Why do my co workers pick on me? They keep calling me baby

Why do my co workers pick on me? They keep calling me baby

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We all know you're a neet. Drop the larp pathetic faggot. Quit doing this to your parents

i think they want to fuck you user

We need to cleanse the gene pool. This thread was the straw that broke the camels back.

Because you came to the internet to cry like a baby instead of telling them what you had to say

>co workers
I obviously have a job

well they say I look way younger than I am idk how that breaks the camel's back

reminds me of when I started high school and these two sophomore/junior girls used to call me "baby user". I think they gave me a thing for teasing/bullying.

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If you don't want them to call you a baby then don't act like a baby.

I'm quiet out in public. I never complain while working

what kind of people call you baby?

Mainly the old ladies but the guys did last time I worked

what kind of tone did they use?

A nice tone I guess. They said I look like a baby lol

I'm so mentally ill I like to be babied

Mommy issues

>co workers
>I obviously have a job
Oh man because you said it I should believe you. My bad.

I dont have any mommy issues

That means you look low-test. Babyface.

Are you making fun me? Fuk u

sounds like you still belong in diapers, dumb babu

What is it with indians and shit-related things?

you're almost halfway round the world wrong buddy