>be 20
>live at home
>am extremely hungry
>walk into the kitchen at 1AM to find food
>mother hears me and marches her ass downstairs
>yells at me, tells me I can't eat anything because she doesn't want people eating in the kitchen at night
>confiscates what I was about to eat and sends me back to my room
>It's almost 2 now and my stomach feels like it's about to cave
>can't go to mcdonalds because my house has an alarm system that makes an extremely loud noise even when you set it to allow doors/windows to be opened
Anyone else here have insane parents?
Crazy Parents thread
>confiscated your food
Fuck the alarm. Go get some food.
>be 20
Nah, you're underage. Kill yourself
what this dude said
better to eat and feel better rather than not eating and feeling angry from hunger
I'm a third year university student. My mother just happens to be Christian to the extreme. I'm literally not allowed to drink (and in my country, it's not uncommon for young adults to live at home)
>Mom is neurotic.
>She's Canadian but, has no chill when she's at home.
>Does this half cry angry screech.
>Less than 5 mins she cries when something goes wrong.
>Dad is asian.
>Not very masculine.
>Always mad at me.
>Can't be calm around him.
>Really fast to yell at me.
>He's getting older and his English is starting to get poor.
>I can't be calm around them 80% of the time.
>Shouting matches occur frequently.
Jesus Christ, is that LilyPichu?!
>Be me
>Clothes shopping with parents
>Found a load of shirts I like
>Mum insists I get trousers even though I have 3 decent pairs
>Matalan trousers are all too small around my leg because I have hench legs
>Mum, all of these don't fit around my leg
>Mum gets angry
>Fucking refuses to leave until I get a pair of trousers
>2 hours later and she's pissed off
>I've been able to tell by eye if they'll fit or not
>Mum finally finds a pair of old man trousers
>"That's just insulting" I say aloud
>Big mistake.jpg
>She fucking frogmarches me to the changing room and tells me to put them on
>Nails digging into my shoulder
>I try them on
>Way too big, the crotch hangs lower than a Chav's
>Tell Mum they're too big
>She freaks out in the shop, throwing a proper hissy
>Berates me and everything I do
>TFW going to uni with better grades than her
>Shop stares at her
>Incidents like these are why I don't want to talk to her anymore, but she's fucking loaded so I have to
>That was the day I hatched a terrible plan
>She's on thin ice
You have to go back
Oh I'm sorry, should I have used .ino and .png instead?
Oh god I guess I have quite a few stories but heres one that happened a few years ago
>be me
>18 years old and have older sisters
>out of nowhere dad keeps accusing my mom of cheating on him
>makes us take a paternity test to make sure we are actually his kids
>yes we are indeed his children
>big fucking surprise my old ugly asian mother isnt cheating
>few years later and he still makes these accusations out of nowhere and gets in arguments with my mom
I legitimately think he has some form of dementia or something at this point. Once I finish my undergraduate next year im planning on going to grad school somewhere away from home so I dont have to be around this shit.
lookit the wee memelet
scrot.exe > cringe_compilation/47535635.png
>mfw you must be synchronized to the rotation of the earth or else you will be punished
Someone who is paranoid about cheating unwarranted is definitely the cheater himself.
She probably doesn't care about people eating. She's irritated with you for waking her up by walking around at 1 AM when she has up in the morning and she's punishing you for it. It's an understandable reaction, especially if you're up so late becuase you slept the day away, you don't have a job, and/or she does have a job and is supporting you.
I have a job and this could be easily solved if she allowed me to keep boxes of food in my room but she's too OCD for that
Would also like to add that she was watching TV, so I wasn't keeping her up
>he doesn't let his mom know who's the REAL boss
should probably move out desu, I make like 1k a month but tuition and rent is expensive
dude you are a 20 year old MALE, your mom won't be able to do shit. Just do whatever the fuck you want, within reason ofcourse. If you want to eat then you go get food whether she likes it or not.
damn that girl is beautiful op, give me some sauce
Wtf country is that? Also fuck your mom n eat something if youre that hungry.
My parents were both extremely well adjusted and tried their best for my siblings and I.
>My mother just happens to be Christian to the extreme
same, my childhood could've been a lot less bland
She probably thought you were going masturbate with it
ITT underages
Move out
You have no excuse for taking shit from your mother if you're a grown ass man
Move the fuck out
>if you don't like X then move out
Spotted the actual underage.
Honestly, this is perfectly reasonably behavior, she seems quite worried about people breaking in.
