Would Jow Forums ever date a trap?
Why or why not? See pic related.
Would Jow Forums ever date a trap?
Why or why not? See pic related.
naw cause im a man of god and thats that gay shit
Passable yeah
Otherwise no because the passable ones are the 0.5% of all traps
Honestly, Christian would not post here...
Miss me with that gay shit, brozalinga
I'd smash but would never date one
Its less embarrassing to be hard gay imo
Did you drop the rest of your post? What happened?
Of course not because I'm not attracted to men with penises.
Probably would if they were really passable, but never openly. Wouldn't want to risk my friends or family finding out. Don't even want to imagine my father's disappointment. He'd likely disown me for real.
anyone got sauce on that? especially the schoolgirl outfit
It will be our secret, user.
There was that one user that became a priest who still comes around every once and awhile to remind himself of the struggles some people go through and gives advice.
depends. if shes nice, and actually looks and acts like a girl, then for sure.
>Would Jow Forums ever date a trap?
>Why or why not? See pic related.
Kill yourself
>That face
No, thanks. No, thanks.
That's definitely NOT a passable trap op....
Can you really be picky? He is still a 6/10...
It's just that his face isn't feminine at all so it's not fully convincing.
No, all of the ones I've met through online and physical means were all batshit crazy. Most are narcissistic and really only care for sex instead of a real relationship. I've never been with a trap, and from what I've seen, or at least tried to get into, it's not worth it at all. Even if it was the rare highly passable almost a girl trap, I still wouldn't go near them. If you want a long term relationship, then don't get with traps.
I'm a decently passable trap, would anyone like to be friends?
I would without a second thought. The challenge would be a cute one accepting me since they seem to be way picker than female and most have some cosplayer or musician chad as bfs.
What do you do in your free time and where are you from?
Only if I get o ask you prying questions about your fapping habits.
I have so little free time from wageslaving but usually i play games or watch a lot of movies. Or practice baking things or drawing.
I'm pretty open about my masturbation habits online
Do you stick to 2D or have you transcended to fapping to your ass?
I know right, that face was like your brother in a wig bad.
Like, to pictures of my own ass?
All I've want over the last 14 years was to date a trap. It's never going to happen.
Yeah but traps don't like me
Dick, ass, thighs whichever
Wanna know how I know you are a fucking homosexual?
i would never date one but maybe I'd fuck one if i can pull the excuse that i was drunk or high
When I have a day off usually I'll put on really cute outfits and masturbate to myself in the mirror
The illusion of femininity would be spoiled for me the minute I saw his dick. The majority of traps don't look anything like anime traps either, especially here.
"then for sure" lol you don't even know what you're talking about. Meet a trap irl even an autist like you will realize its just a mentally ill gay dude in women clothes
Would you date another man?: the thread
Seriously all of you just say that you like men and that you lust for cock
I'd be down for it. My chances of finding a moderately passable trap, or even just a twink with nice legs/ass who's into the same stuff as me is higher than finding a woman who is. The only women that I've had long lasting, meaningful friendships with have been lesbians and gender fluid, because they're down with my wierd shit.
I wanted to but I suck talking to everybody who are around me
i wouldn't just date one, i'd marry one
Not gonna lie, got a chubby thinking about it
oh jesus christ turning around really ruins that one
yes but there are no traps in costa rica that are not prostitutes
Yes because I'm a faggot, I wouldn't date a tranny though, just a guy who likes girls clothes.
>Have trap gf that started hormones at a young age (15)
>Has nice boobs that are pretty large and natural and don't look weird
>great ass too
>looks very feminine in the face and sounds feminine too
>my family doesn't even know she was born a guy
>probably gonna wife her down soon because she actually wants to be a girl and likes to cook for me and clean her house and also has a nice job where she works from home
>Some friends/coworkers that have seen her comment on how she is attractive
>They complain about their roastie girlfriends trying to do shit like go out with the girls to clubs and get drunk/other degenerate shit
>My trap gf wants to stay home and have a quiet night with me instead
Jesus Christ once traps taking hormones young becomes common the next generation of roasties will probably calm the fuck down and stop being annoying feminist cunts because no man will want to bother with them wanting to go out clubbing with Chads and Tyrones around or something similar.
That's lewd user, turn your thoughts towards jesus instead
But all that other stuff sounds great user
>tfw it takes a guy to be a better girl than girls
fucking keks
Boipussi prime
If he took hormones he's not a trap anymore dude, he's a tranny.
