How's your week going slaves?
What kind of work do you do? Why does it make you want to kill yourself?

Right now I'm unemployed but my funds are running out so I'm job searching but I hate the area I live in and want to leave. Does anyone know of any opportunities where you can get a job in a rural area in like canada or alaska or even overseas or something? I need to escape the Midwest.

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get a degree in anything and go teach english in any foreign country you want. It only lasts a year or so but it should be pretty fun.

have you tried the local gas station?

I haven't, working at a gas station where I live would be absolute ass. Too many bums and druggies and not enough boomers. I hate boomers but out of all the gas station customers they would probably be the best.

Tomorrow I'm going to apply to a local doughnut shop that's hiring and maybe some other various restaurants. Another thing I was thinking about was the big grocery store near me, there's usually a lot of people in shitty positions working at grocery stores like Kroger and such but I feel like the work would probably be pretty easy and I could get away with asking for a pretty good wage relative to how easy the work would probably be (I've only worked shitty restaurant and landscaping jobs so my standards aren't too high, unfortunately)

Started a new job a month ago. Similar to the last one but this place seems to value its employees and is not falling apart. Good benefits too and has sports facilities we can use. Feels good

>wageslave thread
>op is not a wageslav
Explain yourself numato

Minimum wage retail. Fucking hate every single moment. I just want to go NEET, there is no escape for me.

I work at fucking UPS

min wage tyre fitter with 2/3 write ups here

I crave the sweet release of death.

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>work in fast food going to graveyard too

it's not terrible bad and I can hold myself because of free food/drinks/internet

>free food/drinks/internet

All that's keeping me at T. Bell/In N Out

Unemployed right now but worked at a restaurant for three years hated every second of it. Also picked up the shitty habit of smoking and have been regretting every moment of it. Hopefully you job search goes good op , good luck out there.

>How's your week going slaves?
My work week is excellent though stressful due to the first mandatory audit of my work
>What kind of work do you do?
Data analysis/reporting (SQL, spreadsheets and simple statistics)
>Why does it make you want to kill yourself?
It doesn't.
Crippling loneliness and the fact that probably the closest thing I've had to a GF was a huge fucking roastie.

I'm a junior level programmer. I work for a software consultancy firm that contracts out as a vendor for corporate clients. They currently have me working on a team for a multinational MLM that shall go unnamed, but holy hell is it making me want to rip out what little hair I have left. I'm still pretty new to this programming thing but I already have a deep abiding hatred for front end development and Javascript frameworks.

Glad I have vacation coming up. Also I'm still hourly so they can't make me work 50+ hour weeks like the poor salaried bastards do.

there are generally fucking no jobs in rural areas aside from minimum wage shit. Most those towns have no middle class and its nothing but a few rich people and their hordes of peasant slaves.

>How's your week going slaves?
Pretty good actually, been high on painkillers the last couple of days at work so I work harder and it's actually enjoyable. Also nice knowing tomorrow is Thursday, only two more days and then work week is over (off on weekends).

>What kind of work do you do?
Highschool custodian, far from a great job but it pays 21$ an hour, unionized and excellent benefits.

>Why does it make you want to kill yourself?
Mmmmm the job itself isn't bad, it's the people who work there (other custodians, teachers, administrators) alot of ego and alot of people who look down on custodians.

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Driving a forklift for 17 dollars/ hour.
Im making over a thousand a week but im so tired of doing the same shit with absolutely retarded niggers

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fucking jealous

I work on a 7-11 and im on my third week at nightshift, its usually lonely and easy as the only thing I do is attending people. Might kill myself but out of loneliness and/or being a failure mostly, not from working here

I do hard menial labour, self employed. I made $500 gross today and I am so close to killing myself.

are you a khv?
do you ever share a longing gaze with some qt 15 year old girl?

