Reiko's Trap Harem

Can someone give me a quick rundown of wtf is going on with this? I've been blissfully ignorant of how bad the trap servers are because mine is an oasis. How much of this is true? What is being done to stop it? What else is there to know?

Attached: 1.png (590x580, 401K)

i hear the dude got off the internet, after realizing people are actually looking for the dude after all of the crime and murder he could be held accountable for.

Reiko is a modern day Manson.

another fucking retarded bump

Everyone flipped their shit over this dude, ended up doxxing random people, normalfag sites got involved, pissed off a fuckton of mods on a fuckton of sites, then everyone kinda just forgot about the whole thing. Im not even sure if the dude actually existed.

whole situation is blown out of fucking proportion, if the dude resurfaces that's his problem, if he doesn't then it's no one's

How much was true though?

doesn't matter, he has too much of a name for himself anyways.

what is htk? someone please explain this

who the hell knows. there were a bunch of people jumping in on the bandwagon, so people claimed he was the reason a robot sucked shotgun, but almost everything is unconfirmed.

what a shitty way to advertise your trap server

I heard similar rumors from a splinter server, so I figured this is likely to be true.

I'd ask for a link but I know it won't be safe.

I'm just going to assume everyone involved is in a shallow grave.

Quick question.
Is Reiko the same retard who used to spam I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook on /b/ like a gazillion years ago?

> 5504
I don't know why don't you tell us? Considering you are the one samefagging this thread and bumping it from page 10 and are most likely Reiko himself on a narcassistic scizopherenic frenzy ... Like we are learning you are every day... sitting her day in day out shitposting and trashing a community that actually used to be interesting. k thanks dude

It's fucking Trevor.

I gotta admit that's pretty hot

Attached: 1461120475755.png (1181x1398, 741K)

What exactly is
>pretty hot
About that OP, Trevor?

Not Trevor, I just have a fetish for men being forcibly feminized.

probably none of it
I talked to reiko via shitscord and he's a bog-standard troll
if he's trevor, I'll cook and eat my fucking hat

>t not admitting to being t
that's a first

he's probably not t but one of his orbiters/impersonators

You can tell what posts are being done by the coordinated shitposter(s) because they make OPs about the same old news day in day out. No one actually cares about rieko or whatever BS happened with those retards on discord but because it got "news" coverage this shitposter is trying to re-live his 5 minutes of fame.

Remember to report these shitposts if you are tired of seeing the same content over and over again on Jow Forums. Unfortunately the are too many lurkers and too few posters. And those few posters are few and far between because true users of this board only OP content they deem worthy of an OP. Do your part and report these threads.
To report a post click the arrow next to the Post ID #

>Unfortunately the are too many lurkers and too few posters.
we can afford to lose half our lurkers
- moot

Then you're a big flaming homo. And therefore a threat to public health.

trevor posts were actually identified and called out on Jow Forums before, back when it was called craig posts and done ironically. you can refer to the IRC logs of mods/janitors discussing the same tactics used in these threads, wherein page 10 bumps are done in addition to keeping nonsense threads/bait on page 1/2 of the catalog

maybe people wouldn't be pulling all this gay shit if you weren't forcing your two-RT deus vult bullshit down their throats every second of the goddamn day

craig literally did not fucking exist, I was there
the end result was fucking nothing, pinned on some sonic autist rando
it was not legit in the slightest

it was a double-bluff

Too bad, you people end up trying to normalize your lifestyle choice when not forced into obscurity. This normalization causes many children to "question their sexuality" which can lead to more people adopting a extremely harmful lifestyle.

Saying that gay prople wouldn't be a big deal if people didn't hate them is like saying that leaving a teenager alone with weed in the room and giving them a thumbs up is a good idea.

The joke is pointing out your own posting style/tactics and pinning it on someone else as a joke, so that it doesn't come up again in serious discussion. 7d ironic shitposting chess bullshit

Killed the

this is one of the people we're talking about

is that really you moot


reiko's rat torture group, hes in there go go go

nice bait user but definitely not falling for that

yeah hes in there.


I really don't care, please stop bumping this thread

don't respond to t/weebmafiosi they thrive on attention

dead meme, its a hoax made by those trap lords themselves. all they did was collect trap e-boys in disc servers. no doxxing, no blackmailing, no forced hrt. just alot of faggotry