>he isn't an unironic nice poster
He isn't an unironic nice poster
>nice poster
100% bluepilled
moon was right
Buzz word for optimistic. Have some heart, stop being jaded.
How do you do it
>Not using the bluepill to get ahead in life
100% bluepilled
I love fellow posters because they're my only friends. I think people forget that they and everyone else who posts is another human behind a screen.
there isn't time to be nice when there's so much bullshit to call out, you have to be aggressive about that
>he doesn't live in fantasy land
Lol what a loser am i right
>there's so much bullshit to call out, you have to be aggressive about that
Why care so much of other people are wrong? Correcting people or arguing with them nearly never changes their opinions. Just treat them with compassion they might do the same. You can make each other happier at no cost. Trust me the truth don't be discovered on online arguments.
I can't tell if you're being serious or not but overlooking the negatives is just as much of a fantasy world as obsessing over them.
>Overlooking the negatives is just as much of a fantasy world as obsessing over them
You are absolutely right
But negatives outweigh the positives in a majority of situations
Thats why being a "nice poster" is just extra retarded
>But negatives outweigh the positives in a majority of situations
I'll use an allegory, maybe it will help me explain where I'm coming from. The ocean is almost entirely water, but there are some things inside of it. Do you look at the water or at the fish and dolphins and whales you see? If things are bad usually, wouldn't creating positive and happy moments make them even more radiant and special?
>Wouldn't creating positive and bally moments make them even more radiant and special
Since they are artificially made no, in fact it just gives the opposite effect
The whole point of nice posters existing is to distract you of the overwhelming negativity, but how can you believe any of it when its entire purpose is to just make you feel not shit
Its purely fabricated, theres nothing behind it, just empty words
Sorry I can't convince you. Being nice has had the opposite effect for me than what you described.
I remember being nice on a Minecraft server I decided to join. I started out talking to people and telling jokes, even if they were cheesy or crap, but nobody seemed to mind, and may have even enjoyed it.
Usually I would just mind my own business and never talk to anyone, but for whatever reason I joined the server being nice to everyone and talkative--I'm not like this at all, online or offline, but I feel like I could get away with it since it wasn't how I really am. There was a bit of a barrier from my actions, but I really enjoyed it after a while and fell back into it every time I went back on.
I suppose I started off "ironically nice," but I eventually was unironically nice, and it felt really good.
I wish I were like that in real life.
Im sorry i cant convince myself too
But im glad you are able to user
Don't expect to convince anyone here to change. They are deadset in their ways. They have no idea what it's like to think outside of themselves. No better than the redditors they mock. They are exactly like them except some word's are jumbled around and replaced. That's all really. They are not open to seeing the world differently. It frightens them.
>I wish I were like that in real life.
Wish granted. You're a friendly person IRL now!
I really hope you can at least try it for a few days.
I know it might fall on deaf ears but I want to share anyways.
>You can make each other happier at no cost. Trust me the truth don't be discovered on online arguments.
Not if you are constantly losing them.
I used to be but I become more of a piece of shit every year.
Yeah but I also remember that other human beings can and usually are either massive retards or complete jackasses so I don't care about them.
Even if you're winning them you don't learn anything. Arguing serves no real purpose to me.
If you used to you know you are capable of it. Try to be nice and if you really can't or don't want to just don't post anything. You can do it.
>human beings can and usually are either massive retards or complete jackasses so I don't care about them
A jackass is a little kindness away from a good person and a retard is alright in my books. If they're the only people who talk to me I should reimburse them for some of that kindness
Whoops didn't link your post I'm sorry.
>Arguing serves no real purpose to me
Maybe because you are the one unable to change their view points and be accepting and not the other person?
Or maybe you just suck at arguing
>doesn't see how optimism is harmful
>Maybe because you are the one unable to change their view points and be accepting and not the other person?
>Or maybe you just suck at arguing
Maybe. I'm get super stressed during confrontations so I just have an aversion towards arguments.
I think it's the best option available. I get let down often but being unable to be sad because you're in a constant state of misery and cynicism.
okay let me explain. optimism is the idea that good things are gonna happen right? if we were all to be optimistic all the time, what happens if good things don't eventually happen to everyone. don't those people disprove optimism? and so how do you deal with that for everyone else, silence them? then people have to suffer to keep optimism alive. optimism =/= realism. in fact this oppressive optimism that genuinely does fuck us bottom of the food chain'ers over.
Too much anger to be nice. Sorry.
I used to be nice, I used to trust. Now I've lost my love and I don't know if I'll ever get it back. I don't want to hate, but I can't love either. I'm just existing at the moment and it feels like purgatory.
Mimd if I leave my five cents? The abridged version is that this planet is a pretty shitty place and really, it's all kinda meaningless and sad. But if I face that reality I'd become some edgy, whiny piece of shit, so I think it's better to just laugh at it. I'm kinda nice, yes, but that positive energy goes away pretty quick and I can be pretty rude (sometimes unintentionally). This wasn't really abridged and barely has anything to do with the thread but you seem nice enough to read this dribbel. Have a nice day/night/whatever.