And if you're not paying for shit, you don't get to make demands. You should've eaten or gone to bed sooner.
>can't go to mcdonalds because my house has an alarm system that makes an extremely loud noise even when you set it to allow doors/windows to be opened
yeah why not just say you are too lazy to go outside or its to cold
My life is full of retarded rules.
>not allowed to cook my own food because I'll make a mess
>not allowed to rearrange my own bookshelf because I'll make a mess
>not allowed to sit on my bed in my indoor clothes because they're 'dirtier' than pyjamas
>not allowed to sit on the couch in my outdoor clothes because they're 'dirty'
>computer keyboard and floor nearby MUST be cleaned every day before use
>all clothes MUST be shaken outside before wearing
>anything 'dirty' e.g. a secondhand videogame controller MUST be cleaned with vinegar before bringing it into the house, even if it is already clean
>'dirty' objects are treated like infectious biohazards i.e. you MUST wash your hands, anywhere it touched must be cleaned
>only recently got a dishwasher because washing by hand is safer than a dishwasher
>handwashing still used in 40% of dishes despite the dishwasher
>forks and knives from the dishwasher MUST be rinsed before use to remove traces of detergent
>retarded superstitions are also present and must be obeyed
>thinks you can just get around the rules and regulations in university despite what their website says: e.g. you can just walk into any workplace and demand an internship despite the website giving a list of specific institutions
>any objection such as logical thought and reasoning is met with a meltdown and hostility
>user, why don't you ever cook for us? why do you always sit on your computer?
Gee, it's almost as if the computer is my only means of personal freedom where I can do what I want.
>>yells at me, tells me I can't eat anything because she doesn't want people eating in the kitchen at night
How is this a "mother"? If my mum knew I was hungry at 1am, she would get up and make me something, not that I would let her though.
If you're 20 and still living at home then I'd just leave anyways, leave a note that says "gone out" and go out to get some food or, even better, have a friend who you can hang out with, and just stay out really late.
Also, if you have a job then do what you want, if you don't, get a job that gives you a little money and do what you want
>having a job or a friend
it could be much worse than you assume. Im 25 and I still live with my pycho mother. I don't even have a job or any friends, let alone any money.
>Mom got remarried.
> Actually happy about it cause she told him I am a horrible child
>To keep this facade up she has stopped hitting and screaming at me when he's around.
> It's only bad when he's gone cause she uses that as catch up time. Throwing my stuff and smacking me for reasons like not picking up after the dog fast enough.
> Mom would give me a bowl to poop on when her husband is showering.
>Feel subhuman
> He gets frustrated with me cause I would lock myself in the closet all day cause I don't have a room.
>"If you don't get yourself together I will get rid of your dog"
>Dog has been my sole companion in real life.
>Was doing contract work to save up but lied about the amount I made.
> Break down about mom and how I refuse to have two people treating me like garbage. Looking back on it, he probably has no idea what i was talking about.
>Used saved up money to move out.
> Nowadays mom calls to let off steam.
>The same insults the same threats. >Sometimes she drives to my apartment to scream at me.
>I occasionally allow it cause at this point , I feel bad for her.
>My life has gotten a lot better since I moved out.
sounds like your parent has ocd
Whats with all the hapas in this thread?
yeah I got the same suggestion in the last thread I posted this in. it's really difficult and restrictive to live with.
Hapas have some of the most disfunctional families. ie Elliot Rodger, Keanu Reeves, etc.
Oh, your parents not letting you eat is bad enough for you? Get ready to hear the most egregious shit.
Imagine having an intrinsically sociopathic father (which I also inherited some of my behavioral disposition from, so I know how to act like a sociopath myself sometimes)
>Dad is eastern european, 6'8, literal mountain, you'd think he is a chad but he acts like the most average eastern european man
>his legs are massive, he loves kicking shit around, his upper body has a mesomorph type build, despite such a physique he always engaged in beta hobbies (eg. writing books, riding horses, doing art, printing, shit like this)
Now here's the deal.
>never known him since I was a kid, he left when I was 5, and even from then I have PTSD from shit he did
>decide to meet up with him when I turned 18
>meet up somewhere in europe
Also to mention, he literally left 6 children and my mother and went to the US, married a rich artist who's 6 years younger than him and who gave him money (and not to mention she was nordic and fairly attractive) and he gave that money to me often to buy shit.