To those ordering at drive through. We will have trouble hearing you if:
-you're letting your kid order for you
-you are ordering from the passenger seat
-you have a loud engine
-there's loud traffic in the background (firetruck, honking, ambulance)
-your car window is broken and you are trying to order food with the car door open, but the car door is blocking the microphone
-you're not facing the microphone
-you're not leaning into the microphone
-you're on the phone
-you have music playing

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>makes wagecuck thread

What do you do?

Let me guess, part time package handler?

Fast food graveyard shit, that's brutal my fellow cuck.

How did you find out your ex is a whore?

Do you really make 21$ per hour as a custodian?

You must be working 65+ hours a week.

For some reason working at a 7-11 seems comfy.

Seems like a decent job. I have a family member that works there and also does graveyard , says it's a better than others jobs he had

Shame you work for snobs. At my old high school students and teachers were all pretty friendly with the custodians, especially this older guy who wore a superman T shirt under his jumpsuit, everybody called him super bob and he was very friendly.

>are you a khv?
No, ive had casual sex and ive been in two relationships. Last relationship was over two years ago, though and I haven't had sex in half a year.

>do you ever share a longing gaze with some qt 15 year old girl?
I mean, I have looked at certain cute girls and wondered how it would have been to date one back when I was in highschool (I was chubby/fat and didn't talk to girls at all). There are definitely some cuties, though.

>Do you really make 21$ per hour as a custodian?
Yes. You have to figure it's not just any custodial job, its a highschool, part of a district. We are employees of the state.

>have just as much hours and work days as the team leaders, but I'm just a regular employee

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Got myself a new job a few months ago.
Now I work at a factory earning 24 $/hour.
I also work a lot of overtime as I get a 100% bonus per hour.
Right now life is good, I can begin focusing on other parts of my life, not needing to worry about my job anymore

>tfw alcoholic
>got a new job at the liquor store


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Well, not all the staff are bad but there are a decent amount who basically treat us like we don't exsist. There are some really cool teachers, though and as far as students go, they are pretty bad. Im in southern california, so there is alot of entitlement and alot of the kids act like they can do or say whatever they want. The sad/frustrating part is, they can and do get away with alot. The parents back them up and threaten complain to the district or sue.

Not the UPS poster but I also work at PT package handler. It's keeping me in good shape and the people are nice for the most part. Some nights it is absolute hell though with everything getting jammed up on the conveyors and loading 50-100 lb box one after another. Not the worst job I've had but it is pretty crappy.

Pic also related. Most the people working there look like this.

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do you get a discount?

yeah, only about 5% though

Ya, ive heard many stories about working there (I had a couple friends who worked package handler conveyors) and I'm sure most of the employees at thier location looked looked like your pic as well (they worked in ontario, california, alot of nigs).

op here, I am a wageslave, I just quit my shitty restaurant job recently though so I've been out of employment. Part of the slavery is that even if you quit, you still have to eventually go back.

OP you could possibly try oil rigs, logging, fishing boats (or any boat needing a crew)

I work as a landscaper and it's not so bad. Definitely beats the prison of neetdom I had a half decade ago.

Maybe constantly seeing the results of rampant alcoholism will make you stick to sobriety

Im going to a job interview at McDonalds today, How bad is It really?

How's your week going slaves?

>not too good, not too bad

What kind of work do you do?

>below average healthcare worker $14/hr

Why does it make you want to kill yourself?

>constantly sick
>rude doctors
>a lot of small talk/gossip
>should be paid more

>relaxed dresscode
>pretty comfy job sometimes
>can be on phone during downtime
>get to help people (have a purpose)
>people respect you

What's everyones annual income

>43k here (euro)

Wana get an idea of what people earn

Nearly four months of hunting now and I still can't even find a slave job. Where did they all go?

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Don't worry man Trump is bringing them all back to you. The problem is they will be low paid and no extra benefits such as pension or sick pay. He is the job master but he is also an extreme capitalist.