Sorry I can't keep up with newfag lingo these days, back when I started browsing Jow Forums trap just meant somebody you would mistake for a woman until it was too late (in bed), so thanks for the correction. She doesn't look like a tranny and my family is very very against trannies and all that stuff. Even I am right leaning myself, but my parents would probably shoot her and say she was trespassing on our property or something.
Yeah I blame feminism. Women don't want to be women anymore, they just want to larp as men and be sluts.
You're just gay. Accept it. There's no shame in 2019 -1.
if they stayed with my dumbass sure why not
>male brain
>female body
as long as they passed it would be a 100x improvement on dating a femoid
Thing is, being sluts is fine. the judging can be a bit much in a minority of cases. But its the LETS ALL BE SLUTS FUCK YEAH FUCK YOU MEN WE FUCK WHO WE WANT! promoted mentality that gets tiresome. Like we need to hear about how sexually liberated they are now. Okay just do it and stop making me listening to it
I'm glad you found love user
Who knows your gf was a boy before?
People from her hometown, some people at the college we used to attend. Nobody in the town where we live now. Her name is legally changed and so is her gender on her license.
A big reason why I love her is that she hates that trannies make being a tranny the entire foundation of their personality and don't have any goals or achievements that they value other than that. She thinks transgender is a verb and not a noun and now that she has been on hormones for a long time (5 years) and has her name everything changed the "transitioning" is behind her and not worth talking about or boasting about, rather her achievements in school and her career are instead.
>Sorry I can't keep up with newfag lingo these days, back when I started browsing Jow Forums trap just meant somebody you would mistake for a woman until it was too late (in bed), so thanks for the correction
I don't get it, what do you mean by that? I might be too tired so maybe i didn't understand you correctly. Do you think i was using "newfag lingo"?
That sounds great and trips confirm
Has being with her tempered your right leaning sociopolitical thinking at all? Not that I know your views on things.
Is your gf right leaning too?
There was never really a clear difference between trap, tranny, ect. If they looked like a girl then they were a trap. If they didn't they were just a crossdresser.
I think the reason why there is a separation of the words and deeper meanings to them is because of how mainstream this shit has become in the past 10 years.
The "newfag lingo" was kind of me 30 year-old boomer meme'ing myself and me having a realization that I am out of touch at times, don't think too hard into it user.
Not too much has changed. I still think people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they aren't hurting anybody. I am more a libertarian with right-leaning ideas. I believe gender roles are important, I have more family values about things and believe in gun rights and that free speech is okay even if it may hurt somebodies feelings (to an extent, not harassment, slander, ect).
She hates SJWs and is pretty moderate and libertarian like I am. She hates the mainstream LGBT community and believes they are just degenerates that value sex over love.
That's wrong though. I'm not sure of what you're talking about but the term trap comes from the infamous otoko no ko so the correct usage is that, traps are just crossdressing guys who totally look like girls, trannies are transexuals. I'm an actual oldfag. Maybe i still didn't understand you because of my lack of sleep. Newfags confuse the term trap with actual transexuals and it's a sign that they come from tumblr or reddit in general.
There is a chance I just was using it wrong and misunderstood it too. I was just saying what I thought it meant for the longest time.
Currently am. But Im not really an insecure virgin robot. Ive had sex with like 8 women and 3 traps. Was even married for a short stint.
Idk why you guys are all so depressed and whiney, but its fun to read.
>i play games or watch a lot of movies. Or practice baking things or drawing.
Cute tgirls who play vidya is pretty hawt desu. how would you feel if a guy jerked your fempenis off while you were playing?
Th- that would make it hard to concentrate on the game user, thats not fair
Anand it's ruined, just like most traps when you see their face
Stick to 2D traps guys.
Anal is gross regardless of whose butt I'm fucking. Poop comes from there.
>Th- that would make it hard to concentrate on the game user, thats not fair
What if a hot guy made you cum yourself while your playing but your playing a really important game or quest and you cant pause?
I've eaten my gf's perfect pink asshole before. The idea was sexy, doing it was slightly less sexy but i ate the shit out of her ass (kek)
My lap will be all sticky...
This reminds me of this one time I was playing monster hunter with an aneros inside :x grinding in place the closer I got to killing black diablos made me leak a lot
No, no womb or mammaries. Plus no vagina, and a penis.
My envy is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.
I'd love to. Any pics?