>talk about some shit
>everything I say makes him extremely mad
>in the meetup, we are with some woman, her position here is irrelevant but she was there
Now let me tell you something, there is nothing more scary to me than a woman making crazy noises or acting insane, or fighting and getting aggressive, it's fucking bizarre to me.
>woman gets angry at me for something
>answer in a bitter manner
>get back at a hotel type of place
>''dad'' tries to hit me
>punch the everliving fuck out of him from panic, start hitting him more and more from the side, he was turned at a weird angle
>as he stands realize how fucking massive this faggot is
>slams me into the corner of the bed and starts kicking the fuck out of me
>says something in the sharpest accent I've ever heard, goes ''nothing was more enjoyable than knowing I have 7 people hungry on my conscience, it was all my doing and I loved it''
Get a good stash in your room dumbass
Godlike trips
to finish it off, I was sitting on the floor dizzy with my eyes dancing around for at least 2 hours, he left, I never told my family about it, I've talked to him on phone since but it was very formal and we never really had a father-son type of conversation again.
I was literally sat on that floor stomped in, everything about him brought back flashbacks to those short 5 years of my fucking childhood, he is genuinely the only person I'm still angry at and scared of
he made me want to kill myself
Make friends with someone who's like 20
You're older, they might get along with you better, and you can also buy Alcohol which is a plus
How? Elaborate? Original
First you have to meet someone who's 20 who is reasonably likable/agreeable
Start some conversation, and if you can, buy some beer and share it while talking with them
Just bond with someone over a drink
>be 8
>wish for batman costume for birthday
>mom buys superman costume instead cus she don't know the difference
>gets angry at me for not liking the present
>drags me into my room and yells at me
>hide under my bed and cry for 40 minutes while my mom is threatening to disown me
>wear the superman costume anyway
wow op looks almost exactly like my gf
Get a job OP and your own place OP. Then you can go get McD's at any time you want
the "filename.extension"-meme only works when you use it to refer to a well known picture/webm/gif that people recognise from the filename alone.
maybe you're just a fat fuck and you're mom finally snapped and is worried that you'll eat yourself into an early grave
If there's one thing I can say about my formative years, is that they weren't boring...
>father regularly brought home 6+ prostitutes and bed them while my siblings and I were still awake
>got arrested at a grocery store for urinating into the nacho cheese dispenser and only avoided jail because he gave the cops on site 4,000 USD
>on my first day of american high school, he lectured me on the drive to study hard and stay away from drugs, and when he came to pick me up at the end of the day, he offered me peyote
>went on a restrictive crash diet that he didn't need because he wanted to get rid of his "dad bod", even though he was in perfectly fine shape
>referred to my brother's girlfriend as a thot to her face because he's ESL and was under the impression it meant girlfriend in youth speak, and wanted to stay "hip" and "cool"
those are not "rules" those are nonsense
there is not any reasoning, she is C R A Z Y
punch yourself in the BALLS
Your mother has OCD and is also a controlling bitch.
why does she look so frightened, the dogs just getting up cause he doesn't want some bitch laying on his ribs.
I think the dog kicked her or caught her hair in its foot
>be 11
>dont clean room
>get beaten up with a belt
>got bruises
>school saw bruises
>nearly taken away
>parents say its all my fault and they will never love me
>have pc
>learned to torrent and all by the age of 8 because dad said hell never buy me a game or a movie
>built my own pc from found parts when I was around 10
>spent two days playing w.o.w non stop
>parents cancelled internet
>no more internet friends
>no more friends at all
>still age 10,parents buying house
>told me to choose house
>I chose abandoned small ruin
>next 10 years get blame for picking the house because they keep renovating it
>the kitchen has no floor, the bathroom has no sink and pipes out, no floor for years, because they rather spend money on shoes and shirts than to renovate it
>dad has taken the house apart anyway, because 'hell have no time to do that later'
>they threatened to kick me out if I got any C grade at GCSE
>Dad randomly broke my things, like laptop, or split my keyboard in half on his knee
>makes me iron all our cloths, towels, socks, etc
>made me cook every day since the age of 6 (got pretty good at cooking cause of this), neither of the parents can cook a thing
>never got lunch in school, ended up being underweight because I only ate dinner that I made at home
>school was 7 miles away, mum refused to give me bus money, had to walk 7 miles to school every day
I moved out two years ago but whenever I come over I'm still sad
Ehh, a thousand more stories
Juts file a restraining order already, it's pretty clear this bitch doesn't want to be your mom anymore
just go to sleep retard, you won't die. If you want to set the kitchen rules, get your own kitchen.
why hasnt their house accidentally burned down with them inside while they sleep?
