The world will be black!

The black man will dominate the world... Notice how they all look far more black

I end my case

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the curse of a nigger is you will always be a nigger, but also you will always be inferior

Nice cherry picking. Some mixes will favor the black side and some will favor the non-black side.

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the white/black mix does not look far more black.

lol. nearly all white people in the south have some african blood in them thanks to horny plantation owners. they may look ugly as hell, but they don't look black.

also the white/black girl looks pretty caucasion in her facial structure

Those kids are clearly more black buddeh

>nigerian (full black)

i dont think so

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fuck you i am half black my mom is black and dad is white and i look full white notice how fvcking bleached i am! i dare you to post that again

the post

lmao you look hapa

damn you got some big forearms for an underage faggot
nice goat drawing in the back ground
nah quadroon maybe

Not really. Curly hair is far more white than black. Black hair is nappy.

The chinese nigga looks like a fucking Altmer.


Bullshit, I have gorgeous curly hair and I have no Savage white blood in me.

And no one will remember this thread either.

Sure you don't. The AVERAGE African American is 24% European.

men > women
black men > white women
white men > white women
black women > white men
black men > black women
black men > white men
black skin > white skin
melanin = dominance

Why has it = slavery throughout history?

I wish asianmasculinity would racebait with their own race. Sends a bad message about me you know?

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Slavery was white male insecurity. They needed to keep blacks enslaved because they were afraid of their potential to dominate. Blacks aren't slaves anymore. Whites invented the one drop rule because during their reign of terror in America they realized that even if white men bred with the dark skin native women or the slave black women their kids looked more closer to the other races then their own. When white women bred with other men their kids also clearly looked more like the other race than white. This put deep fear into the heart of the white man because even if they chose pleasuring their own cocks hoping to "conquer" the other races their kids still were too dark because melanin always dominates recessive white genes. This is why even in present day you have so many white males on here that despite really attractive dark women of other races posted here it often draws disgust from the white men here. They know they cannot conquer. If all white men bred with black women they would still have blacks to deal with. If all black men bred with white women white men would become a conquered race. White men literally cannot win unless they kill off everyone including the women of other races. This is the curse of being a recessive white being. Eternally cucked genes always threatened by darkness.

Superior races don't let other races enslave them.

You're thinking of dominance in terms of physical dominance here. I am talking about dominance in terms of genetic dominance here is the difference. Plenty of white guys here have compared breeding with blacks to putting a turd in the punch bowl. I would argue its more like white genes being inferior but I digress. The point is white men know that darker genes are dominant. You cannot disprove the science. Yeah you can try to physically impose your "dominance" all you want but darker genes will continue to win out over recessive white genes like blue eyes, blonde hair and pale skin.

>delusional Cacs strike again

They're more black than you are white you mutt and they identify black kys

Hey man, it's your race. You can mix it out if you want. "Dominance" of physical characteristics will go away over time. Blacks are the only race on the planet that think muh dick is the best way to conquer. Other empires like European and East Asian and were more about ethnic purity and building empires. In typical form it's all about wrecking something that is already established instead of building something up.

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>implying genetic dominance indicates superiority

Huntingtons's disease is dominant, and thats a brain wasting illness.

Pic related, a man showing is dominant Treacher Collins syndrome genes. Such masculinity and power, his spawn truly will inherit the Earth

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Don't forget to always include the most attractive pictures in your race baits to get replies. Kill yourself. Saged.