?

Fuck, this shit scares me. I don't wanna lose my childhood friends, but having to move away has really fucked with it. We play vidya together atleast, and I sometimes even visit them. One of my other friends has moved into the country, and hot damn I miss him. He still talks, just rarely.

No they just kept saying they were sorry and kept saying that all they do is hurt me so they left I just don't know they left me in the dark

Well fug am sorry to hear that. Have you tried contacting them?

They deleted their discord I guess and made their steam private. I don't think they will ever talk to me again.

I saw them posting on Jow Forums about how they "recently went through a hard time but moved on" and it gave me a breakdown and I was too freaked out to reply.

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Are you me? Literally the same exact thing happened to me..

Wait so did something happen to him irl or was the thing that he taking about abandoning you?

What is your name user?
He didn't tell me much, I guess he just didn't love me, but he moved on from me in less than a month while I'll love him until the day I die.

Happened to me about 2 years ago too. It was a roastie that i thought might be the one back in my beta days. It'll hurt for a long time OP. You wont heal right, and the scars left behind will be forever. But regrets will always linger without closure. All i can say is that youll need to fill that void with someone better. Someone who wont leave you for betray you on the slightest mistake. If they do leave you because of a single mistake, they are shallow and it wasnt meant to last. True frindship and bonds shouldnt break like a balloon in a room of broken bottles.

I don't think you know me, it's a different situation and my guy doesn't really go on r9k. I really do hope you feel better tho. Getting ditched on a bday sucks a lot.

Thank you, user. But I really do think he's the best I've ever seen. Even though he's completely destroyed me mentally.
I'll have to find some way to cope or die trying.

Do you have the thread he posted. Also what do you mean by love? did you love him like he was a family member or was it more than that?

>having friends
>not just any friend but a best friend
>being gay
I wallow in your pain, normalnigger

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I hope you feel better. You will in time but you probably don't want to hear that right now. Happy Birthday. I hope this is a good year for you. It can only get better from here.

He didn't post a thread he posted in someone elses thread about breakups or something.

I loved him and I wanted to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him, but I never got to say it.
He was the only true friend I've ever had in my entire life.
What's so normie about that?
Thank you user thank you so much

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Well fuck I've never felt that way about someone so I have no idea what you're feeling but I hope you feel better soon.

Sorry to hear OP, i can we just listen to this german crap and just forget lifes all setbacks

I know times like these can be hard and scary user, but be strong. Everybody can be strong if they try and eventually things will get easier and better. I've felt that kind of pain and I promise you that it will go eventually. I love you user

>I saw them posting on Jow Forums about how they "recently went through a hard time but moved on" and it gave me a breakdown
How do you know it was their post? I'm sorry user. Happy birthday.

Thank you I hope I do too
I'm trying hard
I don't know whether I should pray he comes back or pray I get over it
But I'm trying to find peace
Thank you for being so nice
I know the way they talk and I know the images they use.. It was very clear to me it was him I'm 100% sure
Thank you

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>tfw will never have someone who loves me

If you want him back so much, just admit to him you want to suck his dick.

Cebruz, come how many years you been posting now. I almost feel bad enough to friend you on steam, but than I realized your an insufferable faggot who spamed /v/.