Just drop em, they sound like dysfunctional psychos
south america? lol
people telling OP to move out, yet they don't move out to
your dad sounds wild but how was him as a parent?
That shit sounds like stuff from Titus
>Mom would give me a bowl to poop on when her husband is showering.
That's fucked up man.
My mum recently told me that when I was young she often found me standing at the end of their bed in the middle of the night
She said she thought I wanted to kill them
I found this very sad because I'm pretty sure I just wanted a hug. No one ever hugged me.
I can't drop them. They're my parents. Family. They're disfunctional but if I'm in some real life trouble they'll be the only people I can ask for help
>parents are very religious
>moved across the state for a church and messed up all their kids social lives
>entire time I was being raised constantly told about how "They gonna come for the Christians soon and put us in camps"
>had to memorize an escape plan to the chapel down the street since the "servants of satan can't enter a house of god"
Only fat people eat after 9pm. Unless you work graveyard shift you have zero reason to eat.
oh shut the f up dude, i moved around with my family my whole life, infact it HELPED with ym social life bcause i can make friends easily. stop being a puss. friends come and go.
I'm 140 and I eat McDonald's almost every night at 1 am because that's when my step dad comes home
man i want some mcy ds now. but burger king is king.
>be 20
>live at home
Found your problem, m8.
why would she want you to lay in bed all night starving? that shit fucks up your sleep. i cant even sleep well unless i eat. i am a night owl also living at home with my parents, i will be up till 4am usually but if i dont eat much i just lay in bed stomach grumbling. i have protein shakes now, i keep it all in my room and just fill up a water bottle in the bathroom sink and use that
Burger king is delicious, love the wopper, but my step dad doesn't so we usually just go to mcds, 2 McChickens and a large Coke pls
oh you mean your dad pays oh...
I'd fuck you. then watch anime
>boomer dad
>probably BPD
>gets instantly triggered if I don't eat food he offers me
>more than 95% of our interactions are him telling me about food
>uses the literal words "I need to feed you"
>one time was burned out from major depression and took a nap
>dad made food and tried to wake me up
>too tired
>dad runs outside into a thunderstorm
>starts the lawn mower and angrily starts mowing near my window
>fuck it, I'll get up and eat
>soon as I eat he is completely relaxed
I also tried to criticize him once. He literally screamed "LA LA LA LA LA" like a low-functioning autist, ran to his room, and slammed the door shut.
>riding horses
>eastern european
Your father's a hussar
Yeah, I'm a neet so it's pretty rare that I have money
T-thanks [/spoiler]I'm scared of sex
Fuck I couldn'tve fucked that spoiler up worse
I do know how to spoiler
>starts the lawn mower and angrily starts mowing near my window
Yeah you can ask them alright. And they'll do jackshit. I mean, they don't even give you bus money, it's not like they'll do anything for you at this point.
i'd be gentle not
Can we at least get to know each other first?
oh yeah you want to do all of that girly feels stuff first.
I've never been in a relationship or had sex, I'm not a manwhore or something, I'd like to be in a long term relationship, so yes, I want to do that girly feels stuff
Well, actually, they do things sometimes
I moved out to university a few years ago and since I'm foreign I had trouble getting student finance, so I had nothing to live for, and they gave me 100 pounds to last two months or so.
wait these seem very normal to me. i do most of these things
yeah me too dude i feel you
what is this then? originator
Are you that Croat from that /lit/ thread?
Why did you stop? Go on
>implying moving out is that easy
>t. 16 year old who thinks he knows shit
>tfw an user's circumstances underscore things to feel grateful for
Live with roommate. Plenty of boxes of food in my room, mostly protein bars or related snacks, can put them wherever I want.
>implying it's a lie
Dated a girl who had a home system just like OP's. Probably would think it was BS too if I hadn't experienced it.
>Mom would give me a bowl to poop on when her husband is showering.
What the fuck man?
>yes we are indeed his children
Well that's quite.... Surprising
>They're disfunctional but if I'm in some real life trouble they'll be the only people I can ask for help
Get a real family dude. They'll never care about you in the way others could
>get a real family
Call me back when you get a real gf
Its not easy
Nice try, my BMI is like 16
>My life has gotten a lot better since I moved out.
sorry to read about how you've been treated user, good to see things have picked up for you after you left.