> tfw bong
> Had a dream the other night that I got rejected for a job specifically because I post on /v/

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>live in one of the wealthiest countries in Europe with next to no unemployment within my demographic
>have literal mental retardation, it's documented in papers that all agencies have access to
>on top of that be registered as a retard in the employment agency's database
>employment agency is at a loss on how to get a retard like me a job
>they managed to scrounge up an unpaid internship that promises me employment after a period of three months
>accept it grudgingly, get paid 300 euro per month. only 1/3 of the travel expenses are covered
>get convinced to work overtime and double shifts because "it looks really promising"
>internship period ends, boss tells me that our agreement was only verbal and that circumstances has changed so I can't get the job. I ask what I did wrong but he either refused to say or never planned to hire me in the first place
>"we're happy with you but we can't afford to hire anybody right now"
>return to employment agency, it's me they're mad at for "not pushing hard enough"

What country user?


If you're an actual retard how are you capable of writing this post so coherently?
You seem to be of at least average intelligence desu senpai.
I mean I'm from the US and when we say retard we are talking about people who drool on themselves and just lay in a chair going DUUUUHHHHH over and over again.

The country is Sweden, sorry for not being very original

Thanks for making me kek anonn

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>How did you find out your ex is a whore?
She was never my ex, she was what I thought as a possible GF but then she revealed herself.
I guess the lot of oral/finger blasting we did should've made that obvious

Im underage but i try and make some money by doing commisions and helping out at a local icecream shop

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I work in the library of a museum.
Comfiest job ever lads

Here's how it's going to work. I'm going to ignore any complaints you have about me, the customer, your master. You will get my order correct or suffer the consequences.

this is an unironic post

weeks been going well, left at 930am monday because I didn't feel like being there. didn't show up tuesday because I didn't have to/want to. wednesday went by quickly because I was busy.
I'm a social worker in rural america, make a little north of 30k a year
I was NEET for just over 4 years before this job. that made me want to kill myself. 30k a year in a low cost of living area plus a car mommy&daddy bought me can make for a comfy life; outside my 40 hours per week of wageslavery

Woke up middle of the night with food poisoning. Cant fall back to sleep and feel impending diarrhea. Should I call in?

I feel tired all the time. Admittedly that's partly due to other poor life decisions, but I just want to sleep and play videogames when I get home.

gonna start my first proper job since graduation soon with Amazon, looking forward to having something to do yeh but not looking forward to the wagey life

I'm in consulting (McKinsey /bain/bcg) recently got a gig to go inhouse. So just chilling and serving notice. So no don't want to kill myself now

Supervisor in a call center. I hate how boring and meaningless it is but its easy and I get okay pay for someone who has no degree or hard skills. Within the next year or so I'll be replaced by an automated system so I'll probably be pushed to look for something else. My dream would be to have somewhere basic to live, even in a van, and work only part time hours with occasional overtime. The 40+ hour a week grind is incredibly depressing.

>applied for a job in a call center
>got invited
>fucked up the test call so bad they probably thought in too retarded to write my own name

Why even live.

Laborer, my skin is rubbed off my knuckles and I cannot wash my hands. Everything hurts, my back, my head and my legs.

Everyone fucks up due to nerves or any number of reasons I wouldn't beat yourself up over it. You dodged a bullet imo working in a call center is fucking miserable.

wageslave, looking to start an actual career.
have been paid sub-10 quid (britbong) whole life.
only good jobs are avaliable in cities, so 45-min commute each way, or rent...
some fucking HOUSE SHARES are nearly 1k a month, wtf.

lmao just move its 2018 you peasant, the countryside is sooo 20th century

Working at 7-11 was one of the worst experiences of my life but that could be attributed to it being located in a shitty city in a shitty state (((CA))) Santa Ana

Last shift is on Saturday so's I can go back to studying. Quite sad about it desu. It's going to be without fanfare, I think. A bit sad about that too.

I am a potatonigger in finance making 35k merkels p/y
kill me

>start working warehouse
>eventually reach low tier management
>no responsibilities, sit in the lounge canteen for 2hrs straight
>basically play hearthstone all night
>40hr work week
>13 Gbp/h
>living the dream