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This is the template for this kind of CYOA

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Im gonna be yella fella. Oreganoli

black definitely

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well at least I bought some time and i'm not a complete retard like Light.

I'm going for the blue one. I hate sleeping

b l a c k p i l l 4 l y f e

Blue pill for sure m8
If you think about it, it sounds a lot like my favorite drug. Think about it, staying awake and having no hunger, sounds like Ritalin.

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The blue pill never said you wouldn't gain weight from eating if you wanted to, or lose weight from not eating.

pink pill downside is basically double strength

all the same blue for sure

pink pill is the best (or red if you're self conscious)

It's a tough one, but I'd have to go with the death note. As much as I'd like to never have to eat or sleep, it would be way more fun and way more interesting to have the death note. Trying to make deaths look like accidents would be the best part.

Surprised no one said red, the obvious best answer. Break out of dyel and manlet mode.

red if I could not grow any taller, im 6'3 so I'd have to go with yellow so I can just steal a shit load of money

red because im a fatass

Black, even if it is a close race with red.

Black pill without a moment's hesitation

Green so I can wageslave harder

Pink without a doubt, but I wouldn't show off my powers out in the open.

>didn't post a fresco

>blue pill
Get bored so quickly I start wishing I could go back to sleep
>red pill
>5'7" to 5'12"
So I guess I become a turbomanlet

Eating and sleeping are a chore.

yellow for sure

Yellow and just steal everything, it makes green obsolete. Even if no repeating digits everyone would just think I'm a ghoOoOost moving shit around and not bother me.

>idiots here who don't want the pink pill and have telekinesis.

This would be a real reason to start lifting and getting stronger.

Grats, only with dubs is the yellow pill somewhat usefull.
And still it's rather vague, because your presence is still their, invisibility only implies optical camouflage to some sorts of degree.
You still produce sound and emit heat etc.

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I'd take the red pill if it weren't for the height increase. That would put me at 6'8" and into freakishly large territory, shame it doesn't do anything about weight.

So it'd only be for the training effect. But if I started lifting on my own with the pink pill as motivation it wouldn't be an issue. So pink all the way.

Blue. Saves money and doubles my productivity.

Black. I won't make the same mistakes.

I might do the blue, I like food but days getting extended by 8 hours sounds great. I hate sleeping.

Yours sucks so I made a better one.

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Pink pill for sure. Black pill is too much power for a mortal man, and it places one in the extremely depressing, godless death note verse.

Blue pill, i would do so many things with those extra silent hours.

Continuing with All these pills are pretty dangerous, Black is instant death given enough time, and not existing is terrible. Red is awesome, but a bit too unstable. Yellow is the World of Cardboard problem. Pink is the safest if you play a game somewhere between John Wick and The Thing, Green is the safest to play it normie.

Come on, man. At least make it the other pills are somewhat attractive options. The Red Pill is the only way to go in this example

>all the pills are pretty dangerous
Thats part of the fun. With great power comes dire consequences. With OPs example all of the pills are useless.
They all are if you're creative. Personally I'd take the pink pill.

Red pill is an awesome pill, but it has it's downsides. What if you blink into a universe where being immortal is entirely normal and you're not special anymore? What if you blink into a timeline where your favorite thing never came to conception?
Also, the Red pill fails to mention if it grants you eternal youth or not. You could be a Struldbrugg and turn out ultra-senile.

Meant to (You) . Fuck me.

Oh my bad. I'd say once you hit 30 you stop aging. That was the entire idea with the universe and time line thing, once you get comfortable, shit fucking changes and fucks everything up. You could end up getting captured by some alien race and getting tortured, or a messiah in another timeline on earth. All that cool shit.

Pink pill sounds fucking awesome

black pill is the best pill
you can finally act out your dreams of mass murder

*rolls for Green Pill*

No dubs?? OMG I'm fucked

red pill
I have an 8 inch dong ;^)
t. manlet

Yellow 100%

Yeah, but you're a manlet so your 8inch is a normal males 4inch which would become at best a 2inch if you decided to cease being a manlet, so you'd end up with microbenis.

yellow ofc

Let's go let's go lads

Blue pill is the obvious fucking choice. It allows you to get the gains from the red pill since you now have 8 extra hours a day.

Pink Pill is kinda cool, but being able to experience an extra third of your life and not get tired(sleepy tired) is the greatest.

Blue or pink. Can't decide. If blue means that my body automatically has whatever nutrients necessary for peak health / recovery, and I can still eat / sleep if I want to, then I'd chose that. I do live with my parents, but I work overnight and they don't, so they wouldn't know that I'm spending daylight hours awake.

? where does it say that? All it says is that you don't NEED to eat. It doesn't say anything about the effects of additional non-necessary food or sleep.

Black pill sounds good

No I would just be the king of manlets with an 8inch dong
no downsides

>your 8inch is a normal mans 4inch
thats not how maths work

black pill sounds great if i were suicidal, i like sleeping too much for the blue pill, yellow/pink are about even for me, green is stupid and lame, and red is neat but its no yellow/pink

ill take either of the superpowers idc

>black pill
>kill one person I don't like who doesn't even live near me

your move, police

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Being tall

Black without a doubt, life would become so much more interesting.
Also if you pick blue then you're a normie, sleeping away your troubles is the trademark of a robot