Redpill me on overhead press

Redpill me on overhead press.
>mostly works front delts which are already worked well by bench
>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
Seriously why overhead press if I can just do lateral and rear delt raises.

Attached: 1445233634524.jpg (533x800, 80K)

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Because you're not a little bitch?

post body

It's one of the best upper body compound movements out there and was a defining lifting feat for ages till Russian faggots started cheating too much

>Highest injury rate

Doubtful ! The technique for it is very easy and it's not hard to learn at all.

>OHP instead of Push Pressing

Never gonna make it sadly

Ahahahahahaaaaa push press is the quarter squat of pushing lifts

Push press is useless for hypertrophy. Many OLY lifters can push press more than 400lbs and look smaller than average fitizen.

>Not push pressing such amount of weight that your shoulders alone would never handle and veeeeerryyyyy slowly lowering them down

It makes your shoulders and triceps drop dead after some reps, and you workout your core nicely too

>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
how though? it's so easy to do, i only just started going to the gym and even I can do the form very easily

Arnold Dumbbell press

How easy of performing an exercise is correlating with the amount of inquires?

im pretty sure the OP meant highest injury rate, not inquiry

>breaks our rator cuff

Attached: 0cq070k.jpg (543x589, 53K)

>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
citation needed
>Seriously why overhead press if I can just do lateral and rear delt raises.
to be good at pressing things overhead, other than that you don't really need it at all

Literally fucking roid monkey-who

it's easy to injure yourself if you're retarded and ego lift

what if I tell you I do lateral and rear delts on top of front delt isolation?

but honestly newbs don't need to OHP

>>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses

>>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
Is this the guy who keeps making a thread about OHP every fucking day? No, OHP does not have a high injury rate if you do it right. It's literally one of the most basic movements a human can do. The risk of injury from bench press is infinitely higher. Seriously dude, why do you keep doing this? I don't get it.

I do behind the neck press. Targets the rear delt more, and I feel like I maintain better form (If you try to lean back too much while performing a rep you'll just lose balance and fall on your ass).
>but muh rotator cuff
Just increase your flexibility and warm up properly. Btn press is a great lift

BTN crew reporting in. Hard as fuck to make gains on it but pressing 150 for 5

I would tell you that it is (NON-NEGOTIABLE!!)

as a newbie your work your triceps and delts during benching so you already grow stuff OHP works

I personally do some sort of front delt isolation every workout but hey newbie gains

>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
It sure does; We get to read you inquire about it every day. The rest of us are doing OHP because we want to actually lift.

>>mostly works front delts which are already worked well by bench
not even remotely with the same intensity
>>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses
you injure yourself by using bad form
or in the way of elite lifters, push yourself beyond what you can do with good form
either way, neither bench nor ohp is legit bad; it's just people form that is bad
shit, the only time i've ever hurt my shoulder has been with bench; never had a single problem with ohp

How to increase flexibility
>inb4 suck my own penis

It is not a pill and it isn't red either.

Tongue your own starfish

What is your goal ? Ohp is a great addition to your bench to maximize strength of front delt w.out need for isolations. Add dumbell military press and bent lateral raises to work the side and rear delts and you are good.

Push press is the 315lb 1/4 squat by the 60y/o at the gym.

I warm up with 135lb for OHP. After a pyramid OHP, I decided to try the push press. With an empty bar, practiced the form, watched a video of it to make sure I was doing it right then put lmao1pl on. I almost threw it out of my hands.

The ONLY thing i'll give it was that my back was much straighter during the, I mean the part where you toss it up so you can straighten your arms under it.

Pic related is a good stretch. Also grab a stick with both hands, then move your arms behind your back, you should feel a stretch in your pecs and front delts. You can narrow the grip once your flexibility gets better.

Attached: cow-face-shoulder-stretches-14.jpg (270x360, 18K)

>highest inquiry rate among all the other presses

Literally how. If you need to bail it's just
>weight goes forward
>you go backwards
Only a DL is easier to bail from.

>le russians had better drugs meme
the gold standard of cope

>retard who does unnecessary shit instead of lifting correctly
>muh time under tension
just fucking lift like a man

How can I train the stretch in your picture? For some reason I can do it with my right arm raised up, but when I try it with my left I can't even come close to reaching my fingertips.

>being this retarded
The clean and press got elimated cus the Russians turned it into a standing incline bench

You can put the arm behind your head/back and push with the free hand. Alternatively you can grab a belt or something and slowly narrow the grip.