A question for other anons

How did your parents meet eachother?

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Better question, how did you meet your parents?

At a party while my mother was traveling and riding the world-wide carousel

They went to high school together

they were both mechanics if you can believe that
>tfw i'm the sensitive autist musician with no interest whatsoever in mechanical shit

neighbors in an apartment

In college.
My mother should've aborted me tbqh famalam

My mom and grandma always fight so she was in a hurry running away so she got with my dad when she was 18 and my dad was like late 30s

bad decision, he was boring noncaring beta and when mom left him he took his incel issues on his kids including me

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Arranged marriage, met each other for the first a couple weeks before the wedding

they met each other at a high school of the USSR

my mom implies alcohol and cigarettes were involved

Semi-arranged marriage, not religious done for money/prestige

they both worked at a really bad bar where people shot heroin and the bartender needed a gun and one of them lived above the bar. I think it was my dad because my mom was living in her car. he "saved" her and they had me and my autistic brother and now they're divorced.

I don't have a dad


Evading the filter is agaisn't the rules. Please stop.

My dad liked the burritos at Taco Bell and my mom would put extra beans in his and so forth

r o m a n c e

>Dad is high school dropout who works as a bread truck driver
>Mom was training to be a nurse and lived with my aunt in apartment
>Aunt and her future first husband introduced them to eachother
>Dad dropped off fresh loaf of raisin bread and roses for my mom at their apartment and asked her out to a Giant's game
>Been together for 25 years
The worst part is it sounds like something I'd do to impress a girl.

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Oh, wouldn't you like to know*-*
I know exactly who was spying on me and my brother and Kirsten that night.(The guy who was staring weirdly at me the whole time and who said loudly that he liked MCR.. I kept trying to hide behind my brother's head so he couldn't stare. His friends were loud and quite annoying.)Why are you trying to make me feel ashamed for going to a bar for like the second time in my life? You people are utterly ridiculous. I've already told you my parents are alcoholics

There were hs sweethearts, mom got knocked up n they been together for 30 years. Dad cheated on her several times in their early ears but mom put up with it, never forgiving him, because of 3 kids; she cauldnt provide for us all without help. Their relationship is kinda stable now. Kinda

I think it was someone else's wedding party. It's not that interesting
My great grandparrents met in a military hospital though. During WWII my great grandpa was a part of a tank crew and eventually got blasted with shrapnel, lost an eye and some arm movement. In the hospital he met my great grandma who was working there as a nurse. I think they stayed together for almost sixty years, till death did them part

My mom met my dad when her dad was hauling him off the airport in cuffs

At a street fair in Germany.

It's also pretty funny that it might actually work

dating agency

The thing is that you gotta be cool enough now to keep the girl. Girls want and expect amazing guys. Caring for them or loving them isnt enough. Not for basic females anyways

Is this copypasta originolli