>optimism is the idea that good things are gonna happen right?
No I'd consider optimism to be focusing on the positives more than the negatives and vice versa for pessimism. Objective realism is impossible, consider emotion's role in phenomenon.
But I literally am, fren.
Just ignore those people man. You're wasting your life thinking about bad people, and willingly putting yourself below them.
Sorry I don't know what that's like. Does loving one person make you incapable of loving others? I don't think so really. Sorry you have bad feels though.
On balance there's probably more suffering than joy, but you get more of what think about. No need to try to stop it from being better than it is right now.
Cool! Glad about that.
here, reminded me two things. I've never felt the drive to be in an actual relationship. I feel lobe (rarely), I feel lust (often), but I think I'm too kinky, awkward and useless. I feel like I should be alone and that I won't be happy with a relationship, but rather just a group of friends or people to talk with. The other thing is my approach to hatred: I like to be passionate (or as passionate as I can be) about it. I just bash that thing mentally as if I were thinking about sonething I really enjoy. But yeah, I'm not a very motivated person.
I don't know. I hope I can love someone else sometime in the future. I can't get her out of my head and I don't want a woman to ever have this much control over me again.
>this planet is a shitty place ... but if I face that reality, I'd become some edgy, whiny piece of shit
Why do people all think like this? I don't think anyone is happy with the current state of the world, the pollution, the greed, the corruption. How is it still going on when no one wants it to be? I've recently lost all care I had for the environment, to the point where I want it to fail and I want everyone to die from it because I feel we deserve it at this point.
I never sought out a relationship, it just kinda happened, maybe she only felt lust, and that's why she lost interest after a while, but I felt a genuine connection. It just sucks because I've never felt so similar to another human being before, male or female, I just want someone to love for my whole life, and I feel like the more relationships I have, the less of myself I'll be able to devote to someone else. I wish I was born in the 20s sometimes, because I don't like what the sexual revolution has done to society.
>I've recently lost all care I had for the environment, to the point where I want it to fail and I want everyone to die from it because I feel we deserve it at this point.
I could never stop caring about all the other life on this planet that could have become as great as us if the circumstances had been right, had we known we could have at least tried to allow them to be. Instead of talking monkeys and mice we made stuff like drugs, trash for vermin, and mutated diseases running rampant. I would never take my frustration out on anything but people unless I had to defend myself from an animal.
I used to care very passionately, I used to do all I could, pick up rubbish off the street, but day by day my will has been widdled down and I just don't care anymore. Seeing hundreds of cars drive past with just one person in each, all going to the one destination, we choose convenience over what's right, profit over life, I just got a feeling of complete hopelessness one day when I grabbed a cup to throw in a bin and as I did it I saw someone in front of me throw a piece of rubbish on the ground. I have bad social anxiety so I wouldn't have been able to say anything, but it pissed me off a lot. Even today, I saw some douchebag feeding ducks bread, and there are signs that say "DO NOT FEED WILDLIFE" and I wanted to tell him not to feed the ducks bread, I wanted to scream it in his ear, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I suppose I still care a little, but I don't see the point in caring anymore.
>On balance there's probably more suffering than joy
what a crock of shit, even if true for the first world what about all the starving indentured brown kids in the world?
The animals that live in cities like pigeons and rats may as well be considered to live among us at this point. Crows in Japan learned to cross the street like people ffs. We've been terrible stewards of the earth, but certain more resilient adaptable creatures are learning from us. Imagine the potential they'd have if we invested in trying to maximize their potential for intelligence.
I think you misunderstood my sentence, sorry if I wasn't clear. I said there is more bad than good when you compare them side by side, but despite that being negative all the time doesn't do any good.
>being negative all the time doesn't do any good.
It's no worse than being positive all the time and getting upset when you conflate realism for negativity.
>It's no worse than being positive all the time and getting upset when you conflate realism for negativity.
Sorry I couldn't sell you on it. What good does "realism" get you though?
Hey, not the guy you're responding to, but if you're realistic about the world, you might eventually feel compelled to do something about it. It takes a special kind of person to really push for change, but realism is the first step to making things better.
From personal experience I've never seen positives come from bitterness and negativity. Acknowledging problems so you can solve them is great, but that isn't the brand of "realism" I see people talk about on here. I dunno.
>positives come from bitterness and negativity.
You're biased about the definition of these things because you think making yourself approachable is the first step to getting your point across, instead of coming to a conclusion through critical thinking and sticking by it and knowing when people are trying to shut you down by using copes and spooks.
>bitterness and negativity
I would define them as focusing on negatives without implicit intention of solving them.
Sometimes just pointing an issue out is difficult enough with people muddying the waters with pointless moralism and rationalizations.