Anybody else spend most of their time here? For the past four years I've averaged 12 hours/day.
Anybody else spend most of their time here? For the past four years I've averaged 12 hours/day
Yes. Spent the entire day endlessly refreshing.
You go on any other boards?
I used to visit other boards..
Yea, Jow Forums. Been near a decade.
Yeah. For about 3 minutes then I'm back here.
Ive gotten better over the years but I still waste a ridiculous amount of time on this shithole. Remember: you're here forever
years and years ago (5 years) I landed on a board on 7chan with elevator music and saw a post "I'm 27 years old with 0 friends" and a response was "John you're dying," I had hopes things would change but I knew that would be me and here i am
Today is the first day I've ever spent on this board.
Yeah, only breaks I take are videogames
Holy shit what a waste of time
This content cannot possibly be THAT invigorating
fuck off reddit
I spend about 1 - 2 hours in the morning browsing my regular boards: v, vg, r9k, sp, ck, mu and then at night I spend about 3 hours on here nearly exclusively.
My nigger friend told me to stay this board and I listen to him. for the next 2 years, I visit this board for about 5 hours a day
So 4-5 hours.. how much free time do you get overall?
Roamed here on and off but on /b recently got back on and starting to feel useless being on here for 8hrs
How the fuck do you guys stay on here for longer than 2 hours a day?
i spend about 3-4 hours a day here, i use v, vg, and g.
the rest of my day is being is shitty retail job and sleeping
You'll start seeing a pattern and recognize everyone eventually
I have plenty of free time because I only work 32 hours or less a week.
holy fuck man at least go play a video game and walk or something its what I do ive been walking over a mile a day
I became a normie and had a break from this place but came back
This place is addictive